Pocahontass1 live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 6, 2022

7 thoughts on “Pocahontass1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Was there really a mess of milk and butter and almost raw potatoes waiting for you to clean up when you got home? Or did he just pretend to do it?

  2. So, again, in what way is either of you really polyamorous?

    I mean, dating one person doesn't make you no longer bisexual. Just because I don't currently have another partner, that doesn't mean I'm not polyamorous.

    It honestly just sounds like your girlfriend is feeling “meh” about your relationship

    Maybe that's true, but when I bring that up to her she denies it and reassures me that she's happy being together. I'm autistic, so I'm bad at reading cues, and she tells me when I'm reading too far into things. She tells me that when I question how into the relationship she is.

    How do you envision turning that relationship into a fulfilling one even if it's not your only one?

    It fulfills me because I get to spend as much time with her as I'd like, she's always there for me to default to

  3. None of us are going to know if he cheated mate, sometimes you put the razzle dazzle on at the beginning of the relationship and it tapers off, sometimes you put on weight etc.

    Defo been in a position where couldn't perform like I had initially but a LOT of fucked up stuff happened, it wouldn't be a suprise to you if that makes sense.

    Try not to over think it and have a good time.

  4. Then you have to do the leaving. One thing I've learned in relationships – if someone's “explanation” for their shitty behavior makes no sense and is confusing AF – it's because it's bullshit. That feeling of confusion you have is your warning sign that none of this is right. I suspect he's manipulating you so you end the relationship and he can play the faultless victim. And so be it – you're better off without someone who rejects so much of what you are.

  5. Drop your stupid theory that feelings are involved. OP is being a decent person, there's no hidden agenda about it from him . Stop making assumptions and theories about something that has real world impacts.

  6. Just imagine this had happened when your kids were teens and you weren't home.

    Would he have threatened your daughter the same way?

    Don't teach your daughter that this is acceptable in a relationship. Don't teach your son that this is how he can treat his partner.

    Do it for your kids.

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