Playfulltime_live sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Playfulltime_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You’re going to be ok, I promise. In a few days you’ll feel like a huge weight has been lifted. In a year you’ll see a million more reasons why you did the right thing.

    If the date is special to you, so what I do, and celebrate it as the day you didn’t make the biggest mistake of your life every year.

  2. This is a very basic incompatibility. He likes something that you don’t like. You also don’t like that he likes it. Incompatible, assuming it’s a deal breaker for you or him. Go separate ways. No one is hurt.

    Now, the real issue is that he has become hostile towards you over your preference (not watching porn yourself) and a stated boundary (you insisting he no longer watch porn).

    You could tell him something along the lines of “me or porn,” but relationship ultimatums rarely work out. And considering how he had reacted previously, all you’re doing is welcoming a dynamic into your relationship where he has to be sneaky about hiding the porn from you. Once you catch him the first time, you’ll never believe he actually quit.

    Wish him well and cut your losses.

  3. Nope. He’s mentally in his own world. He’s not fixable. For whatever reason, he doesn’t know or care that he is doing it.

    It’s not about compromise but his personality.

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