PaulettenovoaCOL live webcams for YOU!


PaulettenovoaCOL Public Chat Channel

Date: February 12, 2023

15 thoughts on “PaulettenovoaCOL live webcams for YOU!

  1. Get and read “NOT 'Just Friends' ” by Shirley Glass. It covers this exact issue and how these thoughts can and will destroy your entire world if you let them. You are facing a problem TOO many people face with no resources.

  2. Yeah I know, thank you I appreciate it. Sucks because I turned down a lot for her like my father offering to pay for me to move to the UK from my own country.

  3. You’re 19 you can’t picture a life without her because you haven’t had a life. Break up, she’s not right for you, be sad for a few months and then get out there and find someone who fits you better. You will look back and be happier. Otherwise you stay trapped in a bad looking scenario hoping to survive it for no reason.

  4. you are overthinking. I go hours without texting people back. Has nothing to do with how I feel about them. No one should be expected to reply immediately. That's controlling behavior. Don't be that guy.

  5. I'm older than your boyfriend and I game a lot. Not 13 hours a day on average, but let's say around 8, though I've gone on way longer marathons too. Most people will say that I'm addicted and that it's not normal. I can see where they're coming from, but I disagree.

    However, I don't have a partner or kids. Gaming is just my escape from boredom, just like other hobbies before it. In fact, right now I'm here on reddit because I'm bored with gaming. If I had something better to do, I would.

    All of this is to say, it doesn't look good even to another passionate gamer. But also because I know how people would be quick to judge me, before blowing up on him, could you try and talk to him calmly first? Try to understand why he is sinking so much time into it, without being accusatory. If he's not indeed an addict, there should be a reason and you could work on it instead of ruining your relationship via constant escalation.

  6. because he’s out with his cousin. It’s totally normal. Was the girl not his cousin?

    Tracking your partners location is really fucking crazy

  7. Bipolar is really, really challenging. For individuals with it, and for everyone around them. Keep working on your self and your health and the future has good things in store for you. You come first, you matter and your health matters. You’re worth it. Once you get stronger and healthier, maybe things will work out again, or maybe you’ll find someone else. If it’s meant to be it will be. If not, you have that person/part of your life to be grateful for as part of your journey. Stay strong, and give yourself some compassion. It is a very difficult condition to live with, but you can overcome and find a place of good health. ?

  8. My bet is he cheated and that's why he's saying it.

    And darling, there's no smart or stupid, there's just choice and you've got the freedom of it. You already have all the answers and you don't need our permission or validation to do or do not do anything.

    Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask yourself what you want. You already know.

  9. You need to decide if you want to be a single mother. That's really all there is to it. Either way, abort the relationship though.

  10. Thank you for your response. It’s nice to know I’m not being completely unreasonable. Definitely on a different wavelength

    I agree. I’ve been afraid to even touch this subject with him for that reason, as I don’t want to make him feel weird about a decision that is completely valid. I think these days I just end up catering to his wants for our weekends and it’s a bit draining. I have a high stress job and would really love to go out some weekends with friends, but it’s been months now of us just sitting at home alone playing the games he likes. I have some thinking to do. Thank you so much again for your response.

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