PaolaIngalive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “PaolaIngalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Don't marry someone if you can't be direct and honest with them. Just tell him that, while it may have been funny at first, it's starting to grate on you and you'd appreciate it if he stopped doing it.

  2. I'd follow your gut on this one. There are some really evil people out there who get off on ruining ppls relationship. I once had a coworker who had a secret crush on another coworker so he create a fake myspace profile of a woman and sent the ladies husband a bunch of dirty texts while simultaneously sending the lady accusations he was cheating using another fake profile.

    This guy ended up bragging to another coworker about 7 months after the marriage fell apart. afaik the two never reconciled because there was so much animosity between them by the time the truth came out.

  3. Nope she’s ghosted you.

    Short of her being in hospital, or an immediate family member dying, she could have spared 30 seconds to send you a text.

  4. You were part of their social support system, and now they have to live with that emptiness, and the knowledge of what they did. Idiots.

  5. Normally I’m in favor of 50/50 splits but there is an extreme income disparity between you both. $1k is half of your monthly income and not even getting to other bills yet. 50/50 only works if you both can survive comfortably on the arrangement. Either he needs to pay more or want less. If you’re at the point of buying a house together, maybe it’s time to start viewing your incomes more if combined than separate? I don’t love that option but maybe in this situation itd be better.

  6. Oh shit… now you loom like you’re not in control. You must delete now. They don’t know you but they may know you exist. You can’t let go conversations that made you feel dumb 20 years ago. Responses from a post lime this will degrade you to levels you may never recover from. You’re too low already. Bail!

  7. She does not have fertility issues. We were actually about to start trying to have a third biological child together. She has absolutely no fertility issues. That is not the reason we adopted.

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