NovaLevis live webcams for YOU!


This big ass wants a lot of milk today, do you dare to please me? . LUSH ON

Date: October 26, 2022

11 thoughts on “NovaLevis live webcams for YOU!

  1. Lol I am glad I was talked out of wanting a threesome when I was younger. Lol you opened pandora boxes and “fucked around and found out”. This is why you don’t involve a 3rd

  2. That’s…………not what I said whatsoever. I didn’t say anything about what you do or don’t deserve, nor did I say that you’re less than because you have mental health issues (which I myself also have). I do however have a feeling that personal accountability is something you haven’t unpacked in therapy though. There’s a reason things didn’t work out when you first lived together.

  3. How can you make him…

    Are you listening to yourself? You can’t make him.

    You can accept that this love monster persona is just who he is. That’s how he interacts with the world. If you don’t like it, you don’t like him & you should move on.

  4. Yeah, I'd ask to see the lingerie.

    You: Can I see the gift they sent you? I'm curious. If I were to send that same lingerie set to a girl gamer friend I was texting with in my own free time, would you be okay with that? I'd just like to see the set. Please show it to me.

  5. Sounds like a cultural thing. Indian or Muslims tend to think men rule the house and determine what is and what isn’t. Yes it’s weird and overbearing, I’m pretty sure you can know what shoes you like. He sounds like a controlling husband.

  6. Right? I really don't understand the insecurities and jealousy some partners have. All the snooping, controlling behavior, and unltimatums make me wonder why they were dating in the first place.

  7. They may not be married, but OP said they own a house together. I would think it likely they have merged finances as well. They may not need a “divorce” in the legal sense, but they defiantly need to figure out how to unwind themselves from a financial sense. Having a lawyer would be wise, even if things are amicable, to make sure that things are fair, and there are no legal gotchas that turn up years from now. Some stuff is pretty straight forward like closing all the joint credit cards. Other stuff like taxes due after the house is sold would be worth writing down. A lawyer should also be able to tell you about things to watch out for. e.g. get her car registered in her name only (if its joint) so that OP doesn't get her parking tickets 2 years from now.

  8. Its easy to say that but reality is that I have been with him for 4 years already and I just don’t know how to be alone. And I’m scared I will never find anyone after him.

  9. No one should be hitting anyone tho that’s the point. Regardless of gender, or mental state or whether or not it was a joke. You don’t hit people, especially ones you claim to love. It also doesn’t have to hurt physically to affect someone emotionally. Imagine every time your bf got drunk, he just flicked you or yanked your hair a little. Since you think men can handle a woman’s hit we will use that as an example for an “equivalent”. Wouldn’t you feel like shit? The man that loves you taking his frustrations out on you & then taking no accountability & blaming the alcohol instead. It’s also not good for you to use alcohol & violence to vent your frustrations, this isn’t healthy.

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