Niaharris live webcams for YOU!



Date: February 19, 2023

7 thoughts on “Niaharris live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is self defense and you should report it. Two men broke into your home in the middle of the night and threatened your safety.

    You are entitled to use reasonable force and you did just that. You should be proud of yourself.

  2. Ah, that was a little dramatic. Just was looking for more than “don’t be in a relationship” – I know that’s a good suggestion sometimes but I was hoping there’d be something more instead of abandon ship when that’s the only problem. Thanks!

  3. Is this how you want to live the rest of your life? I guarantee nothing will change if you marry your fiance.

    Please put yourself first. Cancelling the wedding will be awful but imagine the next 50 years of your life with this Jack bs.

  4. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Has anyone been able to come back from feeling utter repulsion from their partner? There’s no particular reason, just a lot of very small ones.

    I (24F) met my 36M partner while working together at a really stressful job that required us to be together alone for extended periods of time. We have (I suspect) trauma bonded and now have been “dating” for 3 really long and kind of miserable years. I was living on my own for the majority of this relationship so I was able to push off a lot of the things I did not like about my partner. When I didn’t want to see him I could simply stay home or make an excuse. Well, about six months ago he pushed hard for me to move in with him into his very, very small home. I’ve felt trapped and claustrophobic ever since I’ve arrived here. All of the things that I STRONGLY dislike about him are now glaring me in the face. He refuses to use good table manners. He generally smells bad due to mouth breathing and doesn’t put any effort into his appearance. Having conversations about regular life things are now repulsing me from him because I feel like there is a disconnect in perspective. I also feel disparity in intelligence and creativity between us. He is unorganized, consistently makes unhealthy choices, and has made startling subtle homophobic/ transphobic and even racist comments at times. It is apparent he has failed in many aspects of his life as he has few friends and essentially lives as a hermit. No goals or ambitions and regularly states that he has “wasted a decade” smoking weed and playing video games. On top of all this, any time I stand up, he’s right behind me. There is no room for my hobbies here. I haven’t painted, or practiced yoga, etc. The big problem for me is that he isn’t a mean or cruel person. He is kind where it matters and loyal to me. It’s hard to deal with these feelings of repulsion when there no obvious conflict in our relationship. I’m concerned I should’ve ended this relationship when I realized I wouldn’t enjoy the idea of living with him. We are moving into a bigger place in a different city. I’m hoping that these huge changes with help me build a better relationship with him but I just feel weighed down. I’m not sure what I’m looking for here in this subreddit. I’m just feeling alone and overwhelmed. I’ve been married and divorced before (high-school sweetheart) and this is my first relationship outside of that. I’m afraid I’ve dug myself in too deep. I’m afraid I’m dating a loser.

  5. Yeah the more I read the subreddit the more I realize how one sided a lot of the advice is lol.

    Imo, NAH. You can break up for any reason, isn’t that what this sub loves to say? Also, we’re relying on OP to give an accurate recap on what the BF said. It’s possible he said “hey let’s have a conversation. I really value sexual compatibility in a relationship and if that’s not something you think you’re ready for I think it’s best we part ways,” and then she summarized it as “he said if I don’t have sex he’s breaking up with me” which comes across way more harshly. Obviously we don’t know how it actually went, but this sub loves to demonize men and just assume the worst. I remember when I’d use this sub, I’d make two posts and swap the genders in each just to see if people’s advice changed, and it very frequently did.

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