NATY-SEXYSUGAR live webcams for YOU!


NATY-SEXYSUGAR Public Chat Channel

Date: October 28, 2022

10 thoughts on “NATY-SEXYSUGAR live webcams for YOU!

  1. You said your cousin repulses you then later you said you could be really happy with him and he’s a really good guy?

    Which is it? Both of those things cannot be true

  2. To be fair, I might be wrong first…

    More background on the stupid argument- I was playing video game on TV. He kept giving opinion on how I should play it but I didn’t do what he said as I liked the way I played. He kept saying that I should listen to him because my way of playing was stupid and I just refused to learn to be smart. I felt annoyed and couldn’t enjoy the game anymore so I stopped playing. He kept asking me why I was mad and I told him that it was because I asked him to stop complaining on how I played the game when I was playing but he didn’t. He said that I was lying because I didn’t ask him to stop (to be fair, I didn’t ask him to stop. I just told him that I liked the way I played) At this point, I turned my back and went to the bathroom.

    He said that i was wrong because I refused to talk to him every time he disagreed with me/ pointed out that I did something wrong. He said that I cannot take disagreement…

  3. Abuse is calculated 100% of the time. Then they turn it around with manipulation and narcissism. An abuser isn't ever going to come out and say “yea I was abusive”

  4. Yup, a late 20s looking early 20s, sure could happen. A 29yo looking like a middle schooler or high school freshman? lol no. Unless she has the curious case of Benjamin Button or something.

  5. This. My husband's mom babied him.

    From day 1, I told him I want a partner, not a child. I was willing to answer questions to help, but that's about it.

    Now, I have a fully functional partner. We both work, we both clean, and our relationship is fantastic. 10/10, do recommend.

  6. It feels a lot like his reaction is “I'm trying to suppress this urge and you just fed into that.”

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