Mussa-hot live webcams for YOU!


I am mature and very naughty [35 tokens remaining]

Date: January 3, 2023

56 thoughts on “Mussa-hot live webcams for YOU!

  1. I did recently ask if I’m fulfilling him sexually snd he said yes. I told him I’d always want to try anything and love being with him. I will try positive reinforcement thank you

  2. I’m confused as to how this was ever a love triangle. You never told her how you felt, and we don’t know how she felt about you. Seems like you were risk-averse and the moment slipped by you.

    The only way out plus through. Continue wishing your friend success, and take some distance. Grieve the opportunity cost.

    Treat it like a breakup. Take the time now to work on yourself – either by diving into a creative hobby (like music or writing), or dive into something athletic (gym, sports clubs). Eventuality, you’ll be on the market again – and you’ll want to be in a better position than last time.

  3. There's definitely a part of me that feels like I need to be worshipped to feel secure in a relationship because I'm highly anxiously attached. But I know that's silly and irrational. What did I say that implied I'm questioning his manhood?

  4. Why does she get upset?

    She needs to know that she has expectations to meet. It's okay for you to have them. Don't be afraid to make her unhappy. She needs to be unhappy about not getting the job done correctly.

  5. “possibly soon to be ex” – why possiblity? Take a decision!

    Wife is disrespectful to you! You are the one being disrespected here!

    Canceling the flight will add more oil to the fire so it's not worth it.

    They are not wrong with what they said to your mother because you have a low self-esteem and accepting the abuse.

  6. No.

    Don’t let him bully or shame you into stopping. Don’t let him make you feel isolated from your friends.

  7. In many parts of the U.S., at least, there is no-fault divorce. The court doesnt want to hear about infidelity. Where kids are involved, I think it's often best not to get too adversarial – although a good attorney is absolutely necessary.

  8. I wouldnt say she's upset that you're not over her. She's upset because you wanted to sleep with her. If you guys lived in separate places and had these thoughts on your own this would not be an issue.

    I imagine there must be a financial reason you guys still live together, but I advise you go through every possible step to live in different places. I dont know how you can detach from someone you used to date if you still live with each other and hang out.

  9. Jesus, some of those responses were brutal. A lot of good advice too, thankfully but damn.

    Glad things are looking up for him/them at least. Hope he’s doing well now.

  10. RUNNNN! Leave this abusive relationship as quickly as possible. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Run straight away from this today! Be gone tomorrow. Expecting snd update / check-in

  11. Despite what all the romance novels and films might say, alcohol and sex are a bad combination. Unless you really just don't care what happens. Don't drink and fuck.

  12. Anyway just about to cruise xhamster, but lovely meetin u. My buddy Prison Mike says he’s happy to “oblige” u, but he has some ground rules

  13. How a person handles a no says a lot about their character. If he's a good guy he'll understand and respect you saying no.

  14. You have to talk to him. Tell him that his negligence during your rough patch set a precedence that you are stuck in and can't feel the same affection you used to because he would never return it. Now that he wants to, you can't. You both need to fix this together. This isn't on you to fix alone and him lovebombing you to make up for it is not the solution.

  15. Please don’t force this poor guy to have a relationship he’s obviously not ready ? just be friends for now

  16. I personally know of 3 different men that signed away their parental rights to avoid paying child support/allow the mother's new partner to adopt the child, one incident of which I was present for because the child is my goddaughter. what do you mean it's 'not a thing'? It's actually a fairly common 'thing', at least in my part of the world.

  17. My dude. Is it worth saving? Can you trust her again?

    If not move on. Gonna suck for sure but in the long run it saves you couple years of agony.

  18. This sub loves to condemn people for emotional reactions, I swear they want everyone to be a sociopath or something

  19. I’m not sure why breaking up has become a debate. End things. Stop answering her messages and phone calls.

    “I’m sorry, I’ve made a decision.”

  20. As a rando from the Internet, for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry that happened to you. It sucks to feel like an afterthought or to feel like you weren't even on the radar. Even if it were a thoughtless mistake it's still super hurtful.

  21. I agree with that, if there are no other options. Surely there must be more options that immediately ending this friendship?

  22. This relationship won’t last most likely

    If her friends are openly talking you down after three weeks, there’s almost no chance

  23. Nah, literally everyone I knew was also in shared housing, many with opposite sex roommates and most with partners of their own. We literally just didn’t think twice about it. Nobody cared who you roomed with.

  24. Well only other thing is ask him for an Open Relationship. Long shot but if he says yes and you set clear boundaries then you won’t miss out on any of the fun.

  25. You two can figure out stuff like 2., 9. and 11. I think stuff like that is important when living together long term. Try to communicate that you care about these things and that you don't mean to make him feel bad. You just want to make living together as comfortable as possible.

    Regarding all the superficial things (1, 3, 4, 6, 12), are you saying that he “looked better” at the beginning of the relationship?

    I would think 35 is around the age where people start aging unless youre lucky or youve put a lot or efforts into your looks. Realistically, what are your solutions?

    He could start putting a lot of efforts into his looks, just to satisfy your superficial needs. I don't think that's gonna work because as you said, he doesnt mind aging. Maybe he will take advice, such as working out the legs. Just from a health perspective, training all muscles equally is very beneficial. Old people can suffer from back pain for example because their back and their core aren't equally trained.

    Or you ditch him for someone “better looking”. But that guy is gonna age eventually too, it's not like you can totally avoid it. And do you plan to date guys in their 20s while youre in youre 30s or 40s? Probably not

    I think to a large part, you just need to accept the concept of aging. I assume your issue right now is that your boyfriend is aging faster/earlier than you because you've put effort into it. Yea, it's superficial, but I can see why youre uncomfortable.

    You didn't ask for sex advice but if this happens to affect your intimacy with him, try turning of the lights and focus on touch. This eliminates superficial factors and might help you remember why you love him.

    And in general, it's all about why you really love him.

  26. OK, I would stop while you're ahead. Financially I can get an apartment now, we share finances to an extent but the rest is separate, I'm a one man shop in my area. I appreciate the thought, but you're going down a rabbit hole

  27. She's enmeshed with her family. If she can't be independent of the hive mind, she can't adult alongside you.

    I'm sorry, dude. You may as well cut her loose and move down south.

    Best wishes to you.

  28. Do you understand what marriage is? You stop being an individual. You become a gestalt creature where individual desires take second place to the collective desire.

    In other words, sure, you’re an adult and you don’t need his permission to do things. But if you’re going to be married and still act as if you’re single, don’t expect your marriage to last long.

  29. 100% she wants to be single in college to have a full experience. Including a variety of sexy young men.

    She's made up her mind to end the relationship, any sex now is just a bonus, but you have to start moving on emotionally and prepare mentally that she will be moving on with other men.

  30. I would’ve preferred if he was a virgin, the lies he told me made it seem like he practically was

  31. As a girl I can tell you that no, it's not normal for us to cuddle our friends. Especially not if some are bisexual/gay and might take it as a sign of sexual interest.

    Talk to your gf. Or break up. She wouldn't be doing this if she wasn't at least a little bi-curious and a little attracted.

  32. Bro if she told you she is going on a cruise with this guy end it.

    She has already decided to fuck him on this cruise.

  33. Head on over to r/survivinginfidelity and you will find so many stories similar to yours and more importantly, the support you need.

    Right now you are doing the ‘pick me’ dance with her and this is really common but you shouldn’t do this. Head on over there and get familiar with all the terms. I guarantee you will find it helpful.

  34. Did you already know about the share dog or that they had some kind of minimal relationship still?

  35. really weird to be saying these things to you when she started dating you when you were still a teenager

  36. “don't go through my phone or personal belongings again, without asking first. There won't be a second time forgiving this”. there you go, boundary set..Then when she breaks it, you leave for someone else. Man I love solving peoples problems with the simplest solution.

  37. so strange but I have a feeling she is jealous & wants him too. No one will admit it as its embarrassing.

    I advise you to not move in with her once you moved to NYC. She is bad news & damaging to your relationship & I doubt it will end here. Maybe you need more new friends as this one is bad news.

  38. If her family is even a little bit cool, this will just be a funny story to tell people. Don't stress it.

  39. I have to cut off contact with my friend? Never meet him until my breakup?

    Are you planning on breaking up?

  40. If your dating styles are not compatible they are not compatible.

    Tell her the truth, even give her a heads up, I am thinking of ending us over this topic.

    If it makes you unhappy that's a find reason to break up

  41. It's all about managing expectation. The guys you are interested in just might not be interested in you. You'll have to branch out further to expand your dating pool of guys. You mentioned 10 guys who you have been attracted to have rejected you, but you haven't mentioned other guys who you have rejected.

    Manage your expectations better and you won't feel so down on yourself.

  42. Have a look at their ages.. 22 year olds are dramatic, they're silly, they argue, they learn.

    I don't think you should be giving people advice until you learn to show empathy.

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