Muriellmetan live webcams for YOU!


Hello guys, I’m new, I hope you are kind and we can enjoy. follw me [97 tokens remaining]

Date: November 6, 2022

8 thoughts on “Muriellmetan live webcams for YOU!

  1. My boyfriend does not have a degree (currently makes more than me), while I'm working on my second. I don't care that he doesn't, I just want his love, and support. We've been together 10 years, and have gone through periods where he lost his job and was unemployed for a few months, and so have I.

    As long as he is honest with me, caring, loyal, trustworthy, and has compassion, then I don't care. Sucks that he can't help me when I have homework questions, though. But, I love him for him, so it's not a deal-breaker in our relationship. I hadn't even started university when we started dating.

  2. Boundaries govern your own behavior. If it was actually a boundary that he didn't want to date someone who made friends of the opposite gender, he would enforce the boundary by breaking up with OP.

    Rules govern other people's behavior; that's what he's doing here.

  3. Once sober, sit both of you down and have an adult conversation about how this made you feel. Could be a form of SA. Probably is, or at least a form of sexual coercion.

    Female to male SA / SC gets downplayed. “who doesn't want a horny GF / wife putting out all the time?” But it's a real thing.

  4. She has this sunday, monday and tuesday off. I told her earlier this week, I‘ll take a day off on monday so we can spend some time together. Today she tells me, that she‘ll go snowboarding the whole time.

    And when you reminded her that the two of you had planned to spend Monday together, what did she say?

  5. Your partner's pronouns are only important to your PARTNER. Let me rephrase: it's not It's damn business.

    If he says you're using his pronouns correctly, T is the one that's wrong. She is the one being a bad ally, by trying to dictate someone else's pronoun usage for themselves.

    T is a shit friend, get a new one.

    If you refuse to end the friendship, talk to her with your partner present. Inform her that you're using their pronouns as requested, and that if she continues trying to force you to use the wrong pronouns for him – or that if she continues trying to dictate to HIM how his own pronouns should be used – that you'll have to stop communicating with someone that isn't supporting their coming out as NB.

  6. I've read better creative writing on here. I think this deserves an F.

    No one moves to Canada as a foreign Dr & continues in that profession automatically.

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