Mr.Eveyj, 24 y.o.
Location: New York, United States
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Mr.Eveyj
Date: December 19, 2022
Does she make effort to meet up with you or is it always you arranging the dates? I think that would be a sign of how interested she is by this point.
Man let me tell you something. There’s a reason they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. My dad cheated on my mom and they got back together about 6 months later. Ever since they got back together she has treated him like absolute dog shit and I can’t really blame her, he deserves it. Basically women never forget a betrayal like that, no matter what they say they will never forgive you for it. That’s why imo you should never get back with someone you cheated on because they will make your life hell.
That is how some people are. But these people have nothing. Literally nothing when they came here as refugees. They didn’t come here flush with cash and driving around in Lamborghinis and Masaratis. So it’s tough. They may have been used to an upper middle class life in Ukraine from a wealthier part of the country. When the war started they came with a suitcase of clothing and nothing else.
Remember refugees when they usually come they don’t automatically get the presidential suite at the Ritz Carlton but are just momentarily roughing it living in a 2 bedroom apartment in a middle class part of town to see how poor people live. Like a social experiment.
It’s easy for folks not affected by war to dismiss the issues.
Why is he sending shitload of stuff to her?
Sounds disrespectful to me, and I'm a guy.
It went from him possibly cheating to you feeling icky. So, your go to was to end with a sex call? What?
Oh guys never want nice things at all? That’s a fun new fact. The problem I have with your statistic of women buying all the new cars, you also say they’re spending the man’s money so wouldn’t it technically be in the man’s name? therefore show up as men being the buyer in the stats? Maybe woman have actually started working since you lasted dated? Your outdated joke has nothing to do with OPs situation because that’s not standard. He may be dealing with unequal and unfair balance in his relationship but Your joke is why you’re a single boomer is I’m guessing? Give OP actual advice
This relationship has officially jumped the shark.
do not use the truth as a weapon. it’s ok to keep something like private at this point in the relationship
Yeah and then block her
No, you're right.
She makes significantly less than me, but $500 in Orange County is nothing.
I'll mention this to her during our next discussion, but I have a feeling she'll list the time she spent the night with me in the ER as reason why she does love and respect me. I just don't know how to navigate when someone says that because I appreciated her staying with me but it's not fair to bring that up in this situation.
Life happens. Get over it or move the date. Under no circumstances should you hold this against her now or in the future.
Yeah watch out for romance scammers, never ever ever send gifts or money no matter what someone online says. Also, never do nudes or nude videos with people you never met as those black mail scams are getting more rampant. Take some time to equip yourself with education on romance scammer, how they operate and ways to spot them. Good luck
As a woman myself w body image issues, honestly idk how she doesn't feel at least even a bit self conscious about the condition of her lady-bits, cuz I sure as hell do, especially when it comes to oral, I'll go out of my way to clean it first.
Honestly in terms of bringing it up nicely, the unfortunate part of this is body image issues don't rlly care how nice u put it, it'll always feel bad to us. BUT, u do need to communicate or else this will continue to negatively affect ur sex life, and if ur partner cares about ur experience at all she would take ur words into account regardless how booty-hurt it makes her in the moment.
When u talk to her, make the focus on urself and ur needs and likes rather than “what's wrong w her”, if u get my gist. Ik that's tricky but rather than “please can u either clean urself better or trim down there because it grosses me out” maybe try to make it fun like, tell her making a shape or something would be cute to u and u would like her to try it. Something like that lol.
All good, Ive answered it in other replies, but perfectly fine with clearing it up! both her and I are against threesomes. MFF wont work because she says its cheating if I participate, because I cant have another woman, MMF she also doesnt want because strangely enough, since its another man, she feels like thats cheating… As for me, im just not interested in them at all
He isn’t attracted to it.
So if this is important to you then date someone else. You must have known before you did it.
Had to go to the bottom for the most reasonable take lol
Dear, why did you marry him. You saw this crappy behavior BEFORE walking down the aisle. It only gets worse after marriage.
You can make it up to her by not fighting her for the unavoidable child support and custody…
What's more important to you, your friendship or your family?
I dated a guy a while back that had Asperger’s. We weren’t a great match for other reasons, but are still great friends. He told me how grateful he was I was in his life because I was one of the few women who UNDERSTOOD HOW HE WORKED! And the only reason I did is because I’m living it, and got some great skills working with therapists to help me decode all this shit.
It’s not rocket science, it’s understanding behaviors and motivations. Please take the time to get help from people who are trained in this. Makes all the difference in the world.
Bring home takeout purely for OP. Let him watch OP eat while he has nothing. Then water plants, bath, lock him out of the bedroom until he wakes up and starts being a partner instead of a leech.
she’s 37 years old why does she have a snapchat at all? that’s a red flag in the first place.
What she is proposing is a one sided open relationship that does not benefit you in any way shape or form. So you have to ask yourself, why?
I get it, you love her. Do you get to say yes or no about a potential partner of hers? Do you tell her the ground rules, like it only happens in your house/apartment. STD test need to be shown before anything happens (god forbid you get something incurable due to your GF sleeping around). What happens if she breaks said rule?
Its ok for her to sleep with people but not you? How selfish of her. What happens when she sleeps with another guy behind your back or another woman?
You see, there is a potential problem in everything and we all say it would never happen to us. Yeah right, do you not read all the things on here. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.
I honestly would not feel comfortable with this. If it was the both of you with the same woman, then I would feel a little better. I think if you let this happen, you will be back here later telling us another tale about how you two are not together anymore.
Good luck
Ask him why he's even dating you, then break up with him because you deserve to be with someone who lives every part of you.
Good luck having a strained relationship with your daughter in the future ❤️
There are some slightly weird things going on (staying with coworkers friends) but it seems like your insecurities are making your imagination run wild.
Is there a reason you don't trust your husband?
Ensuring he looks good is pretty normal because appearance does matter when it comes to making impressions at a work-related event.
Missing the flight and staying with coworker's friends is unusual but still not worth worrying about cheating unless you have other reasons for not trusting your husband. Not being reimbursed and trusting that the friends of a friend are cool especially if it's only for one night isn't that crazy. Has he broken your trust before?
Also OP, most people that peruse this sub treat it like a daytime drama and they're looking for reasons why someone is cheating or should break up/divorce. Not the best crowd to get real advice from.
You have been spending so much time together and he is still going on a date with someone else. Seems like he is trying to see if it will work with multiple people. Personally I would see this as he doesn't see a future since he is still clearly looking.