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MonicaPricelive sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “MonicaPricelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yes people have crushes outside of their relationship, it’s pretty normal though not everyone does. They still love their partner even if they’re attracted to or crushing on someone else. If relationship is solid and built on trust and open communication it’s usually not an issue unless jealousy and insecurities are a problem for someone. If there’s other lying and hiding things it can cause concern for partners.

    Sometimes it can mean there’s something missing in a relationship or the two aren’t still “dating” each other in the sense of making plans and doing things we find actions and new within the relationship. Relationships are work and just because you’ve been together a long time doesn’t mean the work ends. Sometimes needs are t getting met or something else is going on but not always.

    I have friends who are happily monogamous who will openly talk about crushes on other people or attraction to other people. Doesn’t mean they have interest in cheating. There’s happy chemicals that our brain likes in new relationships and crushes give those happy chemicals too. I know people who find others attractive and it increases the sex drive between the relationship when it happens and others that it doesn’t.

    It’s about trust, open communication, and making the choice to stay honest to the relationship. Just because someone has fun feelings for someone else doesn’t mean they are going to act on them or they don’t love their partner.

  2. Yeah this is how it’s supposed to be. My bf asked me to join his family for Christmas last year. In addition to staying at their place for Christmas they also took a 5 day trip to the beach and stayed at a resort. Tbh I expected to pay for my share of the hotel room for my bf and me but he said his family covered it all and not to worry. And honestly if it had been my family they would have done the same.

    I invited his family for dinner to a restaurant one night to say thank you but they would not have had a problem even if I hadn’t done so.

    This year we’re spending Christmas with my family and every bill will be covered by my family.

  3. It sounds like he’s headed down the road to radicalization. I’d be wary of the guy.

    Also, Washington state, to cite one example, is quite liberal on abortion, but has no income tax. Perhaps he’s assuming that every state’s policies on everything are either across-the-board “liberal” or across-the-board “conservative,” but that’s a stereotype, not the reality. California, regarded as one of the most liberal states, has also passed ballot propositions that limit the government’s ability to raise property taxes, that impose a “three strikes” rule (life sentence for third conviction of certain types of crimes), and that bad consideration of race in university admissions. Recently, a ballot referendum to ban abortion in Kansas failed by a large margin, despite Kansas being regarded as one of the most conservative states. The point isn’t to state a position on abortion here, the point is that the United States, and every individual state, often has nuances that just aren’t all that visible from a distance, especially from outside the country.

  4. Thank you very much for your personal story and advice, appreciate it. Will definitely keep this in mind when her and I talk

  5. Being prolife automatically means you value the woman's life less than that of an unformed ball of cells inside her/hypothetical ball of cells.

    That usually goes hand in hand with believing a woman doesn't have overriding control over her own body (as opposed to a man), probably stemming from a lack of faith that women can/should be allowed to make decisions in their own best interest.

    Being prolife means inserting your own beliefs and wants into a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with you because you believe your opinion is absolutely right. That shows a lack of respect for the autonomy and capabilities of the person actually involved.

  6. I'm guessing you want to build a future with someone who can also bring money in to build that future.

    Some people just don't want to work and that's alright but your futures are not aligning.

    You can't build with someone like that.

    I'd also say that if she had your kid she'd be a stay at home mum (which is also fine) for way longer than needed to avoid working (say like when the kid is 21).

    I think you should lay it all out on the table, give her a deadline because when you're truly looking for a job it shouldn't take more than 6 months max, and if nothing changes then you've at least given her the opportunity and been honest about what's going to happen otherwise.

    Don't let anyone else drag you down, even if you love them.

  7. As a woman myself, the problem isn't you, it's her. Your punishment doesn't have the ability to grow bigger, but there are a host of issues that can affect the vagina. It could be purely psychological. It could be physical. I'm no OBGYN, but I believe there is a psychological condition that can cause the vagina to become so tight that sex is painful for them. It usually seems to happen on cultures and religions where sex is frowned upon or women are heavily pressured into remaining virgins or scared out of sex, but I'm fairly certain this is all her, whether it be physical or psychological. Absolutely do not get surgery! The fact that she is so calm and confident in suggesting it is disturbing. I repeat, do not mutilate yourself with surgery. She is the one with the issue here.

  8. Unfortunately I do the same thing sometimes. When I've done some wrong and the other person doesn't get mad but is cordial, it makes me feel bad and reminds me that I'm the bad person. I'm the one who is wrong. I get so mad that they aren't yelling and screaming and raging at me because then I can't justify what I did.

  9. I do this but ask 'how do you spell your surname?' Haven't had a name it's not worked for yet. Even 'Brown' or 'Smith' can be spelled more than one way.

  10. It's called a survival instinct. She did what she thought was best in the moment to get out of the situation safely.

    And she told you about it. The only thing you have to worry about is what the guy at the gym will try next when she doesn't call.

  11. I got your point.

    Why is her story telling important to you? Women talk a lot. Why upset yourself?

    Honestly who cares. The only thing that matters is you keep paying and at some point it gets paid off and by that time you will be so old you might not remember who paid what. Your can walk around the house aging your cane yelling “ I paid 61% this is my house”

  12. “It says online not to call him a liar or thief or let things get heated”

    What does this mean? Says where?

    And you know that you need to legally separate today and wrap the divorce up as quickly as humanly possible, right?

  13. Maybe I am the only one confused but isn’t it odd that she’s ripping away the current children from their father, who will then have to deal with their dad being absent a lot of the time, all so he can properly parent his newly found son? Can’t they all be part of the family? How is she doing her kids any favors? I’m so confused with her logic here. She’s hurting her kids all so this new son can have a dad…. But is that not kind of ironic? Seems like she’s just looking for any excuse to leave. Sounds to me like she’s thinking about herself and not the kids.

  14. I think a big part of what you need to do to feel better about this is realize that 1) nothing was hidden from you out of malice and 2) it’s none of your business anyway. It’s his life. Given the overall wording of your post and your reaction to this information, you clearly never healed from the loss of your mother and I wouldn’t have told you right away either.

    I lost my mother in 2016. I was 19 years old. I know how hard it is, but you need to allow yourself to move on. You’re still here. You have a whole life. Don’t waste it dwelling on what you’ve lost. You’ll never get to live that way.

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