Miss-Michell live webcams for YOU!


Miss-Michell Public Chat Channel

Date: October 30, 2022

13 thoughts on “Miss-Michell live webcams for YOU!

  1. Not napping for 2 hours might be the expectation when you're living with someone but he's had to give that up immediately, or whatever else he did at leisure when you weren't there. That's a big change and because he's on a different schedule now, he feels like he's doing more when in reality he's doing his same chores consistently, or as needed.

    He's still adjusting to living with someone else.

  2. This. OP, you made a mistake in not setting boundaries sooner (and how could you have known that it would come to this?!?), but it’s not too late to do so now. Frankly, I’m fuming for you also. I encourage you to go off, set a big old fat boundary, and tell your mother that she needs to deal with her homophobia. I’d like to send you and Max a big mom hug also. Wishing you both peace and happiness!

  3. definitely should've talked to the husband before. this is a huge gift and it'd be weird if he wasn't mad tbh.

  4. The way you deal with it is advise her of your address, so the process server can serve the divorce papers on you.

  5. I’m sorry. This is a horrible, and, honestly, a lifelong situation. It is not your sister’s fault. Always keep this in mind.

    Now, first of all, get your sister a social worker. She should be able to get on disability for this issue. If you get a good one, he or she should be able to help in many ways. And importantly, steer you in the right directions with what to do.

    Your mom is not going to have an easier time with this. But if her rent is covered there, that would be better.

    But I agree with everyone about the car. You should speak with the social worker about this. Because they would have a better idea. BUT: returning it to the dealership is a great idea if she’s not even making the payments.

    She should also qualify for Medicare, and after many months, Medicaid. She needs regular psychiatric appointments, and medications. This will help A LOT.

    This will Never go away! She will always have schizophrenia. And it is normal for people to go off their meds once in a while, because they believe they’ve healed. They’re not. It doesn’t.

    And it is draining on family and friends.

    I think it’s important to discuss with your fiancée what both of your limits are. And figure out ways to stay within those limits. Also look for local support groups.

    Good luck and love to you all ???

  6. It sounds like you talked through uncomfortable feelings with him, thats huge by itself.

    Tell him you're ok with a 3some with a guy and see how he reacts…? I imagine as uncomfortable as you are with there being another woman.

    For whatever reason cough porn cough men seem really intent on experiencing a 3some at some point in their life, as long as it doesn't involve another guy. Personally I barely manage to keep focus and attention on my singular partner, let alone be able to think about and pleasure a second. Just seems like a lot of hard work.

    Stand your ground and just hard no it so that he's aware there is -zero- chance.

  7. she doesn't need a reason for not wanting kids, but she does need a reason for wanting to stop having sex in a years long relationship. without the childhood trauma part it seems like a bit of an overreaction

  8. One girl was her fitness page so it was a lot of photos of her bending over and in shorts (just like regular workout clothing) and the other was a girl he knew from college and it was her sitting in a car wearing jeans and a sweatshirt but you could see her full body

  9. I am worried a restraining order will just escalate the situation, paper doesn't stop bullets

    Neither does ignoring the issue. You're not overreacting, in fact I would say that you're being a bit naive about this situation.

    This guy is very much stalking you and is clearly dangerous. You need to get ahead of it for your own safety.

  10. WOW it's you again! This is so interesting because I thought you finally went away after posting this same BS for months and months.

    My view is there is something wrong with you and you should seek help. I mean real help, not this fake noise.

  11. You need to stop worrying about him. Focus on you and your son. Wherever you want to live, seek a job there and move on.

    If DH feels part of this family, he'll come along. If not, well, there's your answer about divorce.

    He's the ultimate deadbeat. You've been incredibly tolerant of moving across the country and job changes. Start living for yourself, your son & dog.

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