MirraGray live webcams for YOU!


M , ​y ​tongue ​can ​do ​better ​job ​of ​teasing ​you ​than ​my ​words ​can. #asian #squirt #young #shy [1111 tokens remaining]

Date: October 16, 2022

57 thoughts on “MirraGray live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm so sorry, but you probably gonna be their free childcare 'cause “but you like kids, take care oh him/her”

  2. It totally does.

    'Sarah and her husband are happy

    Aren't they?

    Then Jack wants to move his best friend and wife in, to help them out during a rough time. It's the neighbourly thing to do.

    Isn't it?

    But Sarah isn't happy with this arrangement. She feels that she is being pushed aside in her own house, her own marriage.

    Is there more to this menage a trois friendship than meets the eye?

    Read more in this year's best selling psychological thriller- the house guests'

  3. You have the capability to do good things and evil things, to both create and to destroy.

    You are your actions. This will follow you and cause pain and destruction in its wake. You know it's wrong. There is a better way to get your meds meet without being dishonest.

    Why would you knowingly, intentionally do that to someone else? Would you be understanding if he felt that way? By cheating, you perpetuate more pain in the world. Is that who you are? Is that who you want to be?

  4. No no no don’t let him back in your life. He is not worth it and you need to move on with someone who actually makes you happy because think about about the future. Do you want this childish game to continue? Imagine you get married and have kids with him, he will leave you again only to come back once he is feeling like it. And I don’t think he changed because people don’t change that easily. If he tried breaking up with you before, he will do it again and again because he knows you will take him back

  5. You’re not being unreasonable. You like what you like and you have wants, needs and plans. It’s your call if your gf fits into those plans or not.

    They say you never really know someone until you live together and maybe that’s what it took for you to see that it’s not going to work for you.

    It’s ok to do what you gotta do to be happy.

  6. You need to tell her, perhaps you could approach it as, “If we're going to be official, I need to tell you about my previous sex life. [Insert story here.] If you still want to date, I understand why this would make you uncomfortable and I can move in with different roommates/to my own apartment.”

    It might really help her to know you're trying to be honest and offer a solution to make her feel better about it. Good luck, OP.

  7. Personally, I would move on. I know you’re stuck on him but maybe you’re stuck on him for other reasons? Like, he’s familiar and you know him? Maybe he’s just super hot? For whatever reason, it honestly doesn’t sound like he’s healthy for you. If you tried to tell him how you feel about something, like when you tried to tell him you felt like you weren’t connecting, and he lashed out at you like that?? View this as his base line. This is how he will be. Red flag there for me.

    You deserve better. Someone who will actually listen to you. Move on from him.

  8. She is clearly immature and uses her upbringing and culture to excuse her behavior, which is a common red flag for those who are unable to confront their own flaws and better themselves.

    It's extremely difficult to change people like this, so my advice is to seek out someone who actually respects you.

  9. I'm not sure if I should post this separately, or as a reply to OP, or what… I don't want to take the attention away from OP, and I don't want to add more stress to the situation, but I don't think I should just say nothing…

    I see a lot of comments treading around this and I'm only choosing yours to reply to because you brought it up most plainly.

    In most places, paternity doesn't influence child support once you've stood in as a parental role and there is no “bowing out”, even if you forfeit your rights. In some places the mother may be able to have you excused from your obligations, but it's at her discretion.

    Usually, the circumstances don't matter, and neither does the presence or current/future role of the biological father or future step-fathers in the child's life.

    Unfortunately, this can make it difficult to completely clean your hands of her, and potentially him as well…

    For this reason, telling her parents could be a very bad idea. I would be very careful about what you say to her, her parents, her friends, or make public, until you've spoken to a lawyer and can make calm and rational decisions about how you will proceed with things. The more likely she is to be cooperative and positive towards you, the more likely you are to settle on a better arrangement.

    I would personally recommend considering a professional to help you process this time in your life. Even if you aren't depressed or struggling, sometimes a professional head in your corner can help you with personal growth, and it's worth making sure this experience grows you in a positive direction.

    You seem like a good person, so that's worth taking care of.

  10. What practical impact would that have on your life? Right now all you've done is have a racy chat with a random dude many miles away from where you live.

    Even if he's serious, it's all just a game at this point. Deal with it as real when he shows up on your doorstep.

  11. So he can spend all your money but you can’t touch his? Hmm I second some of the advice on here, do separate your finances cuz sounds like you’ll need a getaway at some point

  12. Borders of her not getting emotionally invested in other men. It doesn't matter if they “aren't flirty”. Maybe ask her her to show you their conversations? Even if they are seemingly harmless you should still ask her to stop contacting him outside of work for some time. It is because she got clearly emotionally invested in him and it makes you very uncomfortable. If she vehemntly refuses or reluctantly agrees, but does it still behind your back then it's over. You need to leave her in this case.

    If her conversations are flirt you need to act accordingly to that, if she refuses even though you explain why it is important to see them just assume the worst. If she shows you them later it means she has deleted things and still assume the worst.

  13. That sounds like an absolute blast! I did try to offer her a few alternatives that included playing super mario party. This would've been right at the point of when I stated that i was confused as to why she thought I was only going to play for 30mins.

  14. You left out some details. Were they exclusive during the time of those messages?

    Whenever anyone has asked me how long I’ve dated the person I’m with, I naturally included the entire time I dated them, including the time before we became exclusive because we were indeed dating then.

  15. Then ultimately, you are defining your relationship on a very shallow point. You won't marry him unless he takes your last name???Are you serious? Not wanting children-yes understandable. Having diametrically opposed goals and political viewpoints-sure. But this?

  16. Trust me, you and your child do not deserve this. You may be thinking that you can handle this now and you’ll just power through it, but trust me these kind of people will break you down to nothing. I was eight when my mother tried to run away for the first time. I had to run down an alleyway, barefoot, screaming mum come back It’s not worth it. Even if you’re able to get through all of this. They will know it’s a forced marriage and they will not be okay. Please leave now I’m begging you.

  17. She cheated on you and kept it from you for a year, extremely deceitful.

    She told you she’s in love with person she cheated with.

    She wants to “see where it goes” while she’s married to you?

    This is a lot of drama headed your way and probably a situation you should NOPE out of, not to mention she would probably do it again if this round doesn’t work in her favor. You especially don’t want to be with a partner that “shits where they eat”.

  18. As a nurse, you don't shit yourself when you get a head injury. No clue how you pulled this factoid out of your ass

  19. No, the last thing I’d ever want to do is force anything. Everything stopped right there. I’m just sad and I feel a little confused, especially after we talked about tongue piercings and the “for her pleasure” thing. But I will think over your comment anyhow, thank you for replying.

  20. I've completely put it down since New Years Eve I tried to go to AA but it contradicted my schedule too much but I made a great support system and this is the longest I've been sober in over a year

  21. Maybe she’s thinking you don’t desire her anymore? 50 wasn’t easy for me. It’s been 7 months and I’m still grappling with it.

  22. If she was 14 as a freshman and he was 18 as a senior, they could’ve met that way and continued dating. I’m not advocating it but it would make sense for how they met.

  23. Well this is a bit of a dillemma.

    It's awkward for your bf to spend a night at his ex's place. But if the bombing was happening that day, it would be a valid excuse if he had no where else to go to and his daughter was there i suppose.

    Another strange thing is she deleted the texts and screenshots of her conversation with him? For what reason would she delete it?

    She has no proof. In which case you should probably give your bf the benefit of the doubt and let this go.

    Every relationship is a risk you take. Put if you start distrusting each other without actual facts then things fall apart. You either go for it or you don't.

    It isn't easy to be with someone who has kids with an ex and visits them. Your anxiety is validated.

  24. Not trying to brag i just feel like people think threesome spell doom for every relationship. Im sure theres thousands with positive experiences.

  25. Cheaters always cheat. Especially when they do not get caught.

    As someone who's been on that end of things, it is devastating. I would probably tell him if it were me. I personally would have rather have known my wife was a cheater early on instead of 20 years later.

  26. Cheaters always cheat. Especially when they do not get caught.

    As someone who's been on that end of things, it is devastating. I would probably tell him if it were me. I personally would have rather have known my wife was a cheater early on instead of 20 years later.

  27. The only people who work at Womens Refuge places are very unlikely to report this back to your fiances family, regardless of their connection.

    Is your fiance good with technology?

    If he isn't, search for resources online in an incognito window, or delete your search history when you are done.

    If he is fairly good, or you're not sure how good he is, you can pay for a VPN (just say you wanted to watch Netflix UK or something), or look up resources using the computers at the library.

    Alternatively, maybe someone from Canada can respond to this- but here in NZ, we have some websites (e.g., The Warehouse) that has a little icon in the websites footer (looks like a half white half greyish green circle with a picture of a computer inside it)- it will open up information and resources from Womens Refuge without it showing up in your internet browser. I imagine Canada has websites with these too, but I wouldn't know them personally.

  28. Ehm, are you okey down there? Like, if he does sexual actions with his dog and you still have sex with him you maybe should yourself up just in case.vI don't think he only feed it his juck, he is probably having the dog lick his junk for pleasure. You can't compare eating meat with this, it doesn't validate any sexual actions he does to the dog “out of curiosity” just because you eat meat. He is sick. You need to leave him, but first make sure he never gets to have any animal in his presence ever again and get that dog away from him.

  29. How do I help him overcome this issue?

    If its OCD you're probably shit out of luck helping him overcome it. It's not something he can just get over. You either live with it or break up.

  30. Outside of setting an arbitrary percentage, I agree with the premise. Like I said, that doesn’t matter.

    Healthy relationships aren’t about the good outweighing the bad. They’re about deciding if the bad that exists can be addressed and fixed, or if that bad means you’re just not right for each other because it’ll always make you unhappy and ultimately lead to resentment. Obviously with you suggesting it’s a huge factor for you means that’s logically the case anyway.

    But to drive the point home, let’s just use another made up example. Let’s say your partner is a great person. Puts in effort. Treats you great. Sex life is great. You both agree that you’re ultimately looking for marriage when it makes sense. Awesome.

    Then you discuss children. You absolutely want them. She tells you she doesn’t. So everything is amazing in your relationship, except this. Do you just accept it? The answer is no. Because you’re not right for each other. You won’t be happy if you don’t have children. All it takes is one issue. If it’s sex, it’s sex.

  31. Honestly, my friends in that much debt are sincerely fine. A few struggled in those first few years because the legal market crashed and they weren’t making much, but everyone is living really well now. A few already got theirs discharged.

    Good luck!

  32. Your boundaries cannot tell another person how to behave expect when dealing with you. You can't tell her not to hang out with her friends that is controlling

  33. If my partner spat in my face purposefully I'd tell them to get the fck out of my house and take their crap with them. We'd be done instantly.

  34. And that’s not what you want. Now. And especially not forever. Be grateful for all you have shared, but know that it’s time to move on. That’s my best advice. It’s going to hurt. It’ll be scary because it’s change. But after that, it’s going to be wonderful. It really will.

  35. so i told my boyfriend i’m okay with it being a stepping stone , but if it’s a long term career for him to let me know because i can’t be in his life like that.

    until tonight he randomly said “well i may like the job and decide to stay in”

    what do i do ?

    Its pretty clear what you need to do. You set a boundary for yourself, so stay true to that.

    He clearly kept what you said in his mind and tried to i initiate some kind of discussion about it. He knows you dont want to be in a military family, you stated its a dealbreaker for you.

    Altough he initially agreed, he stated now he cant promise you that and its on you to decide if it is really a dealbreaker or not. He could have just kept it to himself and dragged you along, but him updating you on his stance after thinking about it is commendable.

    So clearly your lifegoals are incompatible, which sadly often means going separate ways. Definitely have very serious a talk with him about that and see where it leads, but if you arent willing to stand to boundaries you set, you shouldnt have put them up in the first place.

  36. I've said it before, but it bears repeating: comments on this sub recommend breaking up because people in healthy, well-adjusted relationships do not (feel the need to) ask strangers on the Almighty's internet for advice, and being alone is better than a bad relationship.

    TL;DR: The sunk cost fallacy is real. Let's not encourage people to believe it.

  37. Girl….Come on. You know better than this. Those are all bright red flags from the jump! Throw the whole man away.

  38. What you need to do now is go to Human Resources and report him for harassing you at work, or tell him that you will do that. If his wife finds out about your emotional affair with him and goes to HR on you two, you could end up getting fired. Take the initiative and be blunt about stopping him from bothering you.

    Lastly, do you ever want to “win” a married man? That alone should be enough to get you over him.

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