Miremooon live webcams for YOU!


miremooon Public Chat Channel

Date: October 30, 2022

6 thoughts on “Miremooon live webcams for YOU!

  1. UPDATE: First of all, thank you all for your replies, I'm sure you can all understand that I am in love with this woman and I have been since we were children. For me, it isn't as simple as some comments have said about just throwing her away. If I am to break up with her I really need to think this through for a while and determine if what she did is a true reflection of who she is today, however, I absolutely appreciate each individual comment, and all of your different takes have been and will continue to be absolutely essential to helping me figure out my own thought process.

    After further discussion with my girlfriend, she has said the reason she has would not do this with me is because she cared how I viewed her body and was very nervous about me seeing it because I'm the love of her life and she was terrified I'd find her ugly. She said this whole thing with her friend had been predeceasing our relationship and essentially had been helping her get through lockdown but that they did it once more after we got together but remained on the stance that that was the last contact they had. I verified that this was the final contact they had by checking chat log receipts and speaking to him personally. He verified with screenshots of dates that this was in fact the last contact they had.

    Some further context on my partner, I understand all of your points about her keeping these videos however I think it is important for you all to understand something about my partner. She has OCD. In fact she has 200k photos on her phone starting with the first photo she ever took and she physically can't bring herself to delete any of them. She has a draw full of bus tickets from getting the bus to school that she physically can't get rid of and If I try she cries and begs me not to. I personally do not believe she was looking at these videos, I believe she physically can't bring herself to delete anything. This may sound like I'm making excuses for her but I know her and know she has essentially got a record of her life on her phone that she can't get rid of. Obviously, I still have a horrible feeling she's kept it and viewed it but If I listen to my head instead of my heart on this one it tells me that it's her OCD.

  2. Boundary: if you do _____, I’m leaving.

    Not a boundary: You can’t do _____.

    The 2nd one is controlling and is what your boyfriend does. Why are you putting up with it??

    Would he get upset if you told him he couldn’t go clubbing? Would he do what you demanded or would he go anyway?

  3. Boundary: if you do _____, I’m leaving.

    Not a boundary: You can’t do _____.

    The 2nd one is controlling and is what your boyfriend does. Why are you putting up with it??

    Would he get upset if you told him he couldn’t go clubbing? Would he do what you demanded or would he go anyway?

  4. I mean, I am not surprised, he is an old ass guy and went for a very young very naive woman. You honestly need to leave him.

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