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MetishaOwenslive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “MetishaOwenslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It’s good to check about that sort of thing, but now having read more comments on this post and your replies, I doubt it and would be surprised if things went that way. Based on your information, I have a guess about the picture forming. I’m jumping to a lot of conclusions but they’re based on what I read here and what feels right…

    You may have been his girlfriend for legitimate reasons at the beginning, but you became his wife for free labor/citizenship reasons.

    He’s cheating on you and depending on how long he’s been overly defensive of his phone, he might have been cheating since the beginning.

    The baby was a good surprise in terms of his citizenship and for an unknown amount of time he’s known that as soon as you had the baby he was going to split. Before the baby, the relationship mutated from legitimate and love-based to a citizenship tool and he was probably planning on leaving you once his citizenship was confirmed. The baby is a strong tool in his citizenship battle though so once they were born he felt like he didn’t need to stay in the marriage to keep him anchored here.

    He sounds actually legitimately narcissistic or histrionic. And emotionally abusive.

    My heart just aches for you OP. I firmly believe your husband is actual evil, and he tricked you into thinking you were in a happy loving relationship for selfish personal gain. I would do whatever I have to in order to separate myself completely from him if I were you. And depending on if it would feel like justice, vengeance, or the right thing to do, I would report this and ensure he is denied citizenship. Because frankly, it’s bad enough that his home country is stuck with him as a citizen, you should warn your country about the monster trying to join its masses. I’m so glad you said you set up a therapy session, and hope you are able to easily set up many more, because you’re going to need all the therapy you can get to unpack the truth of this and process it. At least you can remove your little one from his influence before he has to remember him or be influenced by him.

    From the bottom of my heart, best of luck.

  2. One of the things I established with my husband before I married him was that either of us are allowed to turn down sex for any reason, and you should never be upset about it. He, in fact, cannot enjoy himself if he can tell I’m not enjoying myself, so.

    Sometimes your stomach hurts or you’re just too tired. Sometimes I’m just not feeling it. He never ever holds it against me as the one with the lower libido, but we usually have sex 3-5x a week which I am happy with.

  3. If you really care about him then you would leave them alone. Block him, you can’t be friends and move on.

  4. I actually just booked an appointment with the same counselor she has.

    Are there no other counselors in your area? Does this counselor also do couple's counseling?

    In many cases, it's adviced to have separate individual counselors…

  5. You're saying yourself that he's not serious about you…so why are you doubting what I'm telling you? He doesn't want you at his….he wants the freedom to visit you for sex and that way, he can leave when he likes…if you're at his, then it's different.

  6. For me mariage felt like thats the final straw… if you have unstable feelings… dont get married… yes we all see attractive people but as a married person im not intimidated nor thinking about the attractive person… managing a wife is already a stressful, managing these attractive people is fkd up… you just dont think about it… or maybe its just me.

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