MELONZ live webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “MELONZ live webcams for YOU!

  1. Trust is the basis in every relationship. If you can't trust her, then you have a rocky foundation. You're young. Take this as a learning experience and move on.

  2. Yeah this is reason to break up. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. I think you need counselling or something though. From what you've said your actions are all fine, your boyfriend is basically just a child, and you need to be able to mourn your baby.

    When my brother and his gf lost their first child they held a memorial service and I think it helped them. Maybe you could try the same thing? Just go somewhere you feel at peace and say goodbye in your own way

  3. we’re confused too…… your wife is being ridiculous. You fucking fainted, she should’ve been concerned about you not somehow take that as you being untrustworthy(literally what???????). That’s besides the fact that she obviously can’t communicate for shit given this was EIGHT YEARS AGO!?

    also I’ve fainted a few times in my life and it’s actually terrifying and does not make you any less of a man or untrustworthy or whatever your wife is thinking(not like you’d know what she’s thinking with her communication skills lol)

    Good luck man, you need it!

  4. Probably so. I do a lot for other people and accept little in return. He makes me feel like I ask for a lot although I probably don’t. I just ask for normal things…help pay bills, be faithful, clean up after yourself, and be responsible for your own responsibilities.

  5. No such thing as the “right” person when it comes to having sex for the first time.

    Too much negative implication.

  6. You will always feel lonely if you're stuck with someone who is only staying with you out of a percieved sense of obligation. And you cannot magic chemistry that is simply not there. You will feel a lot less lonely and isolated in life if you reconnect with family & friends more, put an end to this relationship and start engaging more with people who are actually interested in and like you.

    It takes 2 people to make a relationship work. If your partner doesn't feel invested in the relationship then you only have 2 choices: end the relationship, or just accept the status quo.

    Your partner doesn't do anything to just because at the end of the day, despite your complaints you keep on staying even though he makes no efforts on his end. And in life, (within reason) people will treat you exactly how you allow them to treat you.

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