Melissapark live webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Melissapark live webcams for YOU!

  1. Valid point.

    I do want to believe him though. It’s just hard. I’ll probably have another convo with him about it later, though I expect him to brush it off per usual.

  2. You made it obvious that you wanted to get to know her, yes, but you didn't specify whether you planned to do this before or after asking her out on a date.

    And, to be clear, I'm actually with this girl: when I read your messages, I interpreted it as meaning that you weren't that interested.

    I'd re-establish contact with her and clarify that you do want to ask her out.

  3. You made it obvious that you wanted to get to know her, yes, but you didn't specify whether you planned to do this before or after asking her out on a date.

    And, to be clear, I'm actually with this girl: when I read your messages, I interpreted it as meaning that you weren't that interested.

    I'd re-establish contact with her and clarify that you do want to ask her out.

  4. I am so sorry she is doing that to you. I'm sure that hurts. That is a massive breach of your trust and definitely an accusation. Especially with her not being willing to do the same. Of course there are statistics about women more often being the victims. That doesn't mean women (f.e. she!) can't be the abusers. So she going to a “screening” makes perfect sense as well. You know…. you wouldn't want to date an abuser (after half a decade together)?!?

    She can not trust you after six (!) years. I don't think she could ever trust you then (or anyone, maybe?). I wouldn't be able to come back from this, honestly.

  5. There are no guarantees in life. What if it's OP and his wife that break up? Do the parents get to demand they be cordial forever?

  6. I also think it’s lovely she sees him this way. No matter what we tell kids they see us as they want to see us and lucky she sees you as someone she can trust and love. I wouldn’t make a big deal about it or tell her to stop as that will only break her heart. She sees you as a dad and telling her not to call you that could damage the relationship built.

    I would let your wife know she did it, if it continues. As if you are concerned about her dads reaction, it might be best to get in front of it. Hopefully she, and he, will see it a positive. That she has two dads who love her and can be there for her no matter what.

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