Melissa and Will | https://my.club/MelissaWill, 20 y.o.
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Melissa and Will | https://my.club/MelissaWill
Date: October 24, 2022
Marriage isn’t a priority for a lot of people. Talk about it don’t let him think it doesn’t matter to you if it does.
how this isn’t what we agreed on
She doesn't owe you anything and you aren't entitled to anything. It might suck for you, but the harsh reality is that you are responsible for managing your feelings, if you're spiralling then you need to manage that.
Get her mental health treatment, first.
And if she is unhappy and isolated in the UK, would it be an option to fly her back to her family & friends in Asia?
Stop doing things you don’t like. And you can’t make him do something he doesn’t want to do.
I suggested a prenuptial to my now ex when we got married. He didn't feel it was necessary (I had nothing he had lots). My guess is he probably regretted the when we got divorced 12 years later. Prenuptial are to protect both parties. No one expects to get divorced but considering almost half of all marriages end up in divorce….I never thought I would divorce my last ex. Also my ex turned into an AH once we were in the process after having said he wasn't wanting to screw me over. It ended up working out fine but once people get divorced they change no matter how much they say they won't.
Most importantly though….don't get married if yiu don't want to. Accept you're not compatible and move on. Why did you gf stay with you if she knew this all along??
Ray's at it again..
So for now he is choosing to not take it. Leave him be.
I live in Thailand. I can get almost any drug here, and almost all of them are over the counter.
If you don't even know the name of the drug the doctor wants to put him on, you won't even know the side effects he might have to endure to look good for you.
I thought people used the rhythm method to get pregnant, not to avoid it? Like you're trying to find when you ovulate to be able to fertilize the egg. I guess that means you can just reverse the calendar to find the days furthest from ovulation but that is not the context I've ever seen it used in. This is giving me weird vibes.
You have every right to decide what safe sex means for you and to cut off sexual activity with her if your individual views on that don't mesh. If she doesn't respect your right to feel safe, she's not as wonderful as she seems.
OMFG! i love the idea!! just saying I'm sorry & tryin to make it right ain't gonna make it up – TELL HIM TO TELL HER HUSBAND AS PROOF to you that he is sorry & wants to repent. & AP needs to get her ass whopped too for destroying OP relationship.
Both AP & OP bf are just plain cheaters, losers, liars !! FFS just leave him as after all as he is unworthy of you.
I get that when I'm riding my scooter in a store. People seem to think I'm an imbecile or a dependent just because I have lower body weakness. However, when I'm the one who pulls out a credit card to pay, they seem to get the message.
20 pounds overweight? You know that’s like… a normal, average weight, right? BMI cutoffs are pretty arbitrary.
OK, but this sin is costing you a friend. Why not fix some other sinful part of your life and let this sin allow you to keep a friend?
You already are picking and choosing, why not choose something that hurts the least amount of people?
Your girlfriend is an asshole and you should dump her gross ass.
So is my fiancé also selfish then because I have done things despite protesting and saying I don’t want to? I don’t understand why I am the horrible one for wanting him to do one thing that will make me happy when I have done the same in the past