Megan INST: @meg_myersss FANSLY https://fansly.com/Megan_Myersss/posts, 19 y.o.
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Megan INST: @meg_myersss FANSLY https://fansly.com/Megan_Myersss/posts
Date: January 8, 2023
I believe she’s lying and doing the trickle down truth. And there’s an affair going on there when somebody goes to all of that trouble there is something going on. I’m glad that you were kind to her, but I wouldn’t trust her either. Frankly, if not checked, a lot of times people will shoot again. I found a couple of great reconciliation stories on here. You however, in a difficult situation with her because she’s blamed it all on the bars and acted like a victim. So what is the stop her from opening her mouth going to HR if this happens again, you have a problem there. This is a 19 year old girl. This is a grown adult woman.
Maybe but why reveal it?
Your sexuality is different because it’s a bit more visible. Your friends and family will know who you’re dating etc.
But your kink??? Who needs to know that other than the ones you’re sleeping with? Why come out about your kink? Especially in this context?
And you're just expecting us to believe it was totally random?
Is it weird that I believe OP?
Don't get me wrong, I don't understand OP, but I feel it worth noting, I don't understand people who yell “Daddy” during sex either. But they do. So how is this really all that different? I feel like if that's okay for some people, then this should be too.
Unfortunately for OP, their partner may not be among those people, but still, this doesn't seem a lot different.
You do have a problem, though. Don't gaslight your wife because you can't take a look at your own issues. Be a man and do something about it.
Thanks for the compliment. Based on your comment, I'm betting you're a femenist who thinks all men are disgusting.
My ex did it and also cheated and I really really love my bf now and think this is it for me but I’m really firm on this boundary, I need it to maintain my own mental peace
Well we tried couple counseling like 2 years ago. We both stopped for some reason
You don't talk to her parents, you have one last talk with her (if you even want to) and then you break up, you choose yourself. I can't even fathom being into that kind of roleplay, but going as far as to dismiss and disrespect your boundaries and you as a person, as her partner?!
Imagine a girl whose boyfriend like to roleplay “rape” (CNC or “consensual non consent” is a real kink), but the girlfriend thought it was going too far. Then the guy tells her that it's just for fun and not that deep, and keeps trying to force her into the roleplay, says things like “You're my bitch! I'll do whatever I want to you. Shut up!” Pretty fucking disgusting to do that to someone isn't it?
At what point does this stop being an incompatibility and start being sexual abuse? Maybe you're consensually having sex, but you're not consensually participating in this roleplay. She is forcing you to be a part of it. If she is not taking “I don't want to do this” for an answer, it is sexual misconduct at the VERY least. And I'm being very soft on her.
Kittens can sleep or rest almost anywhere with a pillow or towel and be just fine, a grown man doesn’t have as many options. So you prioritizing them on the bed over him, is you taking kitten care a bit too far. That said, his reaction is over the top and saying he doesnt want kids with you because he fears you’ll take care of the kids over him is so incredibly selfish, kids need more care than a grown ass adult male. Think long and hard about staying with this guy, as that right there shows he expects to be the priority, regardless of the needs of anyone else in the picture. That’s not someone who’d make a good partner.
He is 33 and still single….. red flags galore.
Well where I’m at it wouldn’t become marital property subject to division unless he used marital funds for it- but it could make negotiations with the ex fall apart.
Dude no one sees the relevance because you didn’t say shit, you just started copy/pasting random excerpts onto people’s comments without a single word as to why or what for.
If you want to go on a crusade but not speak a word about what you’re crusading for, to the point people have to repeatedly ask wtf is this for, that’s on you. Learn to communicate, damn.
By all means, please enlighten me! I have life experience and have since a young age as an abuse survivor (horrible abuse that haunts me and my sisters to this day). Since then, I've gained more knowledge…..so unless you've survived some catastrophic event or horrible upbringing, I'm not sure what you can enlighten the rest of us mere mortals to….BUT, I'm willing to be proven wrong.
Confronting him is not the way to go. I don't think I even suggested that.
This so called friend of yours has been lying to you, lying to you for quite some time about something incredibly serious. Don't be naive. He's been lying to you. Do friends lie to friends like that? No. Has he been really good at hiding his lies and making you believe something other than the truth? Yes. If you confront him he will just lie some more and you'll fall for some more of his lies, just like what's been happening for years. This guy is good at lying! You're too trusting of him! If you talk to him about things, this pattern will just continue.
He's not your friend, he's a coworker and a superior at work to you, who never should have started an affair with someone who's so much less knowledgeable and experienced. Please, don't be naive. Tell HR. Tell the fiancee. It's not about getting back at him, it's about doing the right thing, for everyone.
So he gets three red flags when you thought he had the app on his phone, but she gets none and advice not to mess up the relationship when she secretly redownloads and logs back into an old deleted dating app on his phone to creep on what he was saying to people before they even met.
OP, you are the red flag, and you’ve got to tell him what you did, not cover it up and lie about it.
I will never understand why someone thinks they have the right to go through someone’s diary. my ex did this to me and the sense of betrayal I felt by him invading my privacy like that was never forgiven.
I misunderstood because I read he was peaking your interest. Think for one moment, how absurd it is that he’s trying to get your attention from his friend. Not only is it a betrayal of the friendship if you were ever caught, but it’s kind of downright despicable. So he’s not a good person anyway. At least not around this issue.
lmao you absolutely do NOT tell him
Oh… I love romance’ Maybe you need to be more spontaneous
Hi. I’m sober. Haven’t had a drink in 23 years. It took me 30 years to get 15 in a row. I got sober in AA when I finally decided to follow all of the suggestions. I was a 2 stepper. So. Now it’s about living amends. I’m sorry doesn’t mean a thing without a change in behavior. Get back to meetings. 90 in 90. Get a sponsor and a home group. Of course you apologize but the real amends will be living sober for the rest of your life. A day at a time. Feel free to reach out if you need an ear.
And you now want to give her a conversation about reversing your progress as a couple back to non exclusive because she isn’t working up to your timetable in only a month. Just end it with her if you feel this way. Or at least think about her feelings
I felt Jake was being selfish when he basically said it's ok because she's asexual. Like ?, no. No sir. That's not how this goes. You can't make the ultimate commitment to another human being and lie to them about the fundamentals of who you used to be and your family life. The lie about a sister dying is beyond extreme. He's partner probably felt her whole world title.
Sounds like she’s been planning to leave you for a while and this was just an excuse? Can’t think of any other reason why she’d be having such a draconian reaction…
If you think it's fake, then move on and stop harassing her for it.
Get Out
Please, please be a troll.
I can't deal with someone this idiotic actually raising a child.
Thank you so much
What’s best for her life, evidently, is also to not get the surgeries.
You don't owe him a relationship and you're not responsible for his health or happiness.