Marylibone-ig live webcams for YOU!


marylibone-ig Public Chat Channel

Date: October 6, 2022

7 thoughts on “Marylibone-ig live webcams for YOU!

  1. So, the fact that you’re both justified makes things complicated. She did try hard to get you a very nice gift that isn’t cheap, but she kind of ignored your intentions with the gift. I don’t think there’s any malice there though, just a lack of understanding about what the watch meant as a symbol for your success, and how important it was to get with your own money for yourself.

    If this is someone you want to grow together with, you have to endure some growing pains. This is that thing- when gears grind what are you going to do about it? This will give you good insight on if you are a good fit for being long term partners.

    I would sit down with her and outline the following: “I appreciate the intention of your gift, but I want this to be a certain way. I’m sorry if I didn’t explain it well, and gave you the idea that this would be a good gift. I still really want to hold the watch a certain way in my life. I have never been able to buy something like Thai for myself and it means a lot to me to do it my way. I really appreciate your efforts though, and i am sorry if my reaction hurt you. Can I give you $350 for the watch, and then we plan a weekend away together to celebrate our anniversary with that money? I’d like for this weird situation to bring us together and strengthen our relationship rather than tear us apart. Can you get on board with that? Can we think of another solution together that feels good for both of us?”

    If she isn’t emotionally mature enough to work through a gift snafu, I’d end the relationship because you’ve got someone who is more concerned with being “right” and getting their own way than they are about moving forward with strength.

  2. I would tell him he needs to move on from this or we can be done. Because what I’m not about to do is discuss the same topic over and over again when I’ve done nothing wrong to create trust issues throughout our time being serious.

  3. Is she mad about the money or is she mad you made a plan you couldn’t follow through on, cause I think it’s the second thing. She said she was gonna make you a dinner, bought all the stuff, made it, etc. she fulfilled her promise to you and then you didn’t go her. It’s a respect thing, I think making it about money is a mistake.

  4. I had to keep it real. I do not mean to hurt you at all. But she is fr trying to fuck your man. I’ve been the snake before, so I help my homegirls out with spotting them. Cut that b loose ! ?

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