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Mammygalzlive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Mammygalzlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You need to get over yourself. You didn't have a perfect relationship, you weren't “complete” and for sure you cannot say it wasn't toxic. You neglected your partner and put your selfish interest and issues first – time to accept that and learn from it going forward. Stop continuing to be selfish and stop obsessing over your ex, let her find someone who will actually value her and work on yourself.

  2. You know who will love you no matter how old you are. A dog. They are called human's best friend. They will hug you, lick you and even laugh with you even when you don't crack jokes.

  3. He refuses your reasonable request to change this about himself, so, it's time for you to walk. Don't waste your youth on this guy. He cannot commit!

  4. It doesn't sound healthy to feel like you're walking on eggshells when asking for simple things. At best his behaviour is manipulative. Have you told him how you feel?

  5. She doesn't live with her parents and they barely see eachother, i dont know anything about her current friends.. I contacted her sister and i was informed she was drunk last night so i hope this was just some drunk thoughts crossing her mind

  6. No don't sell your stuff for her. She should accept that things sometimes change. You can tell her you will take her on a nice trip when your finances allow for it again, but honestly, I find her behavior worrying.

    You don't have the money. It is not a broken promise. And it should certainly not be a reason for her to feel worse about the relationship. In fact, it is kind of a red flag that she does. Is she in this relationship for what you can give her – and are you now no longer good enough? Or does she always need to get what she expected to get, even after it is no longer possible? Like: 'so what that you are in the hospital, you PROMISED we would go to that party?' Or: 'Yes, you have a funeral, but you promised me that we would go on a weekend trip and you promised me first! So now I have to rethink this entire relationship because you don't prioritize me'?

  7. BEST COMMENT HERE. I highly recommend OP sees these people as not really good people inside since Alice is defending a man who had a large part in making someone’s life hell in marriage. OP deserves peace not toxicity which that who group is defined by to me. OP please consider also forming new friendships outside of that group. All your post read to me was Alice and Bob and that crew are toxic people who have no ethics or morals. Hands down there are better people out there who don’t turn their head like she did on seriously questionable behavior from Bob to partake in making your life hell and ending your marriage. That’s inexcusable behavior and if I were Alice I’d cut him out completely in defense of you. That would make me possibly even end my friendship with her bc she’s choosing to stay friends with that dumpster fire of a person Bob is, making her pretty horrible. So point is, you deserve friends who don’t make you feel bad like them. Keep your self respect and even if you distance from them after the wedding. Staying friends w Alice may further your anxiety knowing she is cool w Bob and company. You deserve better friends.

  8. See what confuses me though when I try to tell this to people I get such a mixed bag of responses. Some will say it's a misunderstanding some say he was definitely cheating. I really don't know what to do because I love him.

  9. If She goes to court and wants to be in the child's life she's going to owe a lot of money in back child support.

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