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LunaCovennlive sex stripping with hd cam


13 thoughts on “LunaCovennlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Gotta be careful with that logic though. Your chances of one person picking you are far higher when you only give that one person your full attention.

    Being half-hearted in who you pursue is not a winning dating strategy as anyone who knows you're not giving them full effort will rightly respond by saying “nope this person isn't showing commitment my way.” 5 eggs in 5 baskets sounds nice until all baskets realize that they aren't actually getting your full effort.

  2. I got so much out of it. He literally gave me life and gave me all of the things I've ever wanted and never had before. I feel since we got back from being away last it's just all gone to shit.

    I feel lost. He's currently in the spare room adamant on sleeping on the floor as he said he doesn't want to sleep next to me. In one breath he's saying he doesn't give a shit and just wants me to fuck off and in the other he's saying about our future and how he will be there with me. Even says about how he worries about me but I don't know if that's genuine or because of my bad mental health in the past.. all I currently know is that I have one hell of a headache from crying and I can't stop.

  3. The stripper has less reason to lie than the dude in this case.

    But let's break it down a little. Even if the stripper is a damaged human being trying to wreck your relationship for no reason at all, your bf STILL made it easy for it to happen by engaging in a long trail of Bad Decisions(tm) topped with the Lied To You cherry.

    Best case scenario still involves a future of paranoia, distrust, STD tests and potential legal and financial issues, because the overall behavior isn't a one-off but a repeating pattern.

    Run like it's on fire (because it is) and find someone worth standing up with.

  4. Let go of the fear of the meltdown and told her I've seen a pattern of her being snarky and throwing around zingers with our family when she's upset or tired. Was not expecting the meltdown to be so epic. She texted her close friends, extended family members max and my husband to say she apologizes that she is a very rude person and that she has been hurting them for many years. And that it was scary there was something wrong with her personality that she does not see in herself at all.

    I'm sure this is resulting in a lot of phone calls where she talks about me and is reassured that she is such a wonderful friend. My husband wants to stay out of it completely now that she's contacted him so I don't have him to talk to. I'm embarrassed, and it's tough when my words are misrepresented, and I can't defend myself. All these people brought into something that was meant to be about a family issue.

    Very rattled but trying to be strong and brave.

  5. Imagine thinking putting a dick in your mouth or in your butt meant virginity but in your vagina, it's totally morally corrupt and you're going to hell… After such brain gymnastics, no wonder she's not exactly balanced.

    OP, cut your losses and move on, only she can decide not to be blinded by ridiculous religious nonsense.

  6. True, unfortunately. I just didn't want to mention it and open myself up to “Prove it!” Because I don't have the spoons to look at that shit again rn.

  7. Yes, both of us who were missing were the only black people invited tot the party. I have been thinking about ending things due to this, because it makes me so sad every time it happens.

  8. Look at it this way. Anyone has the potential to change in the future but how many chances are you willing to give them and how long are you going to wait? You've already communicated your grievances and gave him the opportunity to fix if. If he openly chooses to disregard that boundary anyway then what kind of message are you sending him for future boundaries?

    Anyone has the potential to change but there's already people out there today that would give you the treatment you wanted. Is this guy worth waiting for?

  9. i'm not sure how this really makes sense with what i said. i made an edit that hopefully clarifies.

    i don't make that much money. that's precisely why i have to invest rather than pay off my loan. for this person, it doesn't make as much sense (though during covid, i have no idea why anybody would pay the loan, given what i've explained). free money is free money. people have to have money to live off of when they retire, right? this isn't about a “care factor for earning.” paying off debt now means i am more likely to go hungry when i'm old because there's less in my retirement account. simple as that.

    investing in an index fund is the same level of complexity as putting money into a savings account, btw.

  10. That is very abnormal behavior. NOT NORMAL! I don’t know how I can say it more clearly that other relationships are NOT like this!

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