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LunaaMlive sex stripping with hd cam


15 thoughts on “LunaaMlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She's the right age for it. My parents are around that age; old enough to appreciate snail mail, but young enough to be able to text / maybe even do social media.

    It sounds like you want to open the door to a relationship so invite her to add you on social media (if you have a family safe account), or text or email in response with the number / short link. Neither Mum or myself are big phone people either. This way you can share photos and snippets from your lives and hopefully get closer.

    If she doesn't respond you know you've at least thanked her properly. Maybe ask her to message when she gets it and let you know if she wants to message and get to know each other again that you'd like that opportunity.

  2. I'm tearing up reading this. I'm so unbelievably sorry that you were betrayed like that by someone you trusted. You sta you have a close relationship with your mom. It sounds like she will be on your side and that maybe the thing you're most worried about is this getting blown up? There is no way around her being hurt, upset, enraged- I feel that for you and I don't even know you.

    She knows something is up. She will believe you, and she will support you. I would suggest laying out how you prefer she reacts before getting into what happened to you… like, let her know that you have something very serious to talk about with her that is upsetting. that you are worried about how she will react, but you want/need her support right now. Other than that I don't know, this is heartbreaking. I'm so mad and sad for you. I want you to report him, and your mom will want that too. Don't feel like you need to do anything you aren't comfortable with. Therapy is another resource you should look into if you are able to afford it. Good luck, I hope that you are able to process and work through this trauma with the support of your mom

  3. What kind of reassurance can I accept? He says he will not do it again. My issue now is he knew that I hate the fact he's liking sexy pictures. He knew it all along then I caught him now woth this kind of actions. Am I just being toxic or what?

  4. You don’t manage his insecurities, he has to do that. What you do is step back and stop associate with someone who is purposely being detrimental to your life, whatever the reason. He’s trying to hurt you so you feel as badly about yourself as he does, stop letting him by walking away.

  5. True and don't forget the age difference between you and them. I'm 57f and understand both how younger and older may think. Older can be more immovable than younger for sure, as we get older and get set in our ways plus the generational culture we grew up in. I also had a large family, and brothers conflict in a different way than sisters!!

  6. How could she like him if he was a horrible person lmao? Not supporting basic human rights is a huge no

  7. he thinks bare minimum is ok and then he says that's why he doesn't doesn't because he can never do anything right

    This is absolute and utter BS. He’s in the military. Learning new skills through task/conditions/standards is WHAT THEY DO. He’s figured out how to play video games better over time…and I bet that wasn’t trial and error. There were a few YouTube let’s play and tutorials he’s looked up to solve that one quest or figure out a particular map/puzzle/weapons system in-game.

    There’s an entire section of the internet dedicated to cleaning things. He can spend some time figuring it out. Or, choose door number two!

    Did he ever live in the barracks and execute room inspections? DO IT LIKE THAT. You don’t wanna learn how to civilian clean a home (putting toys away, tidying, organizing, decluttering, etc.) you can fall back on military cleaning and sanitize the bathrooms, deep clean kitchen appliances, and drive a broom. Do your own laundry. Put the dishes away. Fold household laundry. Supervise the kids learning to clean the bathroom, sweep a floor, mop a kitchen.

    Oh I am so fed up for you.

    Source: Army Veteran. And wife. Who has had the exact same conversation with my beloved, former enlisted, spouse.

  8. It certainly doesn’t look good, but there are potentially more benign reasons, such as her doing a sexy photoshoot, or being cam girl.

    Of course if she is hiding messages (sometimes our minds can run away with thoughts) plus coupled with going back to a place she grew up where she may have had unresolved interests, then that would cause me a lot of concern.

    Personally I wouldn’t want this hanging over me so couldn’t wait until after the trip to raise it.

    My only caution would be about how you approach it while not knowing for such in that if you angrily accuse her of having an affair and it turns out she isn’t and things genuinely were good then that could be incredibly damaging to your relationship over misread signs.

    Either way, I’m so sorry you’re going through this

  9. I hate confrontation. So probably will not go ahead with it but my friends were making me feel bad for not checking.

  10. Yeah I’m not sure where I said men are victims too. I was just mentioning a way people were baiting good samaritans…

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