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Lost_Coupleslive sex stripping with hd cam


52 thoughts on “Lost_Coupleslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yeah, I guess it 's just the fact he thought it was okay to dump/ throw something at me.

    Reading/ replying to comments made me realize I might be so hurt because my relationship prior to my husband was abusive. This reminds me of that time in my life, like the beginning.

  2. Okay, but that doesn't excuse her shitty behavour and treating him like that. It is in excusable in my opinion. You can't beat me down to a wallet and want me back after you kicked me to the curb.

  3. Look. You need to protect yourself & your kids. You stand to lose everything. You need to get some legal advice ASAP.

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  6. I'm sorry. He works 50 hours a week and some months only pulls in 1k? So he's making roughly (if my calculations are correct: 50hrs a week x 4 weeks in a month = 200 hrs a month / $1000 a month) 20 CENTS an hour???

    Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

  7. You are being absurdly petty. There are plenty of activities you can do with your daughter. She wanted to do this one thing and you didn’t happen to be available.

  8. You two were sexually incompatible. You did the right thing, OP.

    Also, it’s 2023. You can say ‘sex’ on the internet.

  9. He’s not worried about losing you or your emotional needs.

    He’s more than willing to show you his control.

    Whatever your decision on this issue. You need to get away from him. This is abusive behaviour.

  10. You are not in a corner and I don’t care if he is upset. No means no. You tell him no to anything you don’t like and that is the end of the story. If this creep keeps it up, then you leave his ass.

  11. It’s difficult to hear but he may be turning to porn because he’s not very attracted to you anymore.

    Sometimes people turn to porn on occasion if their partner turns them down too. The urge can be extremely strong for men to the point it’s distracting and borderline uncomfortable. It’s frustrating if your partner won’t have sex and they also won’t let you masturbate.

  12. Why are you wasting your entire life with this man do you still want to be in this same place in 10 yrs if not do something about it quit being a pushover

  13. My best friend has been my best friend since we were 16, absolutely nothing romantic has happened in that time. I also have a long term partner I've known for about half that time.

    Me and my best friend love going to fancy restaurants and do so one on one frequently. If my bf had an issue with that I'd hope he'd have the sense to ask questions to understand our friendship rather than decide somewhere is too intimate and it's weird to go out one on one with a friend of the opposite gender.

  14. have you talked about missing your dad? Like it's a weird gift but if you're homesick and missing your family i can kind of see where he was coming from

  15. When I read this I can't just ignore the fact that your BF is choosing his roommate over you… I think that whatever S wants is great, but your BF chooses how he acts and what he accepts. When you pay rent, you have rights (unless they are specifically spelled out on the rental agreement – like no overnight guests).

  16. When a woman gets pregnant that is one of the times when her partner is most likely to cheat on her, unfortunately.

  17. Your girlfriend wanting to pay for the party is understandable. Some people don't want to feel ad if they owe something. Especially if your mom and gf don't get along.

    So what was your mom calling your girlfriend out on? And what was your girlfriends points? This seems important

  18. Oh and: get a screen grab of her texts. Put her on blast. People need to know what she’s capable of

  19. This. Also the fact she’s trying to cuddle him when he was upset/angry over something. A lot of people need space and don’t want someone being overly affectionate when they are in that mind space. I know if I’m upset, I will take myself to my room or do something away from other people for a little bit. I’m someone who quickly gets over things but I do need time to calm down by myself.

  20. While I don't understand the concept of calling your partner any names, what you've done is less bad than this:

    And he admitted that he knew I was upset after stepping on the scale so he knew saying that would hurt me.

    He deliberately chose the thing that would hurt you the most instead of saying “I'm hurt and didn't like this”.

    He for sure thought about that insult for a while, normal people do not just come back with this vitriol.

  21. Your husband sounds like someone I used to be friends with. Loves certain things, good at certain things, always offering to help in many ways. It was overbearing and burdensome to be around them.

    If your husband is like my ex-friend, then he's driving people away by not letting them breathe as he obsesses over his interests and holds people's ears hostage. He is stressful and burdensome to be around.

  22. I'll tell you what I need someone to tell me: your husband is treating you poorly. He's taking an advantage of you and shows by his actions that he doesn't respect your time or wellbeing. Why should you use all your energy and time to clean? Burn out is no joke.

    I have the exact situation with my bf and can't figure it out. Why someone who obviously loves me treats me so poorly? Doesn't he care? It can't be that he doesn't understand because we've talked about it hundreds times. Why do they do this?

    I wish I'd have the answer, or I could tell you how to fix this situation. If you do find out, please tell me.

  23. Oh she knows she’s wrong, but she doesn’t give a damn. I think we just practice so she figures out how to spin it to the rest of the general public tbh.

    That’s why she lied and said she would give him her number for “emergencies”. Why bother with the lie? I mean if it’s okay to fuck him because “technically”, then surly it’s okay to give him your number so you can make your move.

    She’s just a horrible person

  24. Sounds like you're asking permission to do what you're already going to do.

    If you want to ditch him because of his poor financial situation, then do so, but I'm not going to make a moral judgment on it.

    Some will say you're shallow and a bad person, others will say you're being practical. The bottom line is, can you accept him if his situation doesn't improve?

  25. You said he grosses you out when he eats, because he apparently doesn't meet your standards.

    STOP TRYING TO CHANGE HIM. If you want to date some guy who's fit, then do that. Trying to make your overweight boyfriend lose weight to better appeal to you is gross. Just as it would be gross if a man wanted you to change how you look for him. STOP IT.

  26. Oh my gosh be done with this AH. You’ll be so much happier and in a better head space all around without him.

  27. I'm scared for your other kids.

    She had a bed but wasn't allowed to use it. She needed food during puberty (which, you know, science) and you told her off for it. Then you used her fears to actively terrorise her. You are a bad person. Then you treated her like even less then the basics were okay. 'I let my family get her'. Those are things you should have got her as a parent.

    You are beyond controlling and an actual abuser. You are very much an abuser and never think for a second otherwise.

  28. Legally and financially speaking your BF is on solid ground. He's protecting himself and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

    Being r/relationship_advice and not r/FinancialAdvice, you need to consider if the lifestyle your BF maintains is one you're willing to live in. Personally I see nothing but lifestyle arguments between the two of you for years to come if you can't solve it now.

  29. That’s fucking bullshit. You don’t stand up for her because you don’t consider her a friend? You cowards.

  30. Since the main issue seems to be your husband, what’s keeping you from going to see your son and daughter-in-law yourself? It sounds very much like your husband has a lot more to do with this than your son. You want to see your grandchildren, then humble yourself and call, email, write, whatever you have to do to go see them. If they don’t want to forgive your husband, that’s their choice. It doesn’t sound like your son and his father will ever see eye to eye but that shouldn’t stop you from creating your own relationship if you really want to.

  31. If you're single you can post shit like that about the guy you're seeing. If you're engaged and you want to vet him you hire a damn PI. You might just have ruined your relationship. Posting shit like that publicly isn't something everybody is able tp get over

  32. He will magically be reachable for the right woman. Who, sorry to say, isn't you. What should you do? Take time away and lose the erotomania.

  33. You asked public Facebook groups for info about your fiance? I'm not surprised that he responded the way he did. Shouldn't you have an idea about whether this guy is a danger not already.

  34. Pause. Refocus on yourself. Your partner should have your best interests at heart and he supportive.

    Get your nose in those books.

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