Lisilovee live webcams for YOU!


Striptease [Multi Goal]

Date: November 6, 2022

19 thoughts on “Lisilovee live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Glittering_Parsnip92, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Hello /u/No-Diver-1170,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. I think you're right. They are as a result of how we got together and she won't be able to help. Any tips on how to work through my insecurities?

  4. I'm 32, so it's not unlikely to have been raised in a mixed-politics home. It's extremely plausible and likely that if the BF is a pretty good guy from what we've been told, but votes republican, he's maybe not a complete douchebag. I'm just going with what we have been told.

  5. Yeah, everyone is saying to just move the cat bowls, but can we talk about how weird it is to pour out a bottle of pills into your hand just to get one? And what about when she inevitably, eventually, has to take other more serious meds? Like a full round of antibiotics? You can't risk losing one of those pills. And you better hope she washes her hands before this pill performance, because of they all get touched EVERY day… Ew.

  6. no sex yet since we live in different states like a plane ride away (this would be the second time meeting). we've kissed and flirted but we don't know just yet. things need to play out to see what is the relationship exactly

  7. Jesus christ, yes dump his arse.

    And to everyone who says “reddit always tells people to leave their partners”.

    It's because its shit like this.

  8. Putting BC pills in the microwave is just one of many, very easy ways to render them ineffective without it being noticeable.

  9. In my family I am probably the only one who sees difference between toilet paper and pater towel. Unless he took the roll which is currently hangs next to the bowl I wouldn't see it as an issue. Oh and drying the dishes after washing also not something everybody do.

  10. Your relationship doesn’t sound healthy. He shouldn’t be guilting you or manipulating you into doing what he wants. A healthy relationship doesn’t work that way. He doesn’t seem to trust you and that’s a huge red flag as well. Sound like he slowly wants to isolate you from everyone. You deserve better.

  11. I mean I hate having to take them but not taking them sucks a lot more. If OP's bf has a presupposition to addiction Adderall is going to be the one that ticks the box for abusing.

  12. You just have to own what happened, if someone brings it up just say yes I mis-read the situation and yes I also feel stupid about making her feel uncomfortable. It will die down, girls gossip for comfort sometimes. If she was upset she was most likely venting about how you in a tacky fashion brought up being sex buddies. Live and learn.

  13. Bruh, she ain't worth this. I guarantee it. She is going to attempt to fix every broken man who finds her attractive. Can you deal with an endless stream of men trying up get in her pants and get letting them? For years at a time? Now imagine if one of these per projects had something to actually blackmail her with instead of this he said she said bullshit. You think youd ever find out? At least be honest if mark is writing her to run away with him to another country. You still didnt get the whole truth. Clearly, more happened .

  14. Unfortunately there most likely isn't any coming back from this. This probably has very little to do with you (although I wasn't there it's possible). You should definitely stop reaching out, wait until she reaches out to you next, or move on and kindly let her know you don't want to bother her anymore. That post sex clarity can be a lot to handle, and a lot of women want to feel safe and secure with their partner which usually takes more than a first date.

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