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49 thoughts on “Lilibet_Meghanlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You haven’t… done your Hail Mary pass yet?

    Oh my, yes please do it. You owe it to yourself to put it all on the line and see what happens.

    I thought you’ve already been there and done that. Now you’re begging for attention and coming across desperate.

    Put your heart out there. You need to see how he responds.

  2. Based of your comments I would not buy a house with her.

    A ) You havae lived together for a few months a while agi (whilst she was presumbly happy at her job) I think even this changes the dynamic of newly living together

    B) A mortgage especially when not married to someone is huge, what happens if you pay for the next 6 months and she decides to break up with you? Moneywise if you both put the same deposit down some could say the house would be split 50/50 depending on your contract

    C) She's gaslighting you saying you're to blame for not being enthusiastic about buying a house when YOUR the one with a job who will have to pay for that house

    Honestly don't let this be a red flag you regret you missed later on, try couples therapy and renting together first, it will be worthwhile.

  3. He also posted about how his pregnant girlfriend was pissed he wouldn't drive in an ice storm to buy her cigarettes. Me thinking it was about the cigarettes, almost applauded him, until I read he was going to walk the 2 miles to get them for her.


  4. Well as I said in my first comment I agreed with you that it's totally possible to still turn it around and I think that's the only good solution there is.

    Her brother, her family and op himself all have dogs and so they have experience. It would be a good idea to let her brother give her some help on training because op is overseas a lot of time and can't really do anything.

    However his wife needs an urgent reality check. The way he described it was that she basically expected a fully reached adult dog and instead of getting the dog there she complaints. If she is willing to change that it can get good. But she needs pressure to actually change.

  5. I, personally, would not do it.

    Two reasons: 1. He using the “for the well-being of our kid” card was low. It seems like he tried to guilt trip you into taking him back. 2. How do you know he misses you, as his wife, and not only being in a household? Those are two COMPLETELY different things.

    IF you're still thinking about coming back (which is understandable), please seek couples therapy FIRST. Make that a condition to even consider getting back together. You have things to work on, and you have your kid in the middle of this. By the end of the day, you'll forever be parents, so you need to have a solid partnership (regardless of being a couple).

    Good luck ❤️

  6. u/timmy_b2000, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. u/Brilliant-Passage549, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. He’s lying either to you or himself about him having these conditions. There is not and never has been such a milk allergy that immediately stops the heart.

    Disassociative identity disorder is not a condition in which all the personalities are aware of what is occurring as it is occurring, it is quite literally a disorder characterized by periods of memory loss that occur as one of the other personalities takes over.

    No person with these number of disorders would not already be receiving mental help as well as disability.

    He’s lying to you

  9. Nah, if they're interested, go for it. Just be aware that you'll probably grow apart sooner rather than later. But I spent my youth with older women, and I regret nothing.

  10. Thank you! I applied for the loans and bourses program (idk if it’s how you say it in English, my first language is French) I’m waiting for the loans, which could only be ready in 2-3 months from now at the end of my first semester ? that’s why I’m living on a budget

  11. Everyone is quick to judge like y’all’s life so perfect. No I didn’t protect myself, I know it and I’m facing the consequences, I didn’t protect myself bc I’ve been having healthy problems and my doctor told me that I was “sterile”, no I don’t want to abort my baby!!!

  12. You need to find a better therapist. Seriously. 2 years and you havent been able to do some simple fixes is a waste of time and money. Either tell her straight up what you need. You need a technical way to deal with your issues. You need tools to help you out. You need to actively work on changing your thought patterns. If this therapist isnt providing you with any concrete help such as methods on approaching issues or giving advice what to do in the moment when youre anxious you need a new therapist.

  13. Tell her it's only a joke if both people are laughing. If that doesn't work, I'd stop touching or looking at her when naked. When she asks why, explain it again.

  14. He isn’t gay an they constantly hangout an he stays the night with her

    So many questions….

    “Constantly” So everyday, every other day, once a week?

    “Stays the night with her” I assume not in the same bed or room? And again how often, and why? Does he have a far commute, does he live just down the street? Are they getting drunk all the time that he stays the night?

    This sentence and that they've been friends for 10 years is not context enough for strangers to judge if this is or isn't inappropriate. By default I'd assume that this is a non-issue.

    However, if you've got some gut feeling then you probably should listen too it. If she's prioritizing him ALL OF THE TIME then that could be a red flag, especially if it's stupid little shit that you're getting blown over for. If they share the same bed when he stays over/if they cuddle that would be a red flag also.

    If your gut says run, then run, otherwise provide more context…

  15. I can’t tell if everyone here has been cheated on or is just overly paranoid?

    Hell, I’ve been cheated on and am not even this paranoid about people’s intentions!

  16. Why would you even want to go? What other information could he possibly offer you that would even matter all this time later?

  17. The moment you are lower in priority order for your partner then their friends is when you call it quits.

    But the thing is, even her friends weren't her priority. She didn't keep in touch with any of them, not even her parents. Friends always came to me and complained about how it took her 2-3 weeks to respond to a text message.

  18. Imagine being a 23 male and have to ask for validation if ur dad is weird sucking and biting ur neck

  19. You seem to be mad at your sister for ruining the potential to have a relationship with that guy, but can't understand why she is mad at you for the same? You causef all this drama. The guy doesn't want you, so all you could do is try and not pursue him further to save at leats one relationship. You want both. You can't have it. All parties made that clear. Also, how does gicing your number out for emergencies end in flirting? You know what you did was wrong, but don't want to deal with the consequences.

  20. You got together when you were 21.

    You grew up and became different people.

    Nothing weird here. Go find someone you like more.

  21. …well it's resolved but I just wanted to thank you for this wholesome post. Hopefully you two have a long and fulfilling relationship (explode normies and all that.)

  22. I'm over here wondering why even that? Why specifically Asian? Something a lil creepy about that.

  23. 100% a manipulation tactic. It's horrifying. 20 minutes tied up and afraid is very traumatic, and then having someone come “save” you and talk about how much you trust each other now? No no no no

    I hope OP runs far away and blocks this friend.

  24. lmao why did you include the line about not getting hard?? Dawg you got sexually assaulted, no need to bury the lede here.

  25. I 1000% want a relationship, I’ve never been in one! I work from home so don’t really go out to meet people unless it’s from a dating app. Currently been on 3 dates with a man but I don’t think I’m interested but because of what I’m feeling with this guy from uni I don’t know if I should give it a shot or not as I don’t want this feeling again if that makes sense?

    If you 1000% want a relationship then you will have to meet people. No one is going to show up at your door just straight-up ready to get into a relationship with you. You have to put yourself out there. Ask your friends to set you up, keep using the apps, go out on a bunch of first dates and see what happens.

    It is fine if you aren't feeling sparks with this 3-date guy or any guy, but I advise you to NOT compare every date you go on to this one dude you never even dated in university. You have built him up so much in your mind – way beyond anything reasonable.

  26. I’d like to think of relationships/marriages as akin to a flower. If you water the flower and take care of it, it will bloom. If you neglect it, it will wither and die.

    Right now, your wife isn’t putting in any efforts into maintaining the relationship. You are doing all the work, and you sound a bit resentful. Have you tried to talk to your wife about the fact that you feel unappreciated in the relationship because you’re doing all the work? Or that the relationship feels one sided?

  27. I agree – I don’t think he should have had to tell her to begin with. Not every single sexual detail needs to be given, she knew the bulk of it. If this was AITA I’d say NAH because this sucks for them both and she definitely needs space, but I don’t see this as an egregious lie and I also think her telling the adult children is immature of her.

    She is causing harm and it’s not cool.

  28. It's perfectly fine if you can't do a FWB. Above all else, you should only ever do what you're comfortable with.

    As for the example, how did you meet? Regardless, you again should never be in a situation where you have no idea where things might go. You should discuss what you're both looking for up front. It's not asking for commitment; it's confirming you're at least on the same page.

    But even if you have that discussion and let's say you both discuss that you ultimately want a long term relationship. That doesn't mean either of you can't walk away from the situation if you realize the two of you aren't a fit at any point.

    That's obviously what happened here. This is where you need to take a step back and do a bit of self-reflection. I think you sort of have a mindset that people just suck and will always leave. But like I said, there's a reason for it. She realized you two were incompatible. I imagine you struggle to acknowledge reality, as in, you might also realize you two aren't a fit but you're willing to force things anyway. You'll have to let us know.

    That's literally dating though; the process of getting to know someone to see if you're a fit and you're compatible. You're looking at things ending quickly as a failure. Of course it sucks when things don't work out, but it's not a failure to walk away from a situation that isn't right. It is, however, a failure to recognize a bad situation but continue on regardless. That ultimately ends with a bad relationship. We live and learn. I also can't sit here and tell you how to feel as ultimately how you feel is how you feel. But you really shouldn't be letting a failed first date have this big of an impact. This girl is a stranger. You need to essentially stop planning your wedding when you meet someone and then get upset when it doesn't come to fruition.

    Finally, you need to ask yourself if there's anything you're objectively doing that's pushing people away. Can you describe how you act before and during dates?

  29. Are you talking showering at the gym? Soaking in a hot tub? Sitting in a regular sized bath tub? I honestly don't know what you mean by bathing with them.

  30. It is possible to heal from infidelity in some cases but this doesn’t seem to be one of those. It wasn’t just cheating it was months if not more of consistently lying to you, sneaking around, and also potentially putting you at risk as well for STIs without your knowledge. This wasn’t one stupid mistake, it was an orchestrated deception and betrayal.

  31. So then I deserve some sympathy and you guys shouldn't be as hard on me as you guys are being because of my sad backstory

  32. It's not a shocker that some people have more common sense than others, just saying that claim someone young is immature is a bit of an expected thing is all.

    Still think that depending on things it can always be worth to grow up and mature together because you'll eventually learn and adapt to each other better than if you start with someone older who's already set in their ways.

    Not excusing her for the stupidity she committed btw.

  33. She just told you that she WILL cheat on you whenever it feels convenient for her. Do as you will but my suggestion is get out of that relationship and don't look back.

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