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Lauraleiiilive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “Lauraleiiilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Honestly if it were me I'd just walk away. I wouldn't insert myself in the drama by telling her. Sounds like he will ruin it soon enough on his own. But again that's just me.

  2. I'm tempted to write an exaggerated version of what it's like to read your question, but that would be NSFW. Girl, respect yourself, and carry yourself like a queen and lowlifes will be less likely to gravitate towards you, and for those who do anyway, there's always mace!

  3. Well, you need to decide whether you trust him or not. Other women shouldn't be a problem if you do…

  4. He makes 4 times what you do? That means he should pay 75% of the mortgage. And 75% of utilities and everything else. Go immediately and get a civil marriage wait a year and divorce and take half. See if he likes it. He's a parasite not a BF. Move out and live your life with someone who is fair and shares your values.

  5. Thank you. I'm not one to purposely set somebody up to fail or be a snitch but in his case I'll happily make an exception.

  6. Your husband is a shitty hypocrite. The reason he doesn’t want you to have guy friends is because he doesn’t want you to behave the way he does. It’s called projection.

  7. So wait? Staying with your boyfriend is still an option for you at this point? Yeah, Sounds like you feel so guilty /s.

    Let the poor guy go. Regardless if you do or don't go with your boss. He deserves way more.

  8. I don't need to watch a video to give advice here… if you're interested in him as a person, just talk to him! Ask him about himself, or be straight up with his interest (or not) in you. If you're not interested in him or are only interested in him because he's shown interest in you, then keep it polite but don't engage more than small talk.

    If you want my real advice though: NEVER date a coworker

  9. You could read up on grey rock method and see if that resonates. Basically don't let yourself be triggered into conflict and be so boring that they seek attention from other sources.

    She is not in any way shape or form on your team now so don't let her have any personal info. And her actions henceforth doesn't really concern you. Make sure to lean into friends and family. Get some exercise. Keep being the best parent you could ever be. Try therapy if you struggle with this situation, it can be very helpful.

  10. Insane precedents that the UK has, check my other comment for the example I used.

    There's also the example of the PENSIONER who got found guilty of assault for using his walking stick to attack someone who broke into his bungalow in Cornwall

  11. No, it’s not you. It happens to every single guy, at least once in his life. It could be literally anything. It’s likely just performance anxiety, especially since it was his first time since his divorce. That’s not an excuse he’s giving you, it’s genuinely true. He could just be watching too much porn. Could even be whiskey dick, or a combination of all of the above.

    What’s important is that you don’t make a big deal of it. Just brush it off like everything’s normal, and get back to foreplay. The bigger of a deal you make out of it, the more likely it’s gonna happen.

  12. Is there any reason to worry though? Like is there any sort of toxic behavior she’s exhibited? It doesn’t sound like she’s cheated or done anything wrong, so it sounds like you’re simply judging her for embracing her sexuality, which yes makes you seem like a bit of a dick

  13. He is 8. He can thrive whether there is one house or two, provided there is love and stability.

    There will be neither in a house where you are forcing yourself to take her back with nothing resolved. No resolution for your pain and many questions. No resolution for whatever shitty reasons she has for the bad choices she made.

    Where there is no consequences, there is very little way to learn hard lessons. You would never have found out from her naturally. She concealed this for a year smiling to your face and giving you shit no doubt when you annoyed her. In the back of her mind was the hypocrisy of her actions. Still, her image was more important than your feelings.

    Ask family to come and get your kid and give him a fun few days of holiday. Kick her back out and let her know any road back this time requires true contrition. Make sure she understands part of that is admitting to friends and family what she has done and take responsibility for it without blaming you for her bad actions. Then you will find out just how sorry she is…

    I suspect not very. Get a lawyer.

  14. I do understand that. I also understand from what you've written about your wife that she's not excited about it. I have seen, IRL, multiple relationships crash and burn where one person who was not very enthusiastic was talked into letting their partner be poly.

    A happy poly relationship with your soulmate requires that you both be enthusiastic about it and great at communication.

    Btw, I can see that you're feeling really vulnerable from getting raked over the coals here, but you're being extremely hostile to everyone giving you advice. You need to take a deep breath and read even the comments that hurt you because everyone who is saying something unkind to you? Is trying to protect your wife. Your soulmate. From you.

    Before you react, please reflect on that.

  15. So you want me to say that your boyfriend sexually assaulted you. Like in the rape kind of sense. You do realise that this is totally not ok what he did?

  16. She has obviously given it to you to spend as you wish. If you feel that blowing it on stuff isn’t for you then perhaps treat yourself to a new tennis racket so you have something to show her and then save the rest like someone else suggested to put away for a honeymoon or house deposit.

  17. “I wouldn't want to join a club that will accept me as a member.” – Groucho Marx. Sounds like you have self-esteem issues.

  18. Sorry, just processed this last bit after my other response. It's probable that like most folks he recognises that you have a past and, after seven or eight seconds of retro jealousy that most of us go through if we only admit it, just accepted it and let it go. This is absutely, in no way, definitely, utterly, not the same as watching you do it! I'm guessing a little but I suspect that what he's feeling right now is not very different to you cheating on him. I also know that these feelings come across as if the sessions he watched happened only yesterday. Your best chance here is that he can rationalise all of this before his brain shuts down because if that happens you have probably spoken for the last time.

  19. I hate to break it to be ladies of the world, but way too many dudes like looking at other ladies online. It’s seems relatively harmless to me, but it would depend on how other things are going in your relationship if there are truly things to worry about.

  20. Wow. Who'd have thought that a man who married someone 14 years his junior would start creeping on an even younger woman after rating her a 10/10? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. ?

    Your husband is a pig. File for divorce.

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