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LanaWyattlive sex stripping with hd cam


74 thoughts on “LanaWyattlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Perfectly valid concerns and communication from your side has not solved the issues.

    Are they deal breakers for you? You are young, and seem to already have many issues in the relationship. There are many concerns (not being equal, not being compatible sexually, not getting along with your immediate family), and it would be reasonable to end the relationship on that basis alone.

    Is this the person you are going to be spending the rest of your life with? You are already mentioning your fifties, seeing forward more time than you have been on the planet. If you don't think she is the one, and you are not happy, then move on.

    If they are not deal breakers and she is the one, it seems like just voicing your concern is not enough. What happens if you stop driving and paying? I'm guessing more problems, otherwise it would seem like an easy fix. If that's a deal breaker for her, then she might end the relationship, does she value the relationship as high as you do? Are you willing to ignore the issues and keep being the one doing the majority of the lifting?

    Bottom line is, you are not being a dick. Your concerns are valid and your relationship doesn't seem healthy and lasting into your 50's.

  2. I feel pretty bad for this dude. You've essentially been doing the things most people do in a relationship, hanging out, talking frequently, and being intimate on a regular basis. He just wants a girlfriend and has no idea that it's never gonna happen ?

  3. He wants more benefits than stipulated to in your original agreement. Time to renegotiate and possibly end the agreement

  4. The petty bitch in me is saying to get all their gifts at dollar tree. Also stop paying your moms car note. Only go to fast food places with your family or don't go at all. If they want to mooch off of you, that's too bad. Seems like they care about your partner's money more than they care to respect you

  5. I would message her. The girl my ex was cheating on me with was glad to tell me about their affair and finished the conversation with “can I have him then??”

  6. If you throw in some public indecency, maybe pee on something in front of the cop, like, hype it a little, it’s a very achievable goal.

  7. This sounds more like legal advice.needed. IAMAL, but she could get a consultation for $20-$30, by calling the state bar for a referral. She should take the time to write out everything she needs to ask, because it's usually just an hour call.

    I think it's worth it, cuz it can help her know what she needs to do. Since they are married she very well could be on the hook for payments.

  8. 1, you don’t know what gaslight means. 2, You think a college student should know how much alcohol they can handle?? Not to mention it’s likely a freshman in college considering they’re living in the dorms. That’s ridiculous, no, obviously they won’t know their limit yet. 3, she was taken advantage of which makes it clear that she was most likely tricked into going to his room. You should try and find someone who is willing to teach you common sense. And empathy.

  9. Your fur kids are definitely an indicator of your future if you two had human kids together. Cats are good at reading personality too. Your elder cat is sensing something you've not noticed. I've known many cats, both my own and other people's. The closest I have to my own cat at the moment is the neighbour's cat. He and I get along well, and while I wish he was more sociable, he did trust me early. He does purr a lot around me, whether there's food on offer or not.

    I think your elder cat is right. She's feeling stressed because of him, and she senses the animosity he feels towards you and her. Which is why she's hissing at him, she feels cornered and unsafe. For me personally, his behaviour would be a deal breaker. Anyone being both neglectful and incompetent about cats in the house, I could never act like he does around them.

  10. You misled them into believe your age, no what country you're from it's morally not right and they could get in trouble for it.

  11. That is a subjective matter. Only she and her friends know her true intentions. Since you can't mind read, you either go with the flow or ask her.

  12. I'm not surprised redditors only get into toxic relationships…or none at all

    This isn't some weird or shocking thing. I almost always maintain friendships with my exes. We generally broke up because we weren't compatible romantically but still enjoyed being friends. Not every breakup is with your pants down or running from flying dishes like in movies. Sometimes two people can understand they're not good as a couple.

  13. I doubt that she's keeping it because she wants the guy back in her life. It probably just reminds her of a day that she has positive memories of. Or maybe she's just not very quick to throw old things away.

    People should not be expected to just erase all remnants of a significant part of their life when they get into a new relationship. I have stuff my ex gave me. My girlfriend has stuff her ex gave her. Neither of us has any desire to go back to our exes and neither of us cares that we still have that stuff. It's part of our life history, not an indication that we want to go back to our exes.

    Focus on the present and the future, not the past. If there's no other signs of her wanting him back, I think you should just forget about it and move on making happy memories with her.

  14. I am a gay trans man into leather.

    Talking about our kinks publicly is kind of normal in my world?

    I mean, I am not a furry, but it wasn’t weird when my friend was asking for ideas for names for his lizard and when I suggested one, his response was, “No that’s the name of my friend’s fursona so that would be weird.”

    Last night I got drinks with a friend at our favorite spot and promised to send over some ideas for sex toys because my friend knows I have more experience with this particular sex act.

    It’s very very funny that astrology and stupid quizzes always label me a power top when I am very much not. This leads my friends to tease me about it relentlessly because I am proud to be a pleasure oriented bottom.

    Sometimes our kinks tell our friends more about us. Fursonas can go well beyond the realm of sex and into a sense of personal identity. No, it’s not the same as being gay, but it can be something someone does want people to know about them as a person without relating to those people sexually.

  15. I’m not saying you said it, I’m just saying that obviously people are being unkind about furries so it’s natural for OP’s buddy to be nervous.

    Again, you’re forgetting this man has PTSD. When you have PTSD, the things you do to avoid that trauma again aren’t always rational. I moved across the country and I’m still scared my abuser will show up one day despite not knowing where I live. That’s not rational, but PTSD will do that to you. Maybe it wasn’t rational to make this more serious than it needed to be, but again, the man has PTSD from his loved ones rejecting him, so of course he’s gonna go to irrational lengths to prevent that rejection again.

  16. Yeah, I like being slapped in the face during sex, this is not something I'd share unless my friends and I were openly talking about kinks. Like to just come out and say it with no lead up is so weird.

  17. Thanks for this; it’s really good advice. I will certainly try to remember to do this. I’ve been trying to be supportive and I realize none of this is her fault…but it can be easy to forget sometimes too.

  18. I mean, there's the fart problem and then there's the he doesn't listen to you or care about your comfort and mutual passion problem. I think even if you solve the fart problem, I'd need to make sure the other issues are addressed.

  19. Why is it a shock?! After four kids you definitely know what causes pregnancy. You said that you were using no bc because of cost. Well now get ready to be even more broke. He’s freaking out because he’s a realist and knows how much harder it’s going to be.

  20. I’m about to get my third IUD on my third difference insurance and it’s been free every time…

    I know I have pretty decent insurance, but I swear they fall under the free birth control mandate.

  21. And when you do honor his feelings and take a step back from those physical interactions. Do you feel uncomfortable?

  22. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Marriage in 2023 is a rigged game; can't blame the guy for taking the easy route.

  23. When one person gets upset a lot and is depressed and anxious, one solution people try is to lie, so as not to upset them. And seeing that lying just triggers you, you need to either get your anxiety/depression under control so that people feel safe to tell you the truth, or you need to date people that are unflinchingly honest, even if it makes you anxious or upset. You’re not a failure and you can be happy, you just either need to pick better partners that fit your needs or you need to get your mental health better under control.

  24. Yea definitely don't tell her …. I was never a dancer – but as a girl … I looked at my own feet and was like eh maybe MY feet are gross hahaha –

  25. Uh, no. I don’t know a single person who has ever signed up for a dating app to make friends.

    I have seen a few do it to spy, but they didn’t use their own pictures, that’s ridiculous. If you put your pictures on there it’s because you want to date.

  26. Firstly , you are certainly not the issue he is.

    Something isnt right here . Personally I’m not convinced it’s simply about labels . Even though he may be socially awkward , I think theres more to this .

    Im not accusing him of anything I’m just saying that if someone wants more of you , a considerate person would acknowledge the interest and not bite back.

    I have a feeling because of what you may feel , you might be a little blinded. I’d be interested in wha besties think

  27. No I mean it. We had a huge fight all day yesterday and she has given up all hopes on me. She was so fed up with me because I do all these illogical stuff that seems so suspicious to her. Only caring about my feelings when in fact she needed me the most and reached out to me for comfort but I only reciprocated with a silence.

  28. And for the MIDDLE name nonetheless. Not even the first name. Maybe OP fears that it's symptomatic of other issues (which is understandabl) but the problem of the middle name per se is one of the most non-problems I've read on here in a while

  29. Mainly for an outside opinion. I have BPD and can overthink things or make things more emotional than necessary. I wasn’t sure if it was possibly one of those things that doesn’t really matter so I like to have other opinions. But your right, regardless of any outside opinion it’s better discussed with him

  30. Well, parts of that sounds promising.

    What would be even more promising, is if he understood that expressing 'I love you' right now, would push you away instead of bringing you closer.

    He may be ready to say it, but you're not ready to hear it.

    Neither of which is bad. It just needs to be understood by both sides, which is the key.

    Ngl, I knew I loved my Gf within the first few months… it took her over a year to express it. But we didn't force it on each-other.

    There needs to be a pace that works for the two of you.

  31. The thing is, to be number one, you have to do what it takes to be number one. It's as simple as that. Your wife, over the time, lost passion for it and is now angry that the world moves on and someone else is doing what she used to do and be angry over that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

  32. Relationship boundaries are between two people. Not the internet. If you aren’t comfortable with that let her know.

  33. It's in the nature of being young that you have to learn how to drink and for some that takes a while. Its your insecurity to deal with not gers but that doesn't mean she won't be willing to help if she feels the same way as you obviously do. If she foes she'll admit she has this issue with drink and want to find a wsybto deal with it. Obviously easy answers are to ask her friend to chaperone or agree that you can arrive later and take her home. As long as you can make her understand that you wouldn't be worried at all if you knew she could stay sober.

  34. I am appalled at how many people are concentrating on your friend instead of your husband trying to control you.

    Does he really think so little of you that you would act like a puppy trailing along after your friend? And why is he blaming your friend for trying to make the best of a crap situation instead of her scum loving husband?

    He should be ashamed of himself for his BS

  35. You are not compatible, just break up. Also his reaction tells you a great deal of what you can expect in the future if you stay together.

  36. He's probably using you. If he was interested to be your boyfriend, he would tell you. And in this case he told you the opposite.

    Believe him.

  37. She call me a pussy all the time, because she'll yell at me and shut me down in conversations and I won't argue back because she threatens to leave or cold shoulder me for the whole day.


    She'd ask me where I'm going, who I'm with, what I'm doing at all times of the day but would never just tell me where she's going under the guise of “I told you yesterday, if you really cared you'd remember”.


    she wouldn't let me wear a condom during sex, and threatened it she ever got pregnant she would leave me and never talk to me again.

    Control, manipulation and downright insanity

    she would use her dominating personality to crush me mentally, and use that to her advantage.


    This woman is a giant walking abusive red flag. Please get some professional help to talk through everything and learn how to stand up for yourself. Most importantly if someone refuses to use a condom when you want to, do not sleep with them.

  38. Just the story would travel fast between old co-workers and the like. Then that spreads quickly at the new job and they think “what the fuck did we get in to.”

  39. Honestly, I’d leave before I ended up pregnant. Life is too short to spend waiting on a lazy, unappreciative man that you resent. You probably have another 50 years on this planet, I sure wouldn’t want to spend it like this.

  40. Everyone at least once in their life has let love blind them oblivious, but now since you experienced that don’t let it blind you again. This just sounds tiring

  41. Try a conversation first. Don’t bring up the phone snooping and whatnot. Just a “Hey, I’m not comfortable with how much time you’re spending with your ex.” Talk about it openly. Ask her if she can spend less time with him – or perhaps even stop being friends outside of absolutely necessary conversation. You can even ask if you can see her phone and if she’s willing to share those conversations.

    If that goes south maybe it’s time for the breakup talk. But sometimes people really do form close friendships with exes. Or she might not feel something but the ex might be doing so. That happens too.

  42. Ive been waxed before and first off yes a hard on is common and uncontrollable and their's nothing sexy ab it. But I have never came close to cumming. Not even a little bit. Everyone is different and maybe you have a new found pain kink but honestly that's a bit concerning. Were you thinking kinky thoughts about this lady? Either way that's probably a story you should have kept to yourself.

  43. She needs to go to HR now for his inappropriate behavior. Document every instance she can. That she’s minimizing this and considering this behavior friendly and not taking firm, decisive steps to shut this down and no longer work with him is deeply concerning

  44. OP,

    Here is my take on what is happening, your being groomed by her and possibly by him (maybe). You were upset how she dresses, you were upset by her affections to you bf. She pays everything, cooks dinners, is not concerned when you will move out, and now buys little gifts for both of you.

    I believe she is looking for more from either you, your BF or both.

    I might be completely wrong here, but start looking at it from this point of view and just think about it. Maybe others can or will see it another way.

  45. Right now is a deciding moment on your life. YOU were granted a baby despite growing fertility concerns. YOU are ready. YOU have the means to support said child. And YOU want the child! Don't even consider his side. Given your age and fertility issue this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and if you squander it for this dipshit you will love to regret it. He will either man up and stay or likely leave. But being a single parent is way better then being an adult in an emotionally abusive relationship.

  46. I wasn’t sure what to recommend, so I deferred to my psychologist wife. She says time to get both of them out of your life.

  47. You should break up he obviously doesn't care about the baby

    The safety of the baby should come first

    Your decision not to the act could cause the baby's health problems

    If this continues the baby could even be taken away from you

    Be smart

  48. My (30f) old college friends told my husband (31m) I’d slept with over 100 men

    telling stories about how I’d slept with some of them and over 100 guys.

  49. Welp there ya go. Wife needs guidance, hell maybe even a real, accessible role model. Maybe marriage counseling and some college classes– maybe for the both of you– before considering divorce is a viable option. Good luck!

  50. Now you're seeing why a 46 year old man is dating someone 20 years younger. Women his own age won't put up with him.

  51. That College friend is about to ruin your relationship because apparently ruining the friend groups relationships weren't enough. And if your wife was trustworthy with good morals, she wouldn't even have interacted with him at the wedding.

    Please know your worth, this will get messy.

    Good luck, OP

  52. Consider that he may be counting on you not speaking up about it. If you don’t want to tell those people make sure you tell someone outside of your family in case you need help dealing with it later

  53. Yeah , he’s being creepy. He’s trying to flirt in a really creepy “ dirty old man” way. You have to talk to your mother. The only comment that wasn’t horrible was “ how are you single , you are beautiful “ , every other comment was so very cringe. Your mother has to do something, you shouldn’t have to. Does this AH do this in front of mom?

  54. That’s what I’m thinking, but at the same time she’s getting a free car. I trust she’ll make smart decisions and just accept the car no strings attached.

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