This would be a dealbreaker for me but working for equality and equity are a major moral factor in my life. It may not be such a major tenet for you. You’re not going to change him so can you live with him having these views and others knowing you’re ok being with someone like that?
You won't directly answer the question being asked over and over: is it possible that another man conceived this child? If you continue to dodge it, the answer is clear.
You’re projecting, nothing from the post suggests that. She literally came forward to him with the info about the abortion. Why would she do that if she’s afraid and he’s an abuser? She was hiding it because she knew he wanted kids and she didn’t. It’s hilarious seeing you in the comments repeatedly trying to justify this by making up stuff out of thin air
IMO, it's not worth having the discussion. They're probably not self-aware enough to acknowledge what they should've done better. I tried to sort of have this type of convo with my dad years ago, and it didn't help. It made our relationship more strained for a few years. If you have the convo and they react badly, how would you feel? Do you have a therapist? I wonder what a professional would say about this.
They are not temporary. You can do 2-3 cycles over a year or two and out on 40-50 lbs of muscle and then stop. You'll lose some of the pump but the muscle stays behind after you stop. I went from 165 to 225 and have maintained a solid 215 for a very long time. It's called muscle memory.
The road rage is a secondary effect due to the androgenic activity. But, it goes away once you stop using them.
Maybe the first thing to do is to reframe the invitation to dinner from ambush to impromptu. You live with them so maybe no one felt like cooking that night. You're also having dinner with them every night whether it's at home or a restaurant, right?
If the backseat bothers you, then tell them you'll meet them at the restaurant. You can drive yourself there and leave when you're ready.
Your friend seems to be emotionally invested to the point that she'll make excuses for him. It's what those scammers do. They come in and pretend to be everything the other person has been looking for. Then they slowly introduce financial difficulties they are going through and how much they need the victim's help. The victim wants to help this “good hearted” person because they want to rescue their new love. If there is any resistance, the scammer lays on a little guilt trip and the victim becomes scared that they will lose this new love so they cave in. It's always a long distance relationship.
NTA. If I wasn’t warned and surprised by company being in my home, after I’d had a long day and not feeling well, I’d have done exactly the same as you. She did not consider you at all and didn’t even text you that she had company over? That is what is rude. You shouldn’t have to come home and be expected to socialize with no warning after a long day. Were you a little rude, sure, but it was far more rude to surprise you with a social event you didn’t agree to or want. I’d apologize for your rudeness but wife needs to apologize for demanding you be her personal circus monkey that needs to socialize exactly when she does without any plans or communication.
Or, per his edit, he is controlling her so she's setting some boundaries.
You're awful. Get over yourself. Hair grows back, but your dick wouldn't if you chopped it off.
Open relationships aren't for everyone. You may just want your bf to yourself and that's fine
This would be a dealbreaker for me but working for equality and equity are a major moral factor in my life. It may not be such a major tenet for you. You’re not going to change him so can you live with him having these views and others knowing you’re ok being with someone like that?
You won't directly answer the question being asked over and over: is it possible that another man conceived this child? If you continue to dodge it, the answer is clear.
You’re projecting, nothing from the post suggests that. She literally came forward to him with the info about the abortion. Why would she do that if she’s afraid and he’s an abuser? She was hiding it because she knew he wanted kids and she didn’t. It’s hilarious seeing you in the comments repeatedly trying to justify this by making up stuff out of thin air
IMO, it's not worth having the discussion. They're probably not self-aware enough to acknowledge what they should've done better. I tried to sort of have this type of convo with my dad years ago, and it didn't help. It made our relationship more strained for a few years. If you have the convo and they react badly, how would you feel? Do you have a therapist? I wonder what a professional would say about this.
They are not temporary. You can do 2-3 cycles over a year or two and out on 40-50 lbs of muscle and then stop. You'll lose some of the pump but the muscle stays behind after you stop. I went from 165 to 225 and have maintained a solid 215 for a very long time. It's called muscle memory.
The road rage is a secondary effect due to the androgenic activity. But, it goes away once you stop using them.
You gotta roll out, my guy. Sexting someone else is bad, sexting her ex is worse. It’s not worth trying to fix.
Maybe the first thing to do is to reframe the invitation to dinner from ambush to impromptu. You live with them so maybe no one felt like cooking that night. You're also having dinner with them every night whether it's at home or a restaurant, right?
If the backseat bothers you, then tell them you'll meet them at the restaurant. You can drive yourself there and leave when you're ready.
Your friend seems to be emotionally invested to the point that she'll make excuses for him. It's what those scammers do. They come in and pretend to be everything the other person has been looking for. Then they slowly introduce financial difficulties they are going through and how much they need the victim's help. The victim wants to help this “good hearted” person because they want to rescue their new love. If there is any resistance, the scammer lays on a little guilt trip and the victim becomes scared that they will lose this new love so they cave in. It's always a long distance relationship.
NTA. If I wasn’t warned and surprised by company being in my home, after I’d had a long day and not feeling well, I’d have done exactly the same as you. She did not consider you at all and didn’t even text you that she had company over? That is what is rude. You shouldn’t have to come home and be expected to socialize with no warning after a long day. Were you a little rude, sure, but it was far more rude to surprise you with a social event you didn’t agree to or want. I’d apologize for your rudeness but wife needs to apologize for demanding you be her personal circus monkey that needs to socialize exactly when she does without any plans or communication.