Kinkmemore99live sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Kinkmemore99live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would never ask him to return something either, I will make it work even if it's not my favorite quality ? In March, we’re going to have 8 yrs together

  2. Yeah, it's a bit of a personal thing and it's kind of related to an incident on our first date, so it's become both an inside joke and a cute little thing between us

  3. It’s not her right. They’ve been separated for two years. She has absolutely no right to demand he get a vasectomy to “prove his loyalty”. He’s said no over a dozen times. It’s a hard no. The fact that she continues to bring it up and coerce him into permanent sterilization is highly manipulative & controlling behavior.

    She already has his answer. So the fact that she hasn’t walked away means this isn’t about her not wanting to have more kids.

    This isn’t some silly little thing she’s asking, and he has a right to be concerned that she’s completely blown past every boundary he has set and is still insisting on this being a requirement for her to maybe possibly consider “taking things slow” after being separated for two years. They’re basically divorced. She’s his ex. You don’t get to blackmail an ex into getting sterilized. She doesn’t respect his boundaries or his body autonomy and that’s waving more red flags than soviet russia. He needs to walk.

  4. That is your money. You earned it and are continuing to earn it. She is acting entitled with a request like that imo. I agree with your stance 100%.

  5. I would never agree to this with a significant other. Either we are both benefiting or neither of us are. Find someone who’s going to build a life with you.

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