Kimmpierce live webcams for YOU!


11 thoughts on “Kimmpierce live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is fucking insane. You need to work to be able to live. You can’t live if you don’t have a job but have gf. Unless she wants to pay for everything you need and want then let her leave. And even then, it’s still pretty crazy. I get that you love her, but this is not sustainable for you, my friend. You need better

  2. Right on, yeah, I appreciate that. I have a hesitancy to assume that because one person operated in one way (i.e. predatory and unable to maintain relationships with those their own age), others will do the same, and tend to look for the good in people. But I think you are right. If something feels off and fits in with a larger pattern of behavior, time to just face the (myriad) facts and move on.

  3. Get rid immediately. Him and his friends have zero respect for women and that’s telling by his reaction alone, let alone the second part to the story ?

  4. It's too soon to say he wants to get married to you, but it's fine at this point for the two of you to be discussing in general terms if you're looking for marriage to be part of your life at some point in the future.

    Assuming you like this guy (and it sounds like you do) I think I'd say, “I was thinking about our conversation, and i've decided it's simply too soon to be discussing marriage at this point. Let's agree not to talk about this again for at least another year and a half, until we both know each other a heck of a lot better, ok?”

  5. Because those guys don't see women as a threat and don't see LGBT relationship as “legitimate”. I have see too many bi people saying this sO i cAnt bE fRieNd wiTh aNy gEnDer thing. Do you guys really can't understand casual sexism and homophobia.

  6. That's the best way. Forgive them as a person, as if they were simply a stranger who bumped into you on the street. They're just fuck ups and you happened to be in their path. That way you move on and it's not living rent free in your head.

    They simply aren't worthy enough to be anything more than being someone you used to know.

  7. I've been there. My wife was told she looked 16 when we had been married for 5 years or so that would have made her around 26.

    When she got pregnant with our first kid, she got lectured by an old woman for being a pregnant teen. She was almost 30.

    Granted, all of this talk was always directly to her, but I've never dealt with what you're going through.

    You have to try to focus on the problem, and that's other people. Not your wife.

    But she, like my wife, has to tell them to fuck off and mind their business, or nothing changes.

  8. I would go to the ends of the earth for him if he asked, but the minute he asks for personal space I panic that he might hate me.

    Do you have any suggestions on how we can successfully meet the others needs in a compromise without killing ourselves to do so?

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