Kelsey Lynn live webcams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show In Progress. Tip 50 to join the show

Date: October 21, 2022

6 thoughts on “Kelsey Lynn live webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/lilcow8582. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.

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  2. And let me tell you, it hurts to be with someone who does the flip-flop emotional abuse tactics. In my case he brought up divorce, would shut down and leave and refuse to communicate. We stopped couples therapy since it wasn't getting anywhere. We tried again to use a mediator, but he's so stuck in the past, and seems unwilling or incapable of being present and working together, that I don't think we have a future.

    I was just on the r/marriage subreddit reading a post about what people need in order for their relationships to be solid. I even shared it with my husband. (We've lived separately for going on 8 months), but it doesn't mean I don't wish something in him would change and he'd want to try to be a better partner. He doesn't much seem like that, so it's hard.

    OP should definitely get more insights into what marriage is supposed to look like. I can't say much about how long they dated before getting married, as it was rather short for us (and we've been together about 7 years). I'm in my mid-thirties and still have a lot I want to do.

    I gave him a hard boundary/time-frame, that if we're not working towards a healthier marriage/relationship this year, I'm out. I have waited too long already in my mind for the changes, but we all do things at different speeds. So, I know my limits, and hopefully OP can figure out hers. Best.

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