Kayakakuro live webcams for YOU!


cute cute [410 tokens remaining]

Date: February 12, 2023

8 thoughts on “Kayakakuro live webcams for YOU!


    He committed a crime by stealing your identity, then committed another crime by using said identity and not filing taxes on income he earned. He's literally fucking up your life and not taking it serious.

    If he did this to you, and you don't report him, then what's stopping him from doing the same damned thing to his other kids?

    I've had my identity stolen and it was a legal nightmare trying to sort, made worse because I didn't know it was happening, so I didn't report it (until I was tied up in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt). Do not make the same mistake.

  2. Not to mention the temple of Satan doesn't believe in or practice magic ? that's us church of Satan followers. And we don't mesh with the temple. Were completely separate entities and anyone apart of either would never want to be confused as the other or having the others ideologies. And thats on a decade and a half with the church.

  3. Your reply to me has just reminded me of something I was going to say to you in my original reply but I forgot.

    That is that since you half ‘ended’ it and moved out and away, the way that you continued with him coming round to your place and staying over, coupled with the having sex with each other, this also clouded your judgment about him and the way you were now with each other that you saw it as really good and you loved it as you felt your family was together and it was good at yo ur place and it was these new emotions that you totally forgot about the abusive and toxic relationship you experienced and what he did to you and those reasons why you left him in the first place. This has also led to the feeling of being confused.

    Don’t worry you haven’t done anything wrong here but you do need to put boundaries in place like I said above to protect yourself going forward

  4. Totally makes sense. You've got a lot to heal from dear. Please save yourself and your babes at all costs. Life can be safer and calmer and easier. You've gotta realize your worth and what you mean to your kids. You've gotta visit those dark spaces and see why you're hurting. Feel it, accept it and let the hurt pass. You're grown now and can create the life you want for yourself. Your kids. You have to do it. No one will save you but you. You can do it. But will take work, self discipline and lots of self care. ?

  5. I think you should just continue to walk away. She sounds like she doesn’t even know what she wants and has no problem dragging you down with her bad mood

  6. Ultimately it doesn’t matter if she’s a lesbian or bi, what matters is that she’s crossing boundaries and hurting you

  7. I'm surprised you actually think about what to say to him now, since you haven't thought about him at all when you took one of his only friends from him and didn't even have the guts to tell him.

    I'm also surprised he wants to talk to you. He seems to have grown a lot, so at least there's one adult now in your family.

    So what could you say? How about… Nothing? Let him talk. Listen to him, give him the chance to pour his heart out. Act like you actually care about him and his feelings for once.


  8. You can’t leave one relationship for another. You need to heal the part of you that allowed yourself to be treated this way, as well as heal the parts of you thst have since been broken first before you can even remotely consider a healthy relationship with someone else. Far too often we want to place all the blame on the abuser and it does rightfully belong there, however we fail to accept that we need time to heal from that so that moving forward we never accept that kind of treatment again.

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