Kalie the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kalie, 19 y.o.


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Kalie live sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

27 thoughts on “Kalie the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. “I want a hundred children because then I would have a hundred friends and no one can say no to being my friend”

  2. Not with the women if you know you’re going to not let them know that you’re in a present relationship, maintain the boundary of not complaining to them about your relationship, and prevent over dependence on the friendship coming back, don’t catch yourself Doug. Anything you wouldn’t want to catch your gf doing…

  3. I’ll never understand why people stay after these things happen. He clearly has an issue with alcohol and that alone should be reason enough to break up. But then he cheats, lies about it and gets angry when you try to process your feelings. Break up. It’s not going to work out. It’s just a matter of time. So many red flags.

  4. Are you an emotionless sex doll? Are you a prostitute? Does he pay you? No? Then get rid of him, he sounds like a 14yr old whose just discovered sex, his expectations are beyond immature and just plain demanding and very controlling. If he wants sex on tap and acts like you say, leave him to his porn and right hand. This is NOT a healthy relationship and could escalate in time

  5. People are gaslighting the OP for communicating his boundaries.

    Except he's not communicating boundaries, he's trying to set rules.

    The GF could change in the female designated area with her other teammate for OP’s peace of mind.

    She could. But she's chosen her own comfort over what he wants. That's her call. He can walk away, if he's that insecure.

    People are making this into a “nudity=/=sex!!!11!1!” thing, but it’s not that deep.

    Not deep, it's that shallow. They can't see past “naked in the same room = cheating”.

  6. How immature are you? Your responses to these comments lack insight and are childish.

    You say you have a lot of respect and love for her? Then respect her by letting her know your concerns so she can be a part of this conversation about both of your futures, even if her future may not include you.

    You also describe how you’re goal oriented and have a lot of passion and hobbies but never specify what these are. What are they that makes you “superior” to your partner? You say your girlfriend lacks these traits and works full time. What does she do for work? Is she supporting you financially at all? Please have some actual respect for your partner to tell her the truth of what you really think of her.

    I also honestly doubt she lacks passion or hobbies.

  7. You two need therapy quickly. Good luck, I have more questions tbay suggestions aside from go directly to counseling, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

  8. This is just your daily PSA that if you aren't feeling your relationship anymore, and your partner isn't treating you kindly and with respect, you need zero reason or validation to break up with them.

    If he refuses to address the issue then that's that.

  9. If you are willing this is one of the few cheating scenarios on Reddit that I believe is reconcilable. Does it make it easier or ok…no. One thing to consider is a post nuptial agreement with a heavy punishment for infidelity when it comes to property and any future children. Good luck and if you want you can fix this.

  10. So your husband brags about sexual assault and physical assault?

    I'll say it slower… your. Husband. Rapes. You. And. Beats. You.

  11. Leave as soon as you can. I stayed with an ex who yelled at me like that for 2 years. You'll become a shell of yourself if you stay.

  12. he was so excited to be a dad when we first found out. the day before we broke up we were at the first ultrasound. we got into a fight the next morning and he wants nothing to do with me but he wants to be involved with his child still. i’m just so confused and hurt. i really don’t want to get an abortion but i don’t want to have to deal with him for 18+ years

  13. Being Bisexual isn't a license to cheat. She's being selfish and only seeing what she wants. Since she's being so determined, I wouldn't be surprised if she already knows who she wants to sleep with, and it's not going to end with just one. Cheating is cheating if both parties don't consent. She's trying to bully you into consenting.

  14. I appreciate your opinion, thank you. I don’t see these scenarios as one in the same, but seeing how he may perceive it is helpful to me.

  15. Sit down, have a serious conversation about it. Separate finances, divide expenses by percentage of the joint income. Assign chores and make a schedule. Stay living in a fair relationship or end it.

  16. I do feel like that sometimes but he never had a gf or a first kiss or anything before me, maybe he needs to learn how to love in a healthy way

  17. Dating is an interview process. The point is to get to know people to see if you're a fit and you're compatible. If he “didn't like” most of them, that means they're not right for him.

    I think you're going out of your way to create a problem where one doesn't exist. First, who cares if she takes the relationship seriously or not? Second, he asked her out, she said now, and he carried on living his life. Is he supposed to wallow in misery over a rejection for a year?

    It's completely unreasonable for you ask to see chats. Either you trust him or you don't. If you continue like this, this won't last long. Good luck.

  18. Your boyfriend is a toddler and it’s not going to get better. When someone is this pathetically insecure they will always find a way to make it your problem. If Brock hadn’t offered you clothes your boyfriend would be paranoid and angry that you were around Brock in a wet t-shirt.

    Nothing YOU can do is ever going to fix his insecurities. It’s a problem on his end and you’re never going to be able to avoid it.

  19. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this slimeball. What could be desirable about a man that has soooooo little respect and regard for his wife that he’s hitting on women way younger than him at work. Barf. Trust me, he doesn’t respect you any more than her.

    Guys like this are so cowardly.

  20. I also asked him to go out for a dance class that we did joined together before, But he kinda said he’s taking a break

  21. Girl, I am your creepy boyfriends age. I have kids older than you. I could never date someone your age, nor could any of my friends because theyre not disgusting pedos who prey on little girls young enough to be their children. Its fucking sick.

    The age gap is a MAJOR part of why dumbass girls like you end up coming to this group to ask why their bf is so controlling or toxic or whatever. The fact that you DONT see the problem is because you're an idiot who's dating a guy old enough to be your father. We all get that you have daddy issues and are new to this group, but no that age gap is one of your major problems, but you're too naive to see it.

  22. You have stayed in this relationship 3 years and 6 months too long. I would also suggest that not only does she need therapy but you need therapy to figure out why you stayed for so long and denying your needs and who you are.

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