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k_kimikooolive sex stripping with hd cam


21 thoughts on “k_kimikooolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Apologise for what?

    Tell him you’re allowed to touch your own body for any reason and he needs to stop commenting on it and policing it because it’s stressful and none of his business.

  2. My husband works and I’m a stay at home mom going to school. I’ve been to therapy with my husband trying to resolve this current issue and he felt like the therapist was taking my side so he never went back. I’ve been through some sh** with him. He was an ex drug addict and I stayed through all the crap he put me through for 5 years and when he finally got clean, well now he’s acting like me not having enough sex “in his prime”. Well I wasted plenty of my years waiting for him to grow up. It seems a little like I’m the only one giving out UNconditional love here.

  3. What do you do? You’ve done it. You notify others and you step back. What happens next isn’t up to you.

    Not any of us are invincible or able to prevent the actions of others. You do not need to salvage your life by clinging onto his because without you he would die.

    It’s emotional blackmail.

    You owe him nothing. Sever ties after turning his threats over to people in authority and move on with your life.

  4. I agree with this. How horrible and selfish of him to expect for you to attend his events but not yours!? He’s not giving a fuck about your needs and wants. If he truly wanted it to work out you would have seen a a change already. Remember, actions speak louder than words and life is too short to keep waiting in the quicksand, waiting for a “boy” to fall into your standards.

  5. You don't. I've went through a situation like this years ago, where I was him in the situation. Not the SH part though so it's a bit more sensitive than mine. But when she left me (brutally) it sparked a great realization and a genuine want to become a better person. I was stoner at the time, with no ambition, couldn't stand up for myself, based my worth on the opinion of others, etc.

    It took some time and a couple difficult years that I went through alone. But I got through it. And today I'm stronger than ever. I don't mind standing alone. Sometimes even prefer it. In this time I realized my own potential and started working towards it. To this day I'm incredibly grateful for what she did. Otherwise I would've never had the opportunity to become a man.

    How to do it? I don't know. There isn't an easy way. But I implore you to do it rather sooner than later.

  6. I appreciate all of the comments, advice, etc, even if they are negative. I am really trying to have an open mind & try to see all sides. I know that my post did not have a lot of info on specific incidents. I don't want to keep going over all of the he said/she said. I feel like I have been doing that for 11 years. Some of you gave some really good advice. I have told him that I think we should separate in the past, even just for a few weeks, and do some individual counseling sessions. He did not want to do that. I think we both need help. And we have never communicated well. That was why I wanted to go to counseling 6 years ago. He has never been diagnosed but multiple members of his immediate family are bipolar & I believe he is too. I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. So we definitely both have our own Demons to deal with too. We got married for the wrong reasons. At least I did. I got a new job & they did not cover domestic partners on health insurance. So that was a big factor in my decision. He was having a lot of health issues & right after we got married he stopped working for several months. The kids are also a big reason. Their mother is not in their lives at all anymore and I have always been the one who protects them when their dad would get really mad. He was harder on our son than our daughter, but I would put a stop to things when they escalated. He told me recently that he feels like he can't live without me & that makes me feel like I have to stay. He has said if I leave & don't take the dog that he'll put him in the pound. I don't know if he means it or not but our dog was his first. But he is my baby since I work from home & am with him 24/7. In addition, he is only working part time & cannot afford to take care of the kids on his own. So I feel very obligated to stay. A lot of things have been said by both of us. 11 years is a long time. It's not that I don't want him to tell me how he feels about incidents but I feel like these are things we have talked about repeatedly. Not just once & I apologized. It is hard to listen to it over & over again. I feel like instead of all of these incidents, talk about the bigger issue – why it upset you, how it made you feel & how we can improve it. I am willing to do that. We were talking a few days a week & setting a time limit as well as telling each other our topic in advance. That way it was easier to approach without being defensive & prepared for the topic. I thought that was working, at least for him, but I did not have so many topics I felt I needed to discuss because I have been trying to let go of those things. Again, thank you all for your perspectives as well.

  7. I already told him that I’ll do whatever it takes to prevent that even calling the police. For now he’s still appearing active on discord. Every single time we was in similar situation before he always felt that kind of tendencies but he was also possibly threatening her to stay with him with suicide because he couldn’t lose her. But she was also the type of person who was dependent on him. Idek how to explain their situation.

  8. My best friend is male.

    We hug, in a see you later I hug all my friends this way kind of way.

    We don't hold hands, because we're mates. We don't cuddle, because we're mates. Etc etc etc.

    Sorry but that's not friendship. I don't pull crap like that with my female friends either.

    I would be suspicious

  9. So the thing with relationships is there is no formula, people can give you advice, but they can't tell you the steps to “escalate a relationship”, life isn't like a video game, there is no “correct answer”.

    There are definitely some things you shouldn't do, namely, ask someone out while they are on the clock, especially if they're in a service industry. Now, that doesn't mean you can't try to date her, but do your absolute best to keep it separate from her work.

    Next time you're there, chatting with her at the bar maybe shift conversation to what she likes to do outside of work, see if she's receptive, or if you have common ground. Or you could write your number on a receipt or something and put the ball in her court so to speak. If she's not interested, it is pretty easy to pretend that never happened and move on.

  10. She has a mental illness, but it is a very treatable one. Have her talk to her doctor – you can go to your regular doctor for mental health. She can feel better with help.

  11. I would politely tell her that you understand that it's natural, but it's gross. There's no need to purposely be disgusting just because you can.

  12. ehhhh. i wouldn't totally agree that if you open your marriage you should always be prepared to have someone leave you for a new partner. healthy polyamory means everyone knows what's going on and is on the same page. there are also boundaries that can still be crossed.

    idk what kinds of talks OP and her STBX had when they went into this, but with a solid foundation, his falling in love with another partner and choosing to end more than a decade of marriage over it absolutely crosses a line.

    either they both went into the situation knowing their marriage was unstable, in which case opening the relationship was a bad idea on both their parts. OR the husband agreed to this knowing he had doubts about the relationship and instead of communicating those, he fell in love with someone else. i would honestly consider that a form of cheating

  13. Yeah she keeps asking me if I think he still cares or loves her and I’m like yes… but no bc he’s told my bf she’s a good girl and stuff but he was just over it.

  14. Gross. I can imagine the sort of person he is. I'm going to guess. He's against all emotion and makes edgy jokes at the expense of things you care about. Unless it's something he cares about, in which case he gets real emotional. Its clearly affecting your relationship as your views are so widely different. I know it's cliché at this point in this sub. But…yeah this relationship is done. He sounds like a ass

  15. Everyone is different. For some people, physical intimacy is important. For some it’s not. And even when libidos are aligned, sometimes people simply aren’t sexually compatible.

    I (44F) think life is too short for mediocre/bad sex or lack of sex and have ended a relationship over this. Love is not enough. A relationship has many different components and all of them are important (to me).

    Talk to him about it. Let him know what your preference is. Initiate if you aren’t already.

    He may need therapy. You two may need therapy together. Or you two may not be compatible.

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