Jennieem live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

11 thoughts on “Jennieem live webcams for YOU!

  1. You never love two people the same way. As long as you're looking for the feeling you had with an ex, you'll just keep falling into old patterns.

    Do break up: they deserve better. Work on yourself, because as long as you're looking for crazy love, you'll only find temporary fixes.

    Maybe get a few counseling sessions in before you pull the trigger, this is something you can't take back.

  2. Give him a fancy and beautifully wrapped box with nothing in it except a note that says ” It's the thought that counts. Merry Christmas darling!”

  3. I already answered most of these but here you go;

    We know eachother for several years now, and her parents know who I am. They themselves offered to have me for the holidays.

    I didn't move just to live at her house, I got a job in her city and that's the main reason for the move.

    It's quite cold on summer nights here I guess that's why guys might be wearing hoodies? I don't know honestly.

    She has a walk in closet, it's quite nice actually.

    And OP is telling us he counted them after evaluating the masculinity of each hoodie.

    I have no clue what you mean by this sorry.

  4. I said the exact same thing. His wife would be (rightfully) have a major fit is he had a female best friend that was getting to spend so much more family time and binding with him and her new baby, and then hearing baby say “mama”. I will never understand why anyone allows things to go this far for what? Some kind of paranoia about being called jealous or controlling? It is neither, it is common sense.

  5. I would literally take the dogs and leave. My husband and my friends have always joked but it’s not one. It’s me and my cats forever, everyone else is a plus one that can be eliminated if needed. I will never live without my cats. It’s a package deal, now that we have kids they are included in the package.

  6. God, you found out now rather than 30years in brother. Cut your losses, hear her out for closure. But don't make concessions. Leave and see you in the gym. It's self help time.

  7. Instead of complete strangers telling you “what girls who has partners are doing in the clubs,” you should be focusing on seeking help for yourself. If you have admittedly really bad trust issues with everyone, that's not healthy.

    The issue isn't your girlfriend going out with friends. It's you not trusting her and anyone else around you.

  8. At 20? Not at all. This is the age where you’re allowed to make mistakes and learn things. You’ve got your whole life to worry about that stuff later with experience.

  9. Hell, I'm married and have been with my husband for 11 years, and I still don't drag him to high drama family events. which, in my case, is almost all events. He didn't grow up having to read the double meaning of every interaction. He didn't grow up having to not trust family members because they will stab you in the back and pick at your bones like vultures. I grew up being brought up how to protect your vulnerable and not let anyone be able to use it against you, hence why I keep my husband safe from the evil banshees.

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