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HopeHeavenOfficiallive sex stripping with hd cam


13 thoughts on “HopeHeavenOfficiallive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yeah the only way religion and relationships works is if you both share it, or if you have mutual respect for eachother’s beliefs and have no desire to change them.

  2. I’m sorry this happened, sounds like he took advantage of you and kept stringing you along. You’re better off without him, this is not at all how people in relationships treat each other.

  3. You don't have unrealistic expectations, your bf sounds like he's just telling you he'll help because that's what you wanna hear and will then try to steamroll you into doing all the household chores.

  4. It's normal for an introduction, but in their child's entire life, and in the last two years of this relationship, have they not had one single conversation about how to handle this? It's fine to be polyamorous, but to not make any considerations for how you'll handle that while parenting is irresponsible. This needed to happen long before their child was born.

  5. I started dating my wife when we were 18 and we got married when we were 21. Now 26 years into the relationship and we’ve never been this shitty to one another.

  6. So many got uppity with my Occums Razor comment. It’s often not wrong.

    Sorry you were cheated on and were lied to, OP, it’s awful, but best to know now.

    I feel bad for the other guy. chlamydia doesn’t happen in a vacuum, so who bright it into their relationship? The domino effect of random stds in what people think are committed relationships…it sucks.

  7. No this wasn't really an argument part I guess, this was us trying to figure out how to pay it together, and when I left in stress, she left for good

  8. My flatmate said I’m a fucking idiot. Am I??

    Yes. Yeah. Yep. Yepper. Yup. Yass. For sho. Hecc yeah. Heck, yes. ::NOD::

  9. That's sucks, man. I'm 36M and my advice would be to do your best to get over her. It might not seem like it, since you're in love, but take it from me. I've “loved” this one girl who I was with for 7 years. She cheated on me multiple times and I took her back every single time — she even slept with my best friend, who, sadly, I don't talk to anymore these days. I miss him a lot, but my point is that love is a two way street .

    When someone loves you, they, more often than not, know what will hurt you and do their best to not hurt you. Yes, you doing the loyalty test is kinda cringe, but I understand why you did it. It's a lot to do with your own mental and emotional health and now that you know she isn't loyal / faithful to you, it feels soulcrushing. I've been there.

    Hear me out on this one — you're 26 years old. That's still hella young. You're in your prime right now. Testosterone should be at it's max efficiency. If you aren't already, start working out. Every day. Focus on your studies. Try to learn as much as you can about anything positive and improve your intellect, physical body, “spiritual” wellbeing, and don't let someone else hold you down. By hurting over her, you're letting someone else dictate your feelings and thoughts. It will be tough at first, but know that time heals all wounds. What makes it heal more effectively is working on YOU — mind, body, heart, and soul.

    The right woman will come around, don't even sweat it. Become a good man, the right woman will come — don't even trip. Girls are a dime a dozen, man, they're everywhere, and there are so many personalities, that you are 100% bound to find the right chick for you one day. As long as you're good, someone good will come into your life. Just have faith, I know it sounds stupid, but it's true. You don't even gotta be religious, it's like a deep seeded assurance that you'll be alright and the right woman is out there, and when the timing is right, you'll be in love with someone worthy of your love again.

    TL:DR – Grieve for now, it helps. Cry if you must. But don't stay that way. Focus on #1 (you). Be better, physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, and try your best to have faith that true love will find a way. Take care, bro. Be strong!

  10. I feel too disgusted with bf and his friends to want to know any of them again. They are weird and disgusting “human?” beings.

  11. Is it possible – of course.

    Is it likely – as with most situations, it depends.

    Is it likely if the other person is unwilling to make the effort – absolutely not.

    People don't magically change. Actions and demonstrating a willingness to change through action is a much better indicator of whether someone is likely to change than anything that person says or promises.

    If he says that he'll change, simply ask one question: What are you going to do to make things better? If he doesn't have a specific plan of action, then it isn't going to happen. Unfortunately, you cannot tell him what he needs to do to change (it's more than simply fixing certain behaviors) because only he knows why he's doing what he's doing and what's driving that behavior.

    Fair or not, the onus is on him to figure out what to do and do it. In this case, you cannot even lead the horse to water, let alone get it to drink, because you have no idea where the water (why he's engaging in that behavior) is.

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