Haruhana live webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Haruhana live webcams for YOU!

  1. You aren't the bad person. She's a mess.

    What you can do better is get with someone else who isn't nuts.

    Good luck to you!

  2. Okay thank you for your feedback! You are 100% right about seeming too interested too soon. I don’t think I have poor taste in men really, but I think I might be looking for a particular “type” and that type isn’t all that common where I live (and I also never really am in places where I would meet someone new naturally). My type is more of n intellectual type, but looks are also a bit more important to me than to the average woman I think. That presents a big challenge because even though I’m pretty, I’m no 10/10. It’s just really hard for me to be excited about them if I’m not as physically attracted as I want to be, even though I’ve tried numerous times to just keep seeing someone to see if they became more attractive to me (once or twice they have, but largely no). Met them on either Tinder, Bumble or Hinge. Mainly using Bumble now.

  3. Damn, you deserve better dude. Stories such as yours reaffirm why I should be happy to be single. I don't know why so many think that a bachelor/lette party is the last night of being “free”. When you are in a relationship you are not “free”.

  4. Honestly feel like you overreacted a little bit, a drunk person saying you’re not drinking enough happens all the time and isn’t a big deal. You shouldn’t take it so personally.

  5. These men keep doing stuff like this because you stay with them and don’t hold them accountable so they have 0 motivation to change. Quit being an enabler, give yourself an ounce of self-respect and stop with these minute men. Sorry for the tough love but I really think people need to hear it bluntly.

  6. You're here focused on her being upset about Reddit, while you're with a partner who's taking advantage of you. Your “solution” has been to work more. Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.

    Fucking run from this.

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