HaleyGray live webcams for YOU!


HaleyGray Public Chat Channel

Date: November 5, 2022

14 thoughts on “HaleyGray live webcams for YOU!

  1. It goes without saying that everything he did was wrong. have you or him ever considered if he has depression? In my personal experience, a gaming addiction is often times an indicator. Not that it justifies his actions, just to consider. He has to want to change, and recognising things is necessary to do so. With the way he's treated you, you don't really owe it to him to stick around though.

    However, what you did would personally be something i would only do if i was certain i was burning all bridges and hated the person, and idk how people are trying to justify it. Using extremely personal trauma shared in vulnerability as an insult is one of the most emotionally abusive things a partner can do, and in my eyes it's one of those lines where there's no justification for crossing, just like physical abuse.

    If you want to leave, you've set yourself up perfectly and there's no better time. If you want to work things out, it's become a lot harder, and for things to progress he has to be as committed as you. I know it can be frustrating, but if he isn't committed to improvement the same way you are, you're better off leaving for your own sanity.

  2. Update us when you tell your friend the truth also ha e someone in your corner when you do. Like another friend who understands you.

  3. Why are u trying to “make him see” anything? Break up with him you arent his mom u shouldn't have to teach him how to clean himself and he isnt 2 he understands he just doesn't give a shit because he knows you'll clean up after him.

    Or stay and waste another 6 years with a man u know you don't want kids with because u know he has red flags and no respect for u, ur time, ur home or himself.

  4. You’ve been better for a week dude. Give yourself time and stay the course with whatever’s gotten you this far. It sucks but sometimes those feelings are just things you have to deal with (and that jealousy doesn’t sound too far from normal).

    If it hurts you that much to see her, you may have to consider not seeing your mom while your ex is there. It sucks, but if you explain it to your mom she might understand (that it’s no one’s fault, just that you’re still getting better).

  5. Okay, so first thing's first: you can't fix this. There's no putting the cat back in the bag. All you can do is move forwards from here, and that's something you need to understand because hoping to suddenly go back to where you were is going to cause damage.

    Now the second thing is that moving forwards may not actually be something your daughter does alongside you. There is therapy for children born of sexual assault and I'd recommend she finds some to help her come to terms with it, but it's going to be a long road and she may not find her way back to you.

    In studies done on parents of children born of sexual assault (this was only carried out on mother's, but the findings should be similar across the sexes) the parents tend to carry their trauma over the assault into their parenting. There's every chance your Kate husband left your daughter feeling isolated in some way, or not wanted, without you picking up on it and that this revelation now made a lot of things make sense. There's every chance that he didn't do that but the awkwardness of teen years gave her some of that feeling and now she has that providing false context for it. Either way, in that one revelation she likely feels she not only lost her relationship with her father (and can no longer rebuild it because he's gone now) but lost her mother entirely.

    All you can do is be honest, be loving, and hope that she makes her way back to you. Keep being there for her. Stay in touch through birthdays, Christmas, or whatever other regular contact excuses you have. Make sure she knows she is your daughter no matter what and will always be loved. Make sure she knows that you will support her in any way. Try to stay in contact with her fiance because he obviously cares about her enough to explode on you, and may eventually work with you to help support her. And supporting her means being there for her even if she's about to do something that you feel could be harmful to your relationship with her, or damaging to her view of your late husband, such as contacting her birth mother.

    There's no easy route through this. No cheat sheet of what's going to be best for you both and what to avoid. All you can do is be loving and have integrity, and hope that she realises you've been her mother for 22 years and will continue to be so for the rest of your life.

  6. Oh man, I’ve been with my partner for going on eight years and no proposal. Reading these things are a bit too real and uncomfortable.

  7. I’m glad that weed works for you and your symptoms but that’s not really the point. Weed can have various different effects and in some people, it causes paranoia, hallucinations and anxiety. Different dispensaries have different product and each product can work differently. Which is why it isn’t recommended that you smoke a blunt before drinking or going to work. Painkillers also have heavy warning that you shouldn’t take them and operate a car or any kind of machinery.

    Besides that, as someone who does smoke on my days off, I can very easily tell you how delusional lots of smokers are. They think that you can’t get addicted and there’s nothing wrong with being high 24/7. Lots of the comments here show that same sentiment. As if you can’t criticize someone for going to work high because it’s weed.

    Unless OP’s girlfriend has debilitating pain, heavy depression or anxiety, there is zero medical need to be consistently high. At that point, it’s a problem.

  8. op, your husband is trauma bonded to his siblings. this is not a regular relationship and i don't doubt that he thinks he'd act right, but you know they will always come first. on the presumption that any future children you have would be healthy, they just would never have the needs his siblings have to make the top of the list for more than a few hours.

  9. Your bf needs to tell her that he is only her friend because you and she are friends, and that he is not interested in any relationship outside of that. If she continues to call or drop by, he needs to tell her he’s “not available” or “doesn’t have time”, not that he’s not at home. He is the one who is going to have to make her back off, even if it means getting rude. Considering how dense she apparently is, that may be the only option.

    Good luck! Please !UpdateMe about how it goes.

  10. I almost lost my wife of 12 years to tiktok conspiracies. It's something we still discuss quite often, but she is nowhere near as bad as it got a year or so ago. We have 3 kids, and I was seriously considering divorce due to it. It took a solid 8 months of working thru stuff to even be able to talk about shit without conspiracies popping up. The problem is that she (as well as most in this situation) is looking for someone to blame for her fucked up childhood. She is blaming the right people (the elites and the government), but she is blaming them for things that aren't actually the problem. Hopefully, we can get people to have a thoughtful discussion with those we love and show them there are issues with the billionaires and the government, but it's not vaccines.

  11. In my opinion, using the word “but” in the same sentence as “i love you” or “i'm sorry” is not a genuine statement of love or apology.

  12. Don't be fooled. He should have no issue signing it. As many have mentioned, he should be prepared to marry into money.

    The way he's acting is showing gold digger behavior, point blank.

    You're young, you believe your love will last and flourish, and your friends and family, hell, even online strangers I'm sure are rooting for you… But make sure he signs that damn prenup. It's all love and hugs until it's not.

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