Date: October 24, 2022
Once you said you weren’t crazy about her taking Benadryl to sleep you became an asshole in my book. Not up to you. You sound so controlling. My ex was like that.
But you started it by expressing those feelings. There was no reason to, because it's not your business.
Nope. He lied. And then lied again. Why would he suddenly hang a bra that “he’s had for months” up on his door?? If he was that concerned about returning it, he would have asked her when she left it behind. And TBH if I left a bra at a guys house months ago, it’s gone. He’s going to be waiting a while for this imaginary woman who would contact an ex for some underwear months later ?.
What is with young women going for men 10 years older than them??!
That's what I think, too.
Next time he “asks”, say no. See what happens.
I feel like if I reply to this she will kill me insert heavy's worries laughter
I’ll look for volunteer opportunities! I think her anxiety gets in the way of her getting out of the house sometimes especially because of covid, but if she has something that she’s getting purpose from and where people expect something from her, I think she’ll feel obligated to show up. Thank you!! ❤️
Ask her out and be a good guy to her if u wanna help xD
She can be my best friend, but as soon as she shows infidelity, she's not my best friend anymore and i don't want to be part of this shit. Do you think this is toxic?
You sound like you're made for each other – he gets mad if he can't track where you are at every hour of the day or night, you rummage through his phone out of curiosity – neither of you understands that privacy and trust can and should go hand in hand.
Exactly. God knows what’s going through his head now. But at the very least, I don’t think OP is even contemplating the idea that he in turn, did not like it at all and is now having probably MAD intrusive thoughts about dudes railing his wife. Him not satisfying her ever again bc now she’s experienced multiple men at once, and god knows what else.
I won’t say their marriage is done, but it probably is at least fucked up for the next year or two if this man decides to stay at all after this.
These OPs are all the same. The girl that cheated on me in the past is probably still cheating on me in the future. What am I going to do? Well, you should’ve broke up with her in the first paragraph so I don’t think there’s anything we can do to help you. You just get cheated on continuously.
You don’t trust him. You are stalking him. You’re watching his every move to make sure he doesn’t cheat. Does that sound healthy to you?
Like let’s remove his shitty behavior out of the equation and just look at yours, you wrote over 1000 words to describe the methods you took to try and catch him cheating. Furthermore your increased efforts have not stopped him from trying to cheat. What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to prevent him from actually getting physical with her?
By tracking his cheating and having all these stern warnings you acknowledge that he’s probably done the cheating and you’re forgiving him. And you’ve turned it into a game for him. As if he can cheat all he wants as long as you don’t catch him. And by trying to catch the evidence he’s catching wind of it you’ll never get any evidence.
I’m sorry, but your relationship is essentially over. This confrontation that you look forward to will only be him gaslighting you and trying to convince you that there’s still something to salvage. I’m sorry that it hurts and I’m sorry that you’re hurt. If you’re going to pursue divorce I suggest you stop trying to do all this tracking business. Act blind. Bide your time and wait for him to slip up. He Definitely will. The moment you let go and don’t look as strong up about his actions is the moment you feel comfortable enough to be his authentic cheating self.
Go for therapy, start healing. I can see you’re still in the disbelief/heartbroken phase of your situation. It will get better.