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garem054live sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “garem054live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. One last addition. Please keep in mind that doing drugs is hard on the body. Imagine someone saying that they get blackout drunk 3 to 4 days a week. The days off are not regular days. They are recovery days. This is a drug schedule where he is either doing drugs, or recovering from drug use, basically 24/7.

    He waited until after the first date because he wanted you to not run away when he first said it, but it's central enough to his life that he brought it up soon after, to see if you'd run. People on drugs like to talk about drugs, and to share drugs with new people. Like having a hobby you really love.z Watch out for the soft sell. This guy has no idea he's in deep, no matter how normalized he makes it seem.

  2. Was the recording put there because he needed proof she was cheating or was he just secretly recording for shits and giggles? Either way stay out of it for now. Also might want to consider any moments you thought were strange but forgot about. She made have used you as an excuse for one of her affair meetings but didn't tell you.

  3. Have you tried drinking a bit beforehand to loosen up? It almost sounds like the female version of erectile dysfunction a bit in that you're so in your head you tense up and can't relax.

    I say this because sometimes I get too sensitive as well an can't get there. And 90% its when in my head about something or stressed out.

  4. No man lol. You can set boundaries in relationship. if certain are crossed it would signify the end of the relationship. You can't force anyone to follow your boundaries but you can expect them to and handle it by ending it if they break them.

  5. OP don't wait till you have a little girl crying on Christmas after witnessing her bio dad's new family. She lost her mom for Christ's sake. Don't be cruel

  6. You should have chosen your daughter and left the second the abuse started. The fact you even considered “saving the marriage” after she SLICED YOUR DAUGHTER, is really really really fucked up. She could have killed that poor girl.

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  8. Almost 6 years. She was 18 when we met and started dating. Okay, that's fine if that doesn't change anything for you, alright, but I didn't date a minor, don't do me.

  9. Finances are critical to both be in the same page about and this seems like a major incompatibility, and that’s not even taking into account all of his lying. Financial stress/mis-matches in how you handle finances is one of the leading causes of divorce. Totally understand the ticking clock and while there are certainly more and more women having kids later in life it can bring added challenges. Maybe look into options like freezing eggs, so so you know the facts and can make decisions that might help take some of the pressure off to jump right into a new relationship

  10. How has he shown you that he is actually willing to change his behavior and “work through the issues and grow together”?

  11. Consult a lawyer, don’t say anything to your kids thats overboard even though they will eventually know. Your wife might be a cold cheating bitch but you may have to separate that from whether you believe she is a good mother (leaving the kids on Christmas is a bad sign but ¯_(ツ)_/¯). Maybe lawyers know but I wouldn’t want what I say to the kids to impact custody. I have heard courts lean towards the mother. An open and honest conversation with the kids about what will happen will have to occur but you probably need a good deal of time to absorb this blow to your marriage before being able to rationally tell your kids. Maybe your mom or other family can assist with tactfully explaining what may happen when you are divorced with the kids.

  12. Usually there is a men’s locker room and there is a women’s locker room and in some cases you may have individual cubicles. I’ve never seen a mixed gender everyone get naked locker room. The post doesn’t actually specify that this is a mixed gendered locker room. It says the other women on the team use the women’s locker room.

  13. It’s a human reaction towards someone constantly seeing as a babysitter, even if they have a car and they’re drunk I’d feel guilt if something happens to them if they refused my offer to drive them home.

  14. Holy Jesus people, quit crucifying the new BF for Pete’s sake… he was f*%king nervous!

    For all of the people doing that, have you ever said something as a joke when incredibly nervous or scared (poorly worded/inappropriate etc.) and then dying a little inside as a result?

    I doubt any of you will answer truthfully if you decide to answer at all because you know you’re guilty of it.

    Sure, I agree perhaps the nervous jitters made OPs BF speak without thinking as much as it was inappropriate of a joke. I don’t think it is the absolute worst thing a person could have said or done in the presence of meeting the parents.

    OP, my best advice is to maybe talk to your parents about the awkwardness. First ask them why there is this awkwardness because it’s making you feel like they are unsupportive of your sexuality and it’s messing with you. Perhaps they will reaffirm their support, and tell you exactly what the change is about. Maybe, they will tell you the joke did put them off as it’s understandable.

    Maybe there’s reason as to why your BF was extra nervous (was he unsupported by his family, did his family disown him etc.) or was he super scared knowing he was the first BF ever introduced to your parents? Either way, this isn’t the end of all things. People make mistakes, your parents and BF are no exception in that.

    Give it some time and I’m sure your parents would appreciate a more PG do-over at some point in future.

  15. But your kink??? Who needs to know that other than the ones you’re sleeping with? Why come out about your kink? Especially in this context?

    Kind of feeling the same as you.

    Coming out as gay (or poly or pansexual, etc.) is something you kind of need to disclose so you can live your life openly with the person (or people) you love.

    But being a furry? That's like being a sub or dom. It's just personal. I mean I liked getting spanked but as long as my man's spanking me during a family dinner, then no one I know needs to know about it.

  16. Time to get independent. License, transportation and housing. Are you sure you are his bio-daughter? Not excusing his comments because they are wrong but wondering if there is something behind them.

  17. Relationships aren't supposed to be this hard. Just because you love someone, it doesn't mean you're meant to be together or that your relationship is healthy. Process your heartbreak, do some deep thinking about the relationship, your behavior in it, what qualities you're going to look for in a partner in a future, and how you can learn to walk away when its no longer working instead of holding on for dear life as the relationship implodes.

    As Nina Simone said, “You have to learn how to get up from the table when love is no longer being served.”

  18. I was last 40's when I met my husband, a couple of years older. We had lots of time to talk and learn about each other. Of course I checked out his FB page, but never reached out to anyone. That's just really, really bizarre. The fact she's still doing this after a year is weird.

    Has she met your immediate family? Seen your photo albums from when you were a kid? What does she feel she's missing!?

  19. Your husband an ass. He’s insecure about his height. He goes over to Jacks table just to start trouble. Accusing a guy of drug use when you or your husband don’t even know if that true.

    Your husband got what he deserved and your childish to boot.

  20. You are you, tell him he's pushing you away and you deserve your own relationship with him or else no relationship. If this was me I would've been long gone. If you can't be yourself in a relationship and accepted then he just wants a relationship not necessarily with you.

  21. Either “it may be useful” “why throw away a perfectly good straightener” or even just “what trash bag does this even go in?”

    I kept an iron for four years because I wasn’t sure which of the six kinds of bag it should go in.

  22. You'd know if you were getting off. There's no way you wouldn't. Spoken as a girl that never got off with sex before and then did and now I'm like oh. Yeah. I wasn't cumming

  23. Sounds like you caught him in a lie and he deflected by blowing up and covering one lie with another. Good News: It’s over! Don’t look back!

  24. You're getting downvoted because you're putting too many excuses out there to avoid the whole marriage thing. Most people I know got married within 5 years of marrying something. Anyone who wants to hit certain “goals” before marriage ultimately end the commitment because those goals become excuses for dragging feet. The “piece of paper” aspect is true in some cases but again, another excuse and a serious undermining of the commitment some people value. Let her go so she can find someone to give her what she wants and so you can continue to live in this blissful life you want to live in.

  25. Blurry?

    Let's clear it up. Dump the jerk. He's abusive. You deserve someone who lifts you up and makes you feel safe and protected all the time.

  26. Average penis guy here. The fact he had the biggest dong and the fact he made her cum the most are not necessarily related my dude.

    You can be an absolute orgasm vending machine without having a big schlong. Sex is so much more than big penis penetrating vagina. Rhythm, oral, touch, voice, toys – there is so much more at your disposal than just your dick.

    I get insecurity. I used to be fat and thought I had a small dick so I was giga insecure about my body forever. Turns out my dick is just fine and most girls prefer it over a 20cm dong. I had a girl once that told me straight up tho that it won't work for her and that is fine as well. There is a lid to every pot out there.

    YOU need to like your body first. If you don't, then you will always struggle with shit like this.

  27. Everyone saying this is crazy, and it is, but these two are like 18 and known each for like 5 years “dating” for 1. Maybe they’re just awkward teens or he is awkward?

  28. You already have thrown in the towel but not left.

    It was also sabotaged from the start because you didn’t choose someone you were attracted to.

    Stop wasting time because time can’t fix your current issues.

  29. Dude you're 33. You're essentially the same age as her so “finding someone 10 years younger” is seriously weird…..

    But if her personality and interests are too “weird” for you then please let her find someone who celebrates her weirdness and want all of her and what she has to give. And you find someone more fitting to what you consider normal so that you don't have to be weirded out by them and are more comfortable.

    But not a 23 y.o.

    That's you being weird. Don't be weird bro.

  30. Have you asked him if he’s married? This is not to say you shouldn’t believe your friend, but if you ask him and he says he is, then just say you’re not interested in married guys.

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