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fuck_my_skinnygflive sex stripping with hd cam


23 thoughts on “fuck_my_skinnygflive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Doesn't matter you shouldn't entertain anything else with her regardless of what she says.

    Best guess would be she's just been on an average date and needs a boost in confidence by messaging you expecting you to chase her

  2. My husband and I had a similar situation recently. I was putting away his laundry in his dresser and found a woman’s crop top t shirt shoved in the back of one his drawers- definitely not mine, and didn’t recognize it as any of my friends. It rattled me a bit, even though I absolutely trust him. I brought it up to him and he reacted just as you are which made me feel all the better, he was like “I totally understand the way you’re feeling babe, I would be really shocked finding something like that too, but I honestly have never seen that in my life!” We approached it together: racked our brains for where it could have come from, talked about trust (good opportunity to revisit how much you love each other/would never do something like that) eventually, we had the aha moment: we bought this dresser second hand. It was a tiny tshirt and must have been stuck behind the drawer for the years that we had it. We had quite the laugh about it. Moral of the story, it’s all about how you approach it / having that initial trust (which it sounds like you do) made this all the better. His approach to being like “HOW?? Where did this shirt come from?! Lol” made it all the better… As to your question of how it got there, it’s definitely strange but not out of the question that it snuck in on someone and ended up in there (for all we know it could be someone from the grocery store shed it onto your wife’s jacket and she brought it home! It could be from anywhere) you may never know, but approaching it genuinely and together should clear up the situation and then maybe someday it can become a laughing joke for you two like it did for us: The Mystery of The Unknown Hair. Good luck!

  3. I've only read some of the comments, full disclosure.

    I think it's important to note here that the way your wife is acting is how women are socialized to act. We can't be too direct or forward with what we want, because it's seen as rude or too blunt. I am the opposite of your wife and have been told this my entire life. So what you want goes against everything she has been taught to be – which is polite, gentle and caring about other peoples' feelings. She doesn't want to directly ask why you're using thyme, because that might upset you if you're really set on using thyme.

    I think this is really important to consider.

  4. Nope. She’s a grown adult who knows boundaries and allowed him to grope and sexually touch her. She could have said no to the initial advances but she did not and entered into an affair willingly. He didn’t force her but did manipulate her. But she does need to own her part and many people would not just get over it. This is 100% cheating no way around it. She can excuse it to however she wants but it is cheating. She went on dates with him and let her kiss and finger her. Absolutely no way someone can excuse this behavior. So she’s in the wrong for her part completely. It’s your choice how you want to handle it but now trust is lost in your relationship and it’s up to you if you are able to move past this with her or not. Your feelings are valid.

  5. OP's wife is unlikely to be completely forthcoming in this situation. It's pretty obvious that she's not been truthful so far and is taking advantage of OP's dedication to their marriage.

    OP, I'd not wait for closure if I were you. Go find someone else who respects you.

  6. Just get an attorney. You’ve tried for years to make the relationship better. You confronting him now will not change him.

  7. Op is finding his entire life not just collage by the sounds of it. 200$ for a single date? Jesus are they going to a Gordon Ramsay steak house or something???

  8. I mean, the question is more: Do you want the relationship to survive?

    You were right to suspect him, confront him, and punish him, yet he's rallying the troops and trying to make you the villain. He wants mom to forgive? He got her involved! Yeesh.

    Setting a trap on Instagram is underhanded, but it's a trap he fell headfirst into. The guy sounds like a prick.

  9. He sexually assaulted you. This was not accidental. You only relented after he kept insisting – that is coercive.

  10. He sexually assaulted you. This was not accidental. You only relented after he kept insisting – that is coercive.

  11. Your parent comment above states that I said something I never said. You can digress about impact but you were incorrect and tried to manipulate me into conceding a point I never made (that she’s unstable).

    Isn’t that an abuser tactic?

  12. Thanks sincerely for your comments. No joke it’s good to hear different opinions even if I don’t 100% agree

  13. She was 18 back then not 17. I’m not dating an underage person. I’m getting my shit together right now anon, that’s for sure.

  14. Yes, that is a ridiculous age gap you cannot even legally drink. Also, your wants,needs and brain chemistry are going to change a lot in the next five years. Trust me, you will not be the same person at 25 as you are at 20. When you get to be 30 you'll look back at this and think that “guy is a gross perv.” This coming from a 31 year old woman btw.

  15. This post is nothing more than an advertisement for thirsty dudes for you to scam.

    That or this is a 13 year old boy trying his best at a fetish post, but you're probably right.

    No one with this as a real issue asks a bunch of strangers (and then asks for more men responses) a question like this. There's no point. IF it were real, she would still just do whatever TF she wanted to in the first place. The plethora of clumsy hack questions is crazy high in this subreddit. Extortion rings are working overtime, but lying 13 y.o. boys masquerading as women is too.

    Anyway, there's never any real way to tell, but man, this stuff is getting comically out of control. My favorite was the one that said (paraphrased) “Help. My GF pooped on me by accident during sex and I threw up on her. How to proceed?” FFS

  16. Exactly. Couldn’t agree more.

    And yeah, unfortunately, I think explicitly asking whether you have done sex work in the past is now a necessary question.

  17. Whaaaat? I want to leave, my brother wants to leave, my mom doesn’t want to leave. She is telling him that she wants the house but she can’t if he isn’t there looking after it and paying rent. So he doesn’t want to sell the house and have her homeless or whatever.

  18. This whole thing sounds absolutely exhausting. Dump this guy and if you’re still worried that you stink, go to the doctor and get checked for BV.

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