Fernandagomez1 live webcams for YOU!


play whit my boobs [Multi Goal]

Date: October 21, 2022

13 thoughts on “Fernandagomez1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. we became friends and they get too confidential about how they consider women

    You need better friends

    if a man treat me like a woman I feel like he is underestimating me, acting too gently. Or pretends things like make up or shits like that.

    Why do you feel like he is underestimating you? Acting too gently? Isn't that just manners? Or pretends things like make up or shits like that.- wtf is this even supposed to mean

  2. Soooo…. You don’t think that causing someone to be defamed, lose potential work, have their reputation smeared and destroyed is “annoying” them? Cases that have been tried as criminal harassment within areas of the United States, would beg to differ.

    Granted, this is assuming that OP and his wife live in the United States, which admittedly they may not, and I don’t know about any similar laws in other countries.

    Also, I used Iowa as an example because it was the first state to show up on the search, but many, if not most other states have similar laws.

  3. That my brain is sabotaging me in the sense of „hey dude, you’re not allowed to lead a happy life. Remember, you’re a piece of trash. So you better leave her.“ then feeding me with ideas on how to make my wife mad at me so she leaves so that my brain can live in it’s puddle of misery. Hope that makes sense. He said that I should keep talking about it to make it quieter and also to motivate me to see my own worth and that my own voice can fight this terrorist inside my brain.

  4. After all OP has said, if I were in her shoes…

    I wouldn’t accept his proposal or ring. He’s waffled around on & now has different “conditions” which he deliberately did not discuss with OP, therefore she could not work on them if she wanted. Conditional love, wants perfection from her, and what exactly is HE bringing to the table? Not much. He’s been stringing her along… a place holder until his perfect woman comes along.

    He’s not husband material & OP deserves better. Much better.

  5. The base truth in the world is that two random people who both want a marraige to work and have the ability to communicate and have relatively similar values/morals/goals can make it work. You can love someone with the greatest love that has ever graced earth and some basic shit will ruin it. Kids, financials, distance, morals, family and friends approval. Do you want kids? Does she want kids? Do you want to live where she is? Is leaving your family worth it? Will you resent her if you do end up together but she's still in a different place in life than you? What happens if financially you can't come to agreements on how to spend money/ what to spend it on. Being “soulmates” with someone is a heavy burden are you ready to take that on? Do you still need time to travel and be young? Are you emotionally mature? Do you know how to have conversations about problems instead of arguments?

  6. I'm not sure OP is safe in either situation but, at least nobody gets a pat on the back for beating their wife to death, in America… unless they are a cop.

  7. What will happen with that ? I am scared doing that will provoke him more and they know a lot of people so I am scared of or my family if I don’t make it right.

  8. OK thanks for clarifying, I thought SIL remove her daughter because there were racist comments made about daughter specifically.

    It seems odd that she would claim that your husband made these racist and homophobic comments to his mother who would be offended on behalf of herself, her wife, & her granddaughter, all of who would’ve been affected by those comments.

    If you’ve had a good relationship with SIL otherwise, I have no idea She would say all of these things, but it’s probably best to make other plans for a flower girl.

    As much as you want them there, weddings are stressful enough without intentional drama being piled on top of the bride and groom. Sorry you’re going through this, that sucks

  9. Thanks for that context, as it really helps put things into perspective, especially as it relates to your friend's premise; clingy girls usually end up being crazy.

    To focus specifically on her, I'm here to tell you that her being a clingy woman isn't going to result in her being crazy; why? Because she already is.

    The worst part at the moment is you finding it cute, and then at times exacerbating it. I'm truly not trying to be a dick here, so I apologize for coming off as such, but I assure you it's not cute, and you only feel that way due to your immaturity (no judgement – I assure you I was you at 18. It's simply reality). It'll stop feeling cute real quick.

    Why is she crying on her period. Now, you don't need to answer as I logically know what you'll say. But every single month forever? That's cute? Why is she crying after sex? She cries before sleep after a rough day? How often are her days that awful?

    Then let's talk about you being a dick for 12 years. You two were friends. No one put a gun to her head to get into a relationship with you.

    She cries that you don't like her/find her attractive. But you do, no? As such, she cries to you constantly about it? You have to provide constant reassurance that you in fact do like her and find her attractive? Why? If you've told her once, why does she need to hear it over and over? That's her telling you she doesn't trust you.

    Worried about other girls? I get it given past infidelity. But like I said earlier, no one forced her to be with you. If she's going to constantly lose her shit, why torture herself?

    You might leave? Yeah, you might. That's always a risk, but it generally happens due to acknowledging a bad relationship. Asking you to say you won't leave is a guarantee?

    The not paying attention to her is just you being an asshole and quite frankly it's pathetic, but like I said, you're making it worse. In summary, this is guaranteed going to be an absolute nightmare. You're saying you might marry her after confirming the state of the relationship when the training wheels come off. I'm telling you that she can't balance the bicycle with them on.

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