Estefanyrose live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 7, 2022

11 thoughts on “Estefanyrose live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think this is a good idea. Is it worth explaining why I have been so distant recently? Something like. I think perhaps just the first part?

    “Hey to be clear, I miss our friendship and hope I haven't messed that up by asking you out. I've had an especially rough month, so apologies for the lacklustre communication.”

    Should I include that I'm not expecting a response? I hate texting cause I always overthink things lmao.

  2. Getting a blowjob is not a “heat of the moment” kind of thing. That's a decision he made, to accept someone going down on him.

  3. Hey girlqueen,

    I used to be totally chill with a partner watching porn. I used to watch with them! But now, I’m not.

    I have made my own online content, so I’ve been on multiple ends of the issue. Countless married men hit me up and say they want to leave their wives to be with me? Why? Because they like how I ride a dildo or whatever. They are that shallow where they don’t see me as a person, and they’d throw their marriage away for some sex. Seeing how men really act turned me off of dating and sex entirely.

    Having an anti-porn boundary is not only acceptable, I encourage you to stand by it proudly. Don’t settle for some guy who jerks off to randos.

  4. Seriously. That comment needs to be higher up ⬆️ If you have to wheedle, nudge, etc for a proposal & marriage? No. Time to cut and move on

  5. Sorry but if you're blocking your own bf from social media then your relationship already sucks.

    You both have a lot of growing up to do for people in their twenties.

  6. Not when it negatively affects 'other people.'

    Unless your brother is a priest, he's allowed to alert people who will be harmed by your assholery.

  7. Okay, so on its own a 50-something-year-old man targeting women in their 20's would be the biggest red flag of them all. But, let's be honest, he's only going after girls in their 20s because few men that are practically senior citizens are going to get freshly legal 18-year-olds without society as a whole interfering.

    But if that's not enough, you're sitting here telling us about how your boyfriend is abusive. And how he has despicable age-play fantasies he FORCES you to indulge him with?

    You need emergency therapy. The fact you're sitting here asking how to fix the problem instead of running as fast and as far from this walking red flag as you can tells me something needs to be dealt with so that you can get the confidence and self-respect you need to not only completely cut ties with this nutjob, but ensure you never end up in a bad situation like this (or, God forbid, even worse) in the future.

  8. Yep. Contempt is one of the Four Horsemen of relationship doom. Criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling.

  9. I think the problem is that you're looking this in the lens of family vs partner. That's not correct. If they were family, they wouldn't be putting their political/religious hatreds over the well-being of you and your loved ones.

    The lens you should be looking at is bigots vs normal person whose never done anything wrong to you. Choose one side.

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