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EndlessPleasurelive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “EndlessPleasurelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Although I completely respect that OP has a boundary and this troubles her, I do find it a bit harsh to put the blame (or blame anyone, really) on her partner.

    Masturbation and how people masturbate is a personal act. If done in private (and without it being illegal) it's nobody's business how you masturbate.

    OP and her partner are simply incompatible in this area. I don't think her partner doesn't care about OP, I believe he finds it an unreasonable request. Being relatively young as well it's probably a sensitive topic for him. Being shamed for your masturbation is always a hard blow.

    I dumped a guy for having different dietary requirements. I was vegan, he was not. I thought we could make it work but we couldn't. He knew it bothered me but he was never required to stop eating meat because it made me uncomfortable. He had his way of doing things and so did I. Neither of us were bad people for our choices. Just incompatible. By your logic he should've stopped just because it made me uncomfortable. That's unreasonable.

    The solution here is to either enforce or relax her boundary. It's not forcing her partner to be unhappy so she can feel better. Likely this means breaking up. Possibly this means sex therapy.

    I understand that there's a whole conversation around whether or not porn should be “okay” and I recognise how it often affects people and their sex lifes. But OP can't force her opinions on someone. He needs to make up his mind about it himself and find someone that shares his beliefs.

  2. I’ve found in my admittedly limited experience, that how long you last can change from a number of factors: stress, attraction, general sex drive, happiness etc. There is more to sex than penetration. Romance and Foreplay are big factors. And if you finish a bit pre-maturely postplay is an option.

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