EllyClark live webcams for YOU!


DEEPTHROAT [199 tokens remaining]

Date: December 28, 2022

40 thoughts on “EllyClark live webcams for YOU!

  1. You can look for a guy that likes giving you flowers once in a while or do other romantic gestures. You cannot pick a guy who does not like that kind of stuff and expect them to change for you. Also buying your bf flowers is a bit ridiculous, most men do not really appreciate flowers that much, I don't at least.

    You could clearly tell him “hey Mr, I want to get flowers once in a while and that is really important to me. This is a small gesture for you and a big deal for me.”

  2. Don't overthink this. You're reading tea leaves, looking for signs to ease things for you, to take the fear out.

    Pulling petals from a flower saying “he likes me, he likes me not”.

    We don't know either.

    You don't have to ask him, and you can also try to be subtle about it if that feels right to you. You gotta be yourself, after all. You can introduce the subject and be indirect: what kind of girls do you like? Do you have a crush on anyone? These things are available to you as well. You might find the way he answers gives you a gut feeling, but again, the easiest way to know is to be a little more assertive

  3. Hello /u/Farmand420,

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  4. Thanks. Yeah, we have talked about it some but it is hard because her priorities seem to change pending on the week or month or what she has going on at work and I just am in a constant state of I don’t know… I feel like I’m constantly playing defense and have to be aware of her mood or I’ll get blind sided and wrecked because I didn’t see something coming. Not sure that makes any sense.

    Sometimes I just want to give up and tell her… look you win I fully submit… because it would be easier than trying to keep up with her.

  5. I’d take this moment to position yourself accordingly. You guys rushed this— acknowledge that you’re in the midst of taking control of your life back and how conflicting this is.

  6. It’s like I’m helping him and all my hard work is going nowhere . I’m frustrated at this point , and I’m realizing his lack of responsibility financially is becoming something hugely unattractive.

    What incentive does he have to get his act together? He's a grown man who has you to take care of him and make every adult decision for him.

    He's not going to change. In fact, it's likely that he'll get worse if you do get married. Do you want to be holding his hand like a child's for the rest of your life?

  7. People are having a pretty harsh reaction, at the end of the day it's your decision. You are unhealthy, if you think he's just giving you a reason to get healthy go for it. If you think he's being insincere and superficial don't. I don't know him so I can't say what his intentions were.

  8. Why would intimacy turning into sex be it “devolving”. That's such negative framing. Sex is not some gross thing like his gf wants him to believe. It's not a “devolve” to go from cuddling to sex, it's a transition, hell for most people it's an upgrade.

  9. Thing is, most guys these days don't know how to do that off the bat, so it takes them a couple rejections to get the hang of it.

  10. Thing is, most guys these days don't know how to do that off the bat, so it takes them a couple rejections to get the hang of it.

  11. The secret to picking up women is paying for more of my classes. Drives them crazy when they find out, especially your mom.

  12. But It wouldn't explain the 4 random house address that were searched for. Nor is there a cabin at all in said forrest. Maybe he is doing something sexual with these man but just like anything else I have no proof of something at all really.

  13. Why are you texting your therapist that she's pretty and WHY isn't your therapist immediately shutting that shit down?

    Your gf needs getting rid of but you need to seriously reconsider your relationship with your therapist as well

    He didn't. He had joked with his friends that his therapist was pretty. He didn't write things out well, it's in the 4th paragraph.

  14. There's nothing inherently wrong with needing outside perspective every once in a while, but this can easily be achieved without bad-mouthing or sharing private details, i.e. things said in explicit or implicit confidence.

    Does your girlfriend talk to you about your relationships problems as well?

    When she talks to her friends about them, does she do so carefully, constructively and with respect for you and your relationship?

    My partner and I keep our disagreements mostly private. They are between him and I after all, not between us and our respective friends, and the only people who can resolve them are ourselves. We make an effort to talk things through with each other and keep the other in the loop about what is going on in our heads.

    If I ever do find myself needing an outside perspective on something, I might address it with one friend whom I trust to be at least semi-objective and I will take care to not paint my partner in a negative light or share too many details.

    Think along the lines of the difference between telling all your friends “My partner is a lazy fuck who never does anything around the house ever and I'm so sick of him lately” and asking someone “I struggle with our division of household chores lately. Have you ever felt that way, and if yes, what worked for you to improve it?”

  15. Personally, I find this completely in Best Man's territory. If it was me, I would be outside, and when if he shows up inappropriately, he is separated and explained. I might even go do far as having a nice suit ready for his change and an extra set of hands to help me help him.

  16. Good luck trying to ever repair your relationship with your daughter. Will you leave your new kids with your current husband when you meet a new guy who doesn't want kids either?

    Your daughter is better off. Better for her to learn now that you are pathetic than later.

  17. Oh no no no. End the relationship. There are SO MANY other good men out there. Don’t stay with this loser.

  18. Why don’t you want to damage your friendship with her? She clearly has no issue doing so.

    However, your boyfriend needs to shut this shit down immediately. A quick message from him to tell her that it would be massively inappropriate for him to accept her offer of meeting to drink without you and that he respects your relationship too much to cross that boundary would go an awfully long way.

    I really think you need to at minimum keep this girl at arms length. Her past is not your problem to be frank, and it doesn’t give her a free pass to be a terrible “friend”.

  19. A Chinese proverb days : choose a wife with conversation over a wife with beauty. Because when you'll get old, that is all that will remain.

    He does the right choice. Recognize it : he loves you, and not for pure sexual desire.

    And to be frank, the title of your post is not what the co tent of the conversation tells. He font tell you are ugly . He tells your soul is more important for him than your body. Have you an idea how many women dream of having a men giving such a thing? You are free to get old with him.

  20. He was probably bluffing to get you to contact him and since it didn't work, he stopped trying.

    Lock down your credit in case he does have some old documents.

  21. You’re 21. There’s very little chance you’re spending the rest of your life with him. Let this behaviour demonstrate why

  22. Boundaries are about the way that you take care of yourself. Boundaries are not a way to control other people. No one is saying that OP cannot leave his girlfriend or do whatever he feels he needs to do to take care of himself if he is that uncomfortable with her cuddling with platonic friends. However, if he is going to use that boundary as a hope to change her behavior or whatever it might do him some good to examine why he feels the way he does and if he is here asking why he is being homophobic I’m going to explain it to him. And let’s not sit here, and pretend, like statistically queer folk are as predatory as straight men. Yes, there are some bad things that happen in the community, but for most part consent is respected way fucking more than in straight relationships so if you want to go that angle no it’s not an equality thing

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