Ellina-Rowe live webcams for YOU!


SLOPPY BLOW JOB [189 tokens remaining]

Date: October 6, 2022

28 thoughts on “Ellina-Rowe live webcams for YOU!

  1. I thought about that at first, but then you read the conclusion of that thought process “I don’t think i know how to navigate” and “looks exactly like my husband (…) it kind of makes me want to cry” and it makes me think of how much more difficult it would be knowing someone else has a biological kid with your partner when you want to but can never have that with them.

    It is still necessary to say it, just in case.

  2. This sounds some much like grooming that I can't help but wonder about your relationship and your mental health in this relationship. Maybe your friends see that too.

    I would go to a individual therapist and discuss this with them first. I would not try to discuss this with your bf.

    Please do this. Grooming can happen by manipulating you without your being aware of it. Please talk with a therapist about this.

  3. I think it's possible that we don't have all the information. My wife used to be extremely jealous because of past trauma. When she would come at me with a new accusation, I would suggest we go to therapy. We truly learned a lot and learned to communicate really well.

    Maybe this is common enough that he wants to find out why that lack of trust is there. Or maybe it's how she approached confronting him.

  4. If your wife is jealous of someone who’s about to die, that’s whack. I would just state it as a fact, I’m going to say goodbye to someone I care about for the last time. Deal with it

  5. What does your boyfriend say? Have you talked to him about how you feel unwelcome? It sounds like the mother might not like you, but are you sure? Sisters can be initially very possessive and jealous and come around; they can also just be permanently toxic. Do you have a feeling which it is?

  6. But with a coworker? Sounds like a small company. That is very awkward but you keep doing it. I don't think it's a good idea to do that where you work. If HR gets a whiff of that there could be even more trouble. I would end things with that guy. The terminate the pregnancy is something only you and the baby's father can decide so I will not say what you should do but it seems like your family is not on your side with keeping it. When you have a child you need lots of help and a parent's assistance is necessary. Good luck.

  7. Okay yeah no, it's really weird that he keeps insisting on this then. What's so bad about listening to you here? Just because what, then he doesn't get his way exactly how he wants it?

    If this breaks the relationship…it wasn't really about the dog. Sometimes things that break relationships seem small by themselves, but the real issue is why they weren't able to be resolved.

    It's not stupid and small to want to be with someone who's willing to listen to you about shit that could so easily be resolved (and cost him nothing) if he approached it cooperatively.

  8. If you’re going to stay with him, stop internalizing his preference. His preoccupation with vulvas is weird. That doesn’t mean you need to cover up if that isn’t your preference. I would also stop bringing it up if I had no plans to leave. I don’t bring up my weight to my husband. He either accepts it or doesn’t.

  9. The Mother of the child works two days a week. She also needs to put her child first and supply what their child needs. He shouldn’t enable the mother to take advantage of him. I say this because breaking up separating and then asking him to pay over the required child support and provide living expenses for an adult is selfish and taking advantage of him.

    She changed the status of their relationship but doesn’t want to be uncomfortable or make any changes to her living situation ( working more hours).

  10. I am old fashion person. To me if the dude is not mentioning marriage, he is not committed to having kids. I need legal protection before having kids with a dude.

  11. He’s way too old for you. DO NOT have a baby with this guy. You will end up a single mother or in a bad situation.

  12. Based on your post, it doesn’t seem like your boyfriend wants to spend much time with you at all. And it’s strange that given this, he wanted to commit.

    I don't think it's THAT strange. Breaking up because of an incompatibility like this is hard. The guy probably DOES really like her for who she is. In his mind, she's a great partner. He just, as you said, needs less of her. In his mind he still wants to be with her though and doesn't realise this is something that likely can't be “fixed”.

    You see it all the time with things like mismatched libido as well. It can really hurt to break up with someone when everything is fine but you're just incompatible. A lot of people try to convince themselves that either they or their partner will change, and end up trying to push through as a result. Which sadly usually ends in resentment.

  13. Some questions have very manipulative undertones. Asking why he had to post about being happy can seem like “why don't you miss me” and he's specifically trying to be happy and selfish right now. He has that right. She does, too. I wouldn't want to deal with my ex complaining I wasn't making them happy by being happy, either.

  14. I fully agree with you. Some people just don't realize this is only a small part of our relationship. She's my best friend and the kindest person I've known.

    Going to therapy again and/or taking meds aren't out of the picture. If we can't work it out by ourselves, then I'll have to resort to those.

  15. And yet, he is still with her. Wonder how many idiots he has said are his soul mates over those years of cheating?

  16. And you know what should've happened when her DAD, who she was close to, got ill? You should've been there to support her. You should've been protecting her from your in-laws. You should've chosen to not fund either of their colleges. You shouldn't have ignored her wish to finish school just because she rebelled in her teenage years. You should've been both parents to children who had none thanks to you.

    Most of all, you seem to hate her because she's outspoken and independent, whereas your affection for your son is based on the fact that he's quiet and obedient. That's shitty for you to do as a parent, choose a favourite because of how much they let you walk all over them.

    And now suddenly, after two posts whining about how she doesn't listen to anyone or anything and she has so much attitude and is very opinionated, you come here and want to convince us that she's so helpless and naive that she's being influenced by her husband? Do you think we're as dumb as you are?

    And I do see a psychopath in this post, but it's not your daughter, it's you. No empathy for someone who came from you? No empathy for the hard life she had to live because of your selfishness? No happiness for how her life has worked out despite everything you did to prevent it? Seems psychopathic to me.

  17. The literal first step is proving them wrong.

    You need to let yourself get angry.

    Not “please stop,” angry. You need to let yourself get to “FUCK OFF, I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU AS A PERSON” angry.

    You've repressed all your anger into a sword, pointing inward. Healthy anger is a sword that sits in its sheath until it's necessary.

    Atm, you're committing emotional seppuku.

  18. „let“ seems like an odd word when he says in the post his Father wrestled him and pinned him down.

  19. People believe they can't find themselves if they are with someone else but that's total bullshit unless your partner is a total control freak. everyone has time to do their own thing. if anything I say it gives you more freedom to find things you enjoy and only comes into conflict when your values don't match on a fundamental level.

    If you wish to pursue this relationship she needs to come home now! “Finding myself” is trigger words. So she very well Damm be ready for a Confession, not an interview a confession, she has to lay herself bare to you on what she did this two days.

    After that you both need to have a deep and long conversation to address your issues.

    I will also ask where the hell she got the idea that it was a good thing to leave what seems a good and healthy relationship if it's media, or people, and cut them off.

  20. I’m leaning towards the fact that he’s a predator but I also am thinking about my own discover page which is filled with toddlers and babies because I have a 1 year old and like and comment on a lot of baby related stuff. However, nothing is sexual about any of it obviously, just kids saying their first word or wobbling next to their pet dog or something lol. So the fact that the posts it’s meant to be sexual says a LOT, and that you should definitely leave bc if it were just like innocent pics of baby girls it would make sense bc he probably was excited for having a baby girl but yeah, this don’t sound normal.

  21. You get a UTI when pathogenic bacteria enters your urethra. The most common way this happens in a woman is when colonic bacteria (the bacteria from your rectum) tracks its way up to your urethra.

    This can happen at any time, but during anal sex it’s common. If, for instance, someone were to finger a person and then rub their clitoris, that’s a very direct way to transfer bacteria from one place to the next. It’s not something that only happens when a person immediately follows anal sex with vaginal sex.

  22. Well you started going out with a single bloke but now it’s a bloke with a kid. It’s up to you if you want to continue the relationship.

    I love the sexism that makes guys pieces of shit if they don’t consider single parent mothers as partners. Everyone here is saying that a single parent father is a no go.

    I would look at how your bf handles this situation and if he is a good father. Speaks volumes to whether you ever had kids or not.

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