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Drew live sex chat

Date: October 6, 2022

31 thoughts on “Drew the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Yet. Very suspicious that it happened when he came home early so obviously you weren't counting on him walking I'm. Would you have done that if he was due home?

  2. Does he just randomly mention things about other women or is he giving them attention?

    Do you have a strong intimate relationship?

  3. As someone who's 10 years your junior, grow up.

    You're upset because she doesn't say “too”? Your upset because she puts her 2 year old daughter first?

    Are you seriously 42? You sound like a teenager.

  4. No….you don't “love” him. If it were authentic “love” you would have

    found a productive and supportive way to accept him as he defined himself.

    You didn't. Nor did he make an efforts to accept You…from your report.

    IMVVHO I think you both just wanted a common reference point between

    you as you went out and experiemented socially. Thats not awful or

    terrible….you used him and he used you….as a kind of “safe place” for

    when things went sideways somewhere else.

    What you had served its purpose. Time to move-on to something

    more mature and authentic. It won't be with This guy. FWIW.

  5. It took 30 seconds of googling to find the same non-invasive tests offered in the UK. What you're talking about is how they used to do things, but the current maternal blood test for DNA screening and paternity testing is by no means brand new or restricted to the states.

  6. I wouldn’t say informing someone of disrespect in their relationship is drama. It will lead to drama, but OP has clean hands if they choose to do that.

  7. Because practically, many trans people are not safe enough to disclose that information to someone they don't know enough about yet. Too many trans people are assaulted or murdered for doing just that, and I don't think you can blame any of them for being hesitant to disclose.

    This guy is an asshole though, because at the point of the act is not an appropriate time!

  8. Yeah she should never have said that.

    It’s okay to have fantasies like that. She could have easily said she has fantasies of being with multiple men WITHOUT naming your specific friend.

    The reason it’s troubling is because there is a real world possibility of John and her having an affair.

    Not saying she would, but they know and see each other. So planting that seed of doubt is not a good idea. Even if she would never actually do it.

    I would 100% address that. I would say,

    “listen I’m happy we’re having such open conversation, but hearing you talk about our mutual friend in a sexual way makes me very insecure. I don’t want to think of our friend that way. “

    Also you can’t sweat her getting herself off. While not having sex with you.

    You already figured out that she needs to be dated more and that sparked things in the bed room.

    This is so common. Women need to be dating weekly. You have to always treat them like you’re trying to win them over. They need to love and attention. It almost always translates into a healthy bedroom.

    But yeah I don’t know if I’d have a word with John too or not. Maybe just hash it out with your wife first and make sure that shit is not more than a fantasy.

  9. She is probably upset that she has a husband who does not care enough to investigate even after giving clear hints that cheating happened and is probably still going on.

    Expecting her to confess without you doing your part to find evidence of her cheating is just poor form.

  10. Well, they disappear for long periods of time. Sure, everyone's got their own things going on, but I don't see the difficulty in checking up on your friends even when you have your own things going on, y'kno?

    Problem is, I still make the time for them, but they don't seem to do the same for me, which honestly gives off the impression that they don't care enough.

  11. Yeaaaa, a lot of early 20 year olds are just as immature as 18 year olds in college. Mentally they aren't that far off.

    I know my ass wasn't. Lmao

    But I would also loathe dorming with anyone 18-23 as I'm in my 30's. Hypothetically.

  12. If money isn't an issue and your husband is too unhappy to do chores, then hire a cleaner to come in twice a week and get ready meals. Maybe that will relieve some of the pressure on you so you can be more emotionally supportive, if that's what you want. It sounds like you have way too much pressure on you at the moment.

  13. For what it’s worth, I’m a professional of similar age in a different country who works part time by choice, and the fact that it makes me so much happier makes it worth it for me. If it’s as life changing for you as it is for me I don’t think you should give that up for anyone. There are women like me who would easily understand it, I’m sure there are some in Germany too!

    Besides if you compromise something this big for another person you may end up resenting them. She doesn’t get to dictate what kind of reason you need for living your life the way you want to.

    Also concerning is that it seems like she wants you to arrange your life according to her goals. I think you should sit down as a couple and work out what you both really want so that you can be on the same page. Her dream is not more important than yours. Certainly if you want children, working part time will only make more sense.

  14. I think it would be good for me to talk quieter (now that I know it apparently pisses everyone off)

    While it’s nice to be considerate of those around you, I don’t think you’ve received enough feedback to know it pisses “everyone” off. Unless people have been telling you similar things your whole life, you know it bothers a whole ONE person, which leads me to believe it’s really a him problem.

    I dated a guy in college who let me know he didn’t like that I had a more dominant personality than him. He was quiet and mellow. I am not. We didn’t date very long. I decided to find someone who, you know, likes me.

    Don’t let what one 19 year old boy said change who you are. You’re young. There’s plenty of boys to date and plenty of them will love that you’re an outspoken leader. Those are GOOD qualities.

  15. Yes, it would be a bit inappropriate, especially if he got the wrong signal when you invite him, and he ends up thinking it's a date or something.

  16. OP Reading your updates I can tell you took the right decision, once again you tried to be yhe bigger person and offer her advice buy she is so focused into justifying her behavior that she is hurting herself and your family is only enabling this behavior.

    You can took a horse to the water buy can't force it to drink, there is no more you can do to improve this situation and I better to remove yourself because they decided to turn you into the scapegoat instead of seeing who is the real POS here (your ex).

    Time to focus on your own mental health and move on from them, purge your social media removing all the unverified contact and set your social.media to private, block them all except your brother and focus on your own happiness, ask your brother to please do not give you or give them updates about you or about them, you don't need this level of negativity in your life.

  17. You're lying by omission. The things he's saying are kinda creepy and off putting but at least it's not false advertisement lol.

  18. Exactly! The translation of what he said was that her servitude is what makes this a relationship. It doesn’t matter if that’s what he actually meant (he will argue until his dying day that it’s not want he meant, even while he won’t be able to explain it any other way); that’s exactly what he said.

  19. Over 50% more pay would make most people tolerate quite a lot. Financial stress is one of the leading causes for divorce

  20. You do have different values.

    I hate to say it, but it’s a different world for men and women when it comes to picking up hitchhikers. Women are more likely to be prone to violence, and that’s not even bringing in your actual lives experience you’ve already had.

    It sounds like to me, you would LOVE to help people if it weren’t for the possible threat to your livelihood. Instead of recognizing that, your bf is more concerned with his own philosophical ideals of altruism instead of the very real need to protect your well being.

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