DelinaLevis live webcams for YOU!


DelinaLevis Public Chat Channel

Date: October 13, 2022

12 thoughts on “DelinaLevis live webcams for YOU!

  1. chatgpt:

    It's unfair and inaccurate to say that all men cheat. People of all genders can be faithful and loyal partners. There are many men born after 1990 who have never cheated and never will. Attracting a cheater has more to do with the individual's own behavior and choices than with their gender or the year they were born. It's not true that most attractive men enjoy having multiple romantic options. In fact, many people value monogamy and commitment in their relationships.

  2. Do you plan on doing that shit again? Are you trying to lose everything you have, your home, your family, your friends, for some ass?

  3. Put it to test, leave your wallet in the car and tell her you forgot it, see her reaction. Also next time instead of gifts, give her things to do as a couple, like a massage, if she gets mad, or looks disappointed, You're not her boyfriend, you're her sugar daddy and you know what to do

  4. Ok and it’s not your life? Do you think you’re some sort of moral god? Are you gonna try and fuck up all of your sisters relationships from now on? Every time she dates you gonna call him up because you FEEL like she will eventually cheat? I don’t get why you think you’re some sort of superior person going around deciding things for people. It’s not your place. Are you in love with the bf? You don’t know if she will cheat or not is a fact. You can’t read the future. Stay in your lane unless she actually does something. I hope she cuts you out of her life completely.

  5. ive done this to alot of people, not just only her but i guess she took it personally

    i just unfollowed because i dont care what my ex peers have going on anymore, also i felt like i was putting more effort in my friendships with them more than they did with me. i understand we are all grown ups but even as grown ups we still need to maintain a friendship but im always the one reaching out to them, or telling them happy holidays or just checking on them. I felt like i was doing all the work to keep a friendship going knowing that they didnt do the same.

    edit: i still have love for all of them and wish them nothing but the best, before i used to be so angry and shady but id just remove myself entirely

  6. I hope she says we're done and then gets her stuff back and blocks him. No anytime else, he doesn't deserve to see her be sad. As far as he knows she'd moved on immediately

  7. Well it’s a tough situation. You love the previous version of her. But do you love how she is treating you now? Try to be mindful of the sunk cost fallacy. Best of luck.

  8. He's emotionally cheating on you. Some people may not see that as cheating, but the simple fact of the matter is he is sharing what should be between you two only with somebody else.

    He doesn't think he's doing anything wrong, so odds are he isn't going to take any steps to remedy the situation.

    Tbh, and I'm sorry to say, it sounds like you are nothing more than a rebound to him.

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