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Daisyy_Ducklive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Daisyy_Ducklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She's the only person that knows his behavior and once again people on this sub routinely post about all the ways they ignore and deflect red flags. Not sure why you're reacting so strongly to what is effectively a simple checklist. Not trying to jerk myself off but I easily pass this test in my relationship with my wife and I wouldn't be butthurt if someone asked her these questions because I know how she'd answer. Unless OP's BF is a secret dick bag there's nothing to be upset about here.

  2. Look up what being a “little” is. She may be trying to coax you into it slowly without coming out and saying it.

    It's a link where one is acts child(sub) like and the other is the dom. Can flip roles too.

  3. I'm a feminist so it's not like I don't support what women fought for, etc. I just simply forgot/didn't know.

    Last I checked, nobody fights for a special day of recognition. It's rights, equality and not “this is my day to be special”.

    I snapped back again and told her that if I had to tell her happy women's day then why didn't she tell me happy black history month

    You know what, I still appreciate this – the difference here, I think, is that even if you had wanted to celebrate it and she didn't do anything – would you have gotten upset like she has and acted this way?

    In my opinion, this all just seems like childish behaviour on her behalf and she does have a track record of starting arguments because she's bored.

    So first of all – yes, it is. You don't see anyone Irish getting riled up because someone isn't celebrating St Paddy's day. It's considered perfectly fine if you don't want to celebrate other religion's special days but still respecting that those who follow them, do. Etc.

    Second – if she has a history of acting like this, is it something that you want to continue to experience? You need to talk to her about this as if this spills into tomorrow and she pettliy makes your Birthday hell all because of this? That goes to show the level she'll dip to over a….well, nothing.

    Any advice on how to deal with this argument? It just seems really petty to me but I guess I am just a man so maybe I dont truly understand.

    Friend, your “being a Man” doesn't mean a thing.

    The way you should handle this is to keep your head and handle it responsibly, maturely. Say you want to speak to her and have a reasonable conversation about it – not an argument, no shouting, not being unpleasant.

    She will have an opportunity to help you understand her perspective on this, but it needs to be a 2-way thing where you can then put across how she's made you feel, what your perspective is and where to go from there.

    If she can't get over the fact that you didn't celebrate something which she clearly hasn't spoken to you about before, nor expressed her wish to celebrate it and most importantly communicated it to you by losing her temper and shouting and generally making it an argument. This is while, importantly, you maintained your cool for the most part and only snapped back when she continued to give you grief, even after you apologised.

    Sounds to me like she just wants drama and arguments – not to actually talk about it with you, help you understand it's important to her and wishes for you to celebrate it etc

    Heck, irony is the day is to celebrate women's achievements and contributions to the world from societal to cultural and economical etc – not to treat her like a celebrity for a day and tell her well done for being a woman, which is how I read this as her wanting to treat it. It's for everyone, not just her.

  4. You could ask him if hes open to hiring a cleaner as its his house too, but he'd probably make requirements about you tidying up a bit better in the future. Which i think would be fair.

    I think its best if you talk to him about these issues and see what his thoughts on it are, if he's willing to help you or ways you can come up with to change. Maybe you both clean together? Making the cleaning supplies in view near the messes so you dont have to go back and forth tidying a large space?

    I have issues tidying because of my autism so i keep all my cleaning supplies close by. I also have someone either start tidying up and i join in later or they help me with it together. Its gotten better with help, so maybe you can come up with a way that helps both of you?

  5. Because it doesn't always work. I've told people I'm married before and showed them my ring and they still followed me to my car and blocked my door, while insisting on me taking their number. Sometimes it's the easiest way to avoid a potentially dangerous situation.

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